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  7. Last week
  8. spazmcnasty

    Kalguur League - tier list

    Ima do minions!
  9. Kintaro

    Kalguur League - tier list

    those question would be for official POE forums and look out for youtube videos for new players.
  10. tmtzin

    Kalguur League - tier list

    sry i'm newbie in poe, can u give me a example? And have any tutorial for acts leveling? my character gets stuck on the map or dies and can't teleport to continue ty bro
  11. Kintaro

    Kalguur League - tier list

    too slow, you need AOE or chain for fast ^^
  12. tmtzin

    Kalguur League - tier list

    i'll try boneshatter, what u think about?
  13. Kintaro

    Kalguur League - tier list

    any melee ^^
  14. Kintaro

    Its normal not working

    the bot is updated and works now.
  15. spazmcnasty

    Kalguur League - tier list

    What are going to be the best builds for the bot in the upcoming league? Bored with my other games thought id mess around with poe for a couple weeks. Let me know thoughts!
  16. Bot version 0.95d has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95c: Fixed offsets for game version 3.24.3b. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95d.zip
  17. pathofexiledude

    Its normal not working

    got the same problem too the last run txt said: 2024-07-21 13:08:24 [info] -> Running state priority: 1 2024-07-21 13:08:24 [info] -> Idling... 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Running state priority: 1 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Idling... 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Running state priority: 1 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Idling... 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Running state priority: 1 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Idling... 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Running state priority: 1 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Idling... 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Running state priority: 1 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Idling... 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Running state priority: 1 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Idling... 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Running state priority: 1 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Idling... 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Running state priority: 1 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Idling... 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Running state priority: 1 2024-07-21 13:08:25 [info] -> Idling... 2024-07-21 13:08:26 [info] -> Running state priority: 1 2024-07-21 13:08:26 [info] -> Idling...
  18. Earlier
  19. Kintaro

    Its normal not working

    the lack of information is stunning. can you please explain me what the issue is?
  20. Kintaro

    Bot Update

    thank you very much! <3 forums are dead these days (like in general). come join discord ^^ . check readme for the link
  21. Youngblood

    Bot Update

    By no means was I being critical. I think your bot and your staff are amazing. I have totally enjoyed your product over the years.
  22. alkpone

    Bot Update

    https://exiled-bot.net/community/topic/34603-release-beta-version-v095c/ Sorry for delayed update
  23. Bot version 0.95c has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95b: Fixed offsets for game version 3.24.3. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95c.zip
  24. Kintaro

    Bot Update

    join discord for more support. an update was uploaded today.
  25. Youngblood

    Bot Update

    I am just curious about the future of this bot. I have not seen any updates and was wondering if this site and Bot has run its course. Please lets us know if the potential update will be coming. that's it! Have a great day. (-:
  26. Bot version 0.95b has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95: Bot should not stash 40 stack of scrolls anymore when max amount in inventory is reached. Bot will skip adding map in map device only if item inside is a map (so user can run bot preloading it with scarabs and wanted map). Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95b.zip
  27. h1209129


    正常 可以使用正常 可以使用
  28. 目前台服可以英文化嗎? 好像無法開啟? https://github.com/aianlinb/VisualGGPK2
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