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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by RaZe

  1. Any 32 bit process should work just an example Winrar 32 bit : http://rarlabs.com/download.htm
  2. RaZe

    [Guide] Skill configuration

    Just follow the guide it's all there. Set Heavy Strike to right mouse button and use the settings from the guide and voila it's done!
  3. RaZe

    [Guide] Skill configuration

    Glad I could help!
  4. RaZe

    "Missed" clicks

    tried to open ur system.ini (located in the Exiled Bot folder )with notepad and reduced the AI clicks per second and increased the area selection delay? item pickup delay, item vendor delay etc all in that file
  5. RaZe

    VMware and Main System Issue !Need Help!

    Could still be VPN related, internet speed doesnt matter at all if you have poor VPN services that take up everything for example Boxpn vpn service will fuck your internet up and the bots. Just had to say that. A friend of mine got 5mbit internet and 5 latency to Path of Exile. Because he lives close to the server, not because he's internet downloads slow
  6. RaZe

    Unable to view forum messages

    you have to change theme, forum is bugged after an upgrade it seems.
  7. RaZe

    Can't run Vaal Fragments

    After reading what you said in chat and this post I think you have all the knowledge you need and have to contact alkpone to report the bug. I'm sorry it doesnt work for you, it works for me I dont know why.
  8. RaZe

    [Guide] Skill configuration

    @yeti what is general attack range? never heard about that, did you set left mouse button like this?
  9. RaZe

    [Guide] Ranged attacks setup

    @kuske8888 If you want to make guides for specific builds please state so. Your Topic states a guide and you provded specific settings to a specific build. I can move this to my post if you wich to make more details on your build + settings. So people can get some inspiration.. This is no guide, this is a post regarding your settings to your specific build.
  10. RaZe

    Well, here i am.

    Hey and welcome Check out the Compendium https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/5216-compendium/ Incase your forgot to read it
  11. RaZe

    How do YOU bot?

  12. RaZe

    How do YOU bot?

    lol nice the OP has been a member longer then me even. GGG spy account?
  13. RaZe

    Bot not working in VM

    Make a VM without the Shared Options, install PoE and stuff old skool way for any new installed computer follow Compendium. Oh and make sure you downloaded the latest bot version. Cant really see the problem with my setup, or no way to reproduce what ur trying to say here. Bug reports has to be better then this.... Atleast mention what bot version you are running and what Game Version etc etc... ATLEAST.
  14. Hello thank you for taking your time to check the "Guide" section of the forums https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/5009-guide-skill-configuration/
  15. RaZe

    0.51d 8 hours of nothing

    and you have activated "always highlight items" and key pickup right?
  16. RaZe

    Cant Access main website?

    oh man sorry i didnt read that OP said buy at all, nevermind me. Think I need glasses
  17. RaZe

    Cant Access main website?

    what does that guide have to do with main website not loading? you linked a guide how to purchase a license key. hmm i still have problems with the exiled-bot.net website, been around for a while now. luckily forum works though
  18. RaZe


    more info, from hideout? running zones OR maps? etc
  19. Download 0.51B Read This https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/5216-compendium/ Set your skills up right. And you should be ready to go. If you are using 0.51b and steam, it will be fixed soon.
  20. RaZe

    [Guide] Skill configuration

    @Jagnasty better stick to 1 main attack skill and 1 movement skill like leap/flicker if ur running a dual wield build.. That comes with learning the game aswell. You dont need dual strike + cleave + whirling blades and leap slam at the same time
  21. RaZe

    Hey, I'm Krash from Mi

    @Walt and dynastyo whats up with bumping an old thread?
  22. RaZe

    0.50j Crash report

    to make a bug report please dont post ur license code in here. We only need the last lines in the timer and lastrun.log Somehow ur crash report contained your license code, and you posted it right into here for everyone. That would cause alot of problems if someone got the key before I removed it from the post.
  23. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Emperor's_Luck
  24. RaZe

    Several questions about setting

    1. If you feel that the bot has to curse every 5 seconds, thats up to you.......... 2. You can set the bot to run as you like. (most ppl do maps)
  25. RaZe

    Issue launching in VM

    install visual c++ 2010
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