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Everything posted by RaZe

  1. RaZe

    Mapping Problem v0.27.b,c,d

    Hey there just go to ur map settings and set "Single level exploration to 90 " and max explore % to 90.. Then it should go straight back to Hideout after missclicking a portal to an already cleared map. For some reason this happens if you have them set to 100.
  2. RaZe

    again the bot wont start

    Are you running Vmware ? If you're not using vmware please install it and windows 7 64bit, follow the guides in forum Elite guide section on how to set up Vmware and report back!
  3. RaZe

    again the bot wont start

    read the chat. I just gave you advice.
  4. I'll explain further why Cyclone sucks with the bot... "Cyclone moves to where you clicked at your move speed. Clicking further away from you means you will go further, but as soon as you start cycloning it cannot be stopped from your own and will continue until you have reached the final destination." Just by reading that you should understand that the mechanics of Cyclone does not fit for the bot. ( If you have runned the bot and see how the "pathing" works" Cyclone now attacks slightly slower and has an equivalent increase to damage. It now deals damage immediately when it is used, in addition to periodic damage. Cyclone no longer targets enemies, only locations. " Cyclone no longer targets enemies, only locations. " This basically means that Cyclone sucks even harder then pre 1.3.0 . Simply because of how the bot uses pathing and actually uses the mouse to target monsters. bot does not attack "locations" If you still think it's a good idea to use Cyclone, by all means I wont stop you. But I can assure you, it sucks. Other then that Cyclone is an awesome skill while playing solo. THE END
  5. RaZe

    Answer on whisper

    c:\Pathofexile\logs >>> open client.txt after you get banned and see if anyone whispered you before you got banned. I've been banned 15++ times not counting (test sacrifice accounts) and been whispered one time by admin. And I think they only did that because they where not sure on what I was doing, very long time ago though. Think they do it very rarily.
  6. Would not reccomend Cyclone with the bot. It's very buggy and you will get stuck very often.
  7. RaZe

    Client crashes/stops botting in VM frequently

    if PoE crashes it's probably something with ur graphic card causing it, search around on forums. for black screen / problem with gtx cards.
  8. RaZe

    EB wont get pass the char selection.

    0.26b doesnt work (maybe u did a typo?) but if u didnt get 0.27b https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/forum/1-exiled-bot-teams-releases/
  9. RaZe

    What happened to this bot?...

    Have you actually tried to attatch the bot to different 32 bit softwares at all? Also you need to be more detailed when you make a "bug report" because it wont be easy helping without any information on what you actually are doing and why it doesn't work... Seen very few complaints on 64bit Windows 7, a few on 32 bit os that is fixed at the moment.
  10. RaZe

    Won't recast auras...

    It happend to me for 3 months with or without gurud's multiscript. Can't remember last version that had proper aura handling regarding this issue. Kinda sucks to see my bot run without auras although I dont chicken to often with or without auras.
  11. RaZe

    Question on Mac Addresses

    You dont have to use TMAC. And by looking at those locations, im pretty sure you are using Private Internet Access VPN. Each time you reboot / get disconnected you will have to unlock ur code, this is what you get for using a VPN that gives you a dynamic IP address that changes locations around everywhere. Has nothing to do with TMAC sometimes when you reboot you might get lucky and get in the same IP range that you used earlier. The unlock thing is VPN related 100% and has nothing to do with TMAC. Those TMAC addresses has nothing to do with Netherlands. Solution: Get a VPN with a static IP address. To reduce the problem you could off course just uninstall TMAC but I firmly believe you will have this problem over 50% of the times you reboot ur computer or ur VPN disconnects. Could just be that TMAC disconnects ur VPN. You wrote: Your Path of Exile account has been locked because someone attempted to log in from a location that you don't typically play from - "Rosendaal, Gelderland, Netherlands". Your Path of Exile account has been locked because someone attempted to log in from a location that you don't typically play from - "N/A, N/A, Netherlands". And this is because you are using a VPN with a dynamic IP address. If you don't know what i'm trying to explain you here I suggest just uninstall TMAC connect to your VPN login to game / reboot computer login to VPN see if it says "changed location / unlock if it doesnt do it the first time, it surely will do it tomorrow or the day after that" because that's how rolling with a dynamic IP address is. Also each time you connect with TMAC ur internet connection will reconnect and the chances that ur location / ip range changes is pretty large each time you reconnect with a VPN service with a dynamic ip. To make that clear.
  12. RaZe

    Question on Mac Addresses

    You using a VPN? Because I never got "You are logging in from a new location" because of TMAC, only because of crap VPN's changing my IP / dropping and reconnecting in the blink of an eye caused You are logging in from a new location for me for example boxVPN will give you this crap because the VPN sucks and it's cheap, anything that's really cheap usually sucks. TMAC should not trigger You are logging in from a new location, only ur internet connection disconnecting / changing ip while being online can according to my research.
  13. RaZe

    Bot fail

    please get a location with a waypoint and the right version of the bot before reporting shit like this ok plz
  14. RaZe

    Why botting NOT continue and return to ...?

    Well it's hard to understand what you mean when your english is at this level... Still Enable Pickit first of all (in the bot settings) Second of all what is the actual problem ? I can't understand you guys.... Third... edit ur default.ipd to not loot every rare item? I have no idea what you guys are talking about, so it's hard to help...
  15. RaZe

    Bot doesn't work since I paid for it (level 45+)

    Sounds like your skill configuration is wrong. Please copy / paste ur skill configuration to me and I'll help you out. Or just write what skill you use on what button + min range max range and priority. Make sure you also have windows aero enabled. and the right Map settings on last act unlocked / difficulty.
  16. RaZe

    Trial keys

    You can use the bot from level 1-45 for free without a license code, that's our "trial".
  17. RaZe

    for speed farmer like me

    you would earn more by not picking up wisdom scrolls / rares at all in the long run to be honest. picking up rares and wisdom scrolls only fucks up the efficiency of the farming. anyway who wants to use time to sell rare items? in the beginning of new leagues it's ok ofc.
  18. RaZe

    [0.25 RC] First loot bug encountered - cycle

    I don't see why the bot has to hammer the ALT button, because if there's alot of loot on ground and bot hammers ALT button items will change location on the ground.. Simple as that. The old looting system was better. The key should be that looting is good enough to support 100% Increased Item Quantity atleast without relogs or anything. This new looting system is not nearly as efficient as the previous looting system. Especially when it comes to bosses that has alot of items. We should be able to disable items like orb of transmutation etc etc all the orbs we dont want, it could improve the situation aswell
  19. In game set "Left mouse button" to Move only instead of default attack Stick with max 2 skills 1 skill like Dual strike on Right mouse button 0 min range 200 with 9 priority The second skill on E flickerstrike or leap slam 0 min range max range 650 (cooldown 500 on flickerstrike if you use that) with priority 5. Use Q W for auras. Middle Mouse for Blood rage ( Bloodrage settings 0minrange/1250 max range with 12000 cooldown and priority 9.
  20. RaZe

    Bot not attacking

    Hi please read how to configure your skills correctly. You will find most answers in here. http://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1682-guide-for-beginners-exiledbot-compendium/
  21. RaZe

    Map Farming Question

    1. You need maps (Bot will pick up all maps by default) 2. Enable Mapping in the Bot, there's a button on the Map settings. 3. To configure Maps to run / not to run / map mods go to Exiledbot Folder, configuration, default, Maps and open the default.ipd and remove // on the lines you want to enable. Good luck
  22. RaZe

    Bot is d/c when entering zone

    I got a GTX 580 and had major troubles with it in the past, actually alot of setups especially GTX series seem to have problem with PoE. all sorts of weird stuff happend. Sounds very much like performance drop due to a memory leak somewhere. Could you try the ultra low settings: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/177500/page/1 Also install Dxtory and limit fps to between 20-30 fps Right click PoE Shortcut and add --nosound in target C:\PathOfExile.exe --nosound Actually I had so many problems that i'm not even sure what really caused it. Could be a conflict with the mainboard to, so since I messed around in BIOS and set my 1600mhz RAM down to 1333 mhz @ 1.5v (if you have 1800mhz ram set it down to 1600mhz) everything was solved no more weird bugs. Believe it or not, but it's worth a try. If you have overclocked anything you could also try setting it back to default settings in the BIOS, could provide more stability. Pretty sure this is not bot related. PoE is poorly coded and many high end computer systems can't even play the game because of that. Also if you download stuff / share internet / streaming etc your bot can do some really weird stuff like stopping / crashing / even delete items you have equipped. Report back if it makes it better/worse
  23. RaZe

    Bot Crashing

    then delete the log files & install http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ so the files doesnt get so large and see if it still crashes report back with logs next time
  24. RaZe

    Bot is d/c when entering zone

    So bot doesnt get "Not responding" & Game doesnt crash right, and you dont get the level 45 requirement message? If that's the case I've had this problem myself, never really found the root of the problem but got a few guesses and tips to try fix it for you. Could be a performance issue / memory leak on ur side that's causing it. Are you running the game on ultra low settings / Limit FPS with dxtory are you using a SSD hdd? Also would be nice to know if ur botting with VM + your system specifications, ram + cpu + graphic card etc. What version of the Bot + what's your latency and is the latency stable? Garena or Global PoE?
  25. RaZe

    Picking up items - Search pattern

    Yeah I agree. The worst thing by far regarding the looting theese days is when the ground packed with items on the ground resulting the bot in hammering the ALT button each try to find the item, but there's so many items on the ground that the item actually changes location each time ALT is being pressed. The orb location doesnt change physically, the name of the item just appears another place each time bot fails to loot it while pressing ALT due to many items on ground. Happens very often in small areas killing a boss either in a corrupted area / maps like tunnel etc. Hard to explain, never was my strong side. But I monitor my bots very often and this is what I have seen if you can understand. I'm pretty sure looting was better a month ago.
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