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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by RaZe

  1. RaZe

    "buy designer a beer" option

    set idle in town. do a fresh install of the bot, dont copy paste any files from earlier versions. Never heard about the idle function beeing greyed out.
  2. Check this picture on how to fix language. Scroll down til you find this :
  3. RaZe

    infinite loop TP over WayPoint

    for now just advance to act 2 and farm southern forest, wich is way better then ledge to farm in.
  4. RaZe

    Bot Not Re-Rolling already Magic map mods

    Doesnt this just happen with maps that are already magic? Correct me if im wrong. In either case it should be fixed Just have a memory that if maps that already are magical and identified bot doesnt reroll them. So I always prerolled my maps magical and rare to avoid this. Way more efficient to preroll maps manually then let the bot deal with it, it just looks weird.
  5. RaZe

    Scour map syntax?

    ye not a good idea to use scouring / chaos for rare maps, better preroll a bunch urself if u wanna do rare ones.
  6. RaZe

    bot crashs when joining corrupted area

    bot offsets after update has to be updated
  7. RaZe

    v0.56m can't find map in stash

    atm with all the bugs on bot atm bot is high risk.
  8. RaZe

    v0.56m can't find map in stash

    same here been like this for over a month without a fix
  9. RaZe

    Reset map on chicken-on-sight

    "; Bot will always find and kill map unique bosses first before going back to town. single_level_exploration=1" config.ini change default value to 0 one solution. "; Monster absurd hp value, if value get higher monster will be ignored absurd_monster_hp_value=8000000" can play around with this from system.ini instead of using chicken on sight , could be another solution? or combine both like i do
  10. Well done I reproduced this easy np had this for along time and still no fix.
  11. RaZe

    Hello all :D

    Hi welcome and yes this bot can use all versions of PoE
  12. RaZe

    0.56f aura problem

    yep been like this for along time. can reproduce it sometimes if you have auras activated and Stop / Start the bot with auras activated, sometimes it will fail to put all auras on. solution for now is to set for example 10000 ms cooldown on auras maybe anyone has some suggestions i havent rly tested it but fairly sure it should work. problem is that my bots usually never chicken hehe.
  13. RaZe

    Realism Tweaks

    What does many botters spend money on buy currency? Kinda defeats the purpose of botting at all.
  14. RaZe

    Realism Tweaks

    +1 for humanizing the bot.
  15. better buy the bot and learn to play
  16. RaZe


    Any question ? Click here before asking ! (GREEN BOX ABOVE CHAT)
  17. RaZe

    [resolved] bot stuck in a loop

    Yep should not happen though, bot supposed go farm zones (dried lake / kaom / aqueducts etc ) when map criteria is not met. Ending up in a loop like this sucks.
  18. RaZe

    [resolved] bot stuck in a loop

    Figured it out.. If you have Enable Map and Enable Hideout on, or Just Enable Hideout. Bot will loop from town to hideout, town to hideout. If your bot is out of maps this will occur and even without Maps and hideout enabled bot will do this.
  19. RaZe

    0.56c Bot getting stuck in town.

    Starting to believe you are running out of maps to run? And when bot is out of maps to run, you loop from hideout to town hideout to town because bot fails to go to a zone (like dried lake for example) because you have enable maps and enable hideout on. Only way I managed to reproduce this. Just taking a guess here since you failed to give any additional information regarding your issue. If run you zones, dont use hideout.
  20. RaZe

    [resolved] bot stuck in a loop

    Got the same problem, no solution to the problem yet.
  21. If you want to run bots only.. Get two computers instead of wearing one down. AMD systems is pretty decent for PoE Rigs and for under 1000bucks per computer you should easily be able to run 10 bots each. If you want to use the system for other stuff, get a high end Intel system. Be aware it's limited how many bots a Nvidia graphic can let you run In VMWare compared to AMD graphic cards. Also PoE botting rigs loves SSD HDD's . http://www.cpubenchmark.net/ I use this site to get most value for my bucks.
  22. If it works on Vmware and not on your host, then problem is on your Host Operating System. Must be something there causing the problem.
  23. Did you read the compendium, and install the software required to use Exiled-Bot?
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