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Everything posted by RaZe

  1. RaZe

    2 Questions about Exiled-Bot

    Enable Pickit/ configure pickit to sell everything Bot chickens... (logs out before it dies ) there's default settings and settings u can adjust... Dunno what more to say, maybe donate so you can read some guides? This is pretty basic stuff imo..
  2. RaZe

    2 Questions about Exiled-Bot

    Yes to both questions.
  3. RaZe

    Bot sold my stashed items?

    You've most likely been hacked. The only thing bot takes out from the Stash is Maps.
  4. RaZe

    Misclick issue when opening stash??

    You just said there's a fix for it, So Dxtory and limiting your FPS worked? Because you did not mention that in the shoutbox, you said it did have no effect on it. Kinda confusing
  5. RaZe

    Misclick issue when opening stash??

    alkpone has located the issue. I think I had the belt thingy aswell
  6. RaZe

    exiled bot can run in 64bit only?

    btw I would really like to see some screenshots / videos of u botting with Windows XP 64 Bit. Because as far as I know ur the only one who managed to do this EVER.
  7. RaZe

    exiled bot can run in 64bit only?

    windows vista, windows 7, windows 8 32 bit and 64 bit.
  8. RaZe

    Bot Program never lunches.

    Think we just fixed this over teamviewer. Atleast I had no problem to open the bot on ur computer.
  9. RaZe

    needed some help with VM

    download another Windows ISO and Vmware tools with be automaticly installed.
  10. sounds like u want the tradespammer
  11. RaZe

    [Guide] Skill configuration

    @Walt Thanks for reply but your guide is outdated and would only cause confusion. In case you havent noticed the numbers have changed, 45 now equals the old 450. That's why I made this post in the first place. Because many users probably used ur guide and put in those huge numbers!
  12. RaZe

    How to setting bot go to waste pool map Please.

    Bot does waste pool by default. Just check in ur exiled bot folder > maps > defauld.ipd (open in notepad) // disables the line and removing the "//" enables the line.
  13. RaZe

    Mirror @_@

    3 from bots 1 from playing legit, in 2+ years Good luck
  14. go to the guide section of the forums
  15. RaZe

    Building a new rig...

    Computers are cool and it's braggin rights all the way having a overkill system. Don't be jealous dynasto:) the computer says: gimme the money!
  16. RaZe

    Building a new rig...

    Well Nvidia graphic cards has huge problems with Vmware. So it's a gamble buying them for PoE botting rigs. I switched out my GTX to Radeon and was able to run 8 bots compared to 4 bots that would crash on my GTX. Other then that, you dont need two graphic cards And the rest is good. In reality thats a 12+ bot system
  17. RaZe

    Issue selling items (bot hangs/locks)

    Just gotta make sure that everyone that have this issue tried this: " Added key "item_vendor_delay" to system.ini, it's used to define the time for bot to wait between each click on item while selling to vendor. " Idea that came to mind. Try to run game in Predictive Network mode (Path of Exile Options , UI ) Change from lockstep to Predictive. Lockstep is on by default, and I don't think it's to good for botting.
  18. RaZe

    Issue selling items (bot hangs/locks)

    The temporary solution would be to turn off pickit until it get's fixed I guess :/
  19. RaZe

    [Guide] Skill configuration

    no no did you read the guide at all? Melee from 0-20 and ranged from 0-35 (+)
  20. RaZe

    [Guide] Skill configuration

    !!! Warning!!! If you look at OLDER skill config guides they will have higher min / max Range, this system was reworked so if you use an older guide make sure you dont use the same min / max distance numbers;explantion below ; My way is that Main skill has Priority 9 and Secondary skill lower then 9 (movement for example 5-6 priority, curses / eunduring cry 5-6 priority aswell. You can always reverse this with main skill as 1-2 priority, you can twist and turn on skill configuration as much as you want. I'll cover the basics here. So the skill system has been changed. That means that when you put ur skill to 500 max distance it means 5000 theese days. The numbers has been lowered. so 50 Max distance equals the old 500 Max Distance. 120(thats waay off screen ) is probably the longest distance I would use on blood rage for example, and 40 is probably the highest I would use for spectral throw. Hope this post makes a clear understanding on what happend to the skill system Ok so here are some examples i've tested and work; Left mouse button set to the skill called " Move only " in game Picture HERE Left Mouse is the pathing of the bot, you may tro activate Shift click for movement in the Bot GUI with skills like Leap Slam / Whirling Blades for this on ur own. Also Left mouse button works if ur using multiple ranged skills like 2+ ranged skills with a bow for example. My Settings: Right mouse button :Earthquake/ Dual Strike etc (Any Melee skill exept Cyclone, dont use CYCLONE) : 0 min distance 15 - 20 max distance & 9 priority //// Ice Crash probably needs 0 min / 15 Max distance. Middle mouse button : Movement skills ; Leap slam / Flicker strike / Shield Charge / Lightning Warp etc : 0 min distance 35 max distance & 7 priority ( can have cooldown on 200 - 500 MS if you like , look at your skill how much Cooldown it has) . Q W E R or T for Auras Set the desired button in game and set your skill in the bot settings to Auras "Yes" That's all for Auras, no min / max distance or priority required for auras. Same for golems. There's a setup for Golems aswell in the bot skill setting. Set to your button and click Yes in the bot settings. You can also make bot to recast a specific skill like Righteous Fire / Blood Rage / Tempest Shield if you click that option on your specific key. E for Enduring Cry 25 min distance max distance 40 and 6 priority with 7000ms cooldown (Will work for Curses Aswell) I will come up with improved samples. Remember to check out other forum posts for inspiration. It everything depends on what build you want to run Melee / Ranged , What type of skill. This is just the basics. These are just the examples to get you going. It's up to you to find the right cooldown and the ultimate settings for your character. Everything is different for each individual & build. This should be a good base to start from! And it should work pretty well! If your a ranged character you should start at 25+ max range. To find out what is pleasing for you. If you want to play around with the settings then you can use F12 to Pause / Start Bot F11 To reload the settings you change in the settings. Makes it easier and quick to find out what skill settings you want to use. Hope it helped! Or gave some inspiration atleast. Feel free to share your skill settings for your specific builds in here also for inspiration to other users. Check out jps42 awesome guide for Flame Totem with skill config and everything HERE Will be updated soon with screenshots and colors! Will probably rewrite the whole thing.
  21. RaZe

    how to setup bot use skill only

    depends on if ur ranged or melee.
  22. is flicker strike ur main skill or secondary attack? need to know that before I give you the settings.
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