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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by RaZe

  1. RaZe

    RC Ascendancy expansion

    nope only paying customers can use it.
  2. RaZe


    Hey Nightwolf welcome.
  3. RaZe

    Next update state

    RC = Release Candidate ( Test Version )
  4. RaZe

    Next update state

    Guys and girls please read this to get an understanding of what it takes to update the bot. No need to cry over it. https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1196-i-want-my-update-now/ As alk said there is some major changes this time, he can't give you an estimate. He already said there will be test versions before a stable version of the bot is up. And there will be no update until after expansion is released. Peace
  5. RaZe

    I want my update now!

    Bump more ppl needs to read this
  6. On ur end it's possible to make a script that detects instability and closes ur internet connection. Not so sure if that's possible to detect on PoE servers. Would need access to PoE server then i guess. Just pray that GGG fixes theyr shit
  7. RaZe

    Skill priority issues while kiting

    still due to ur kite range and safe range.
  8. RaZe

    Skill priority issues while kiting

    Because u don't want two skills with the same "range" to be cast at the same time. The cooldown is just a cooldown.... Your Range conflicts with that get it? You don't want two different skills with the same Range and a different cooldown, because the cooldown is a cooldown. You get it? You made a perfect example how it's not supposed to be done, I dont know how to explain this to you because ur not listening.
  9. RaZe

    Skill priority issues while kiting

    why u have both skills at the same range? also why do u have them at prio 10 and 9,, go with prio 9 and 7 and different ranges and cooldown. the reason because they get cast the same time is because u have the same range... cooldown still remains a cooldown. what u have is a 100% perfect example of a fail setup here. I dont know if its hard to understand if u actually read / tested jsp's settings. Lemme know what you want to achieve here. We can help you easynp. atleast give me ur kite range setups. so i can reproduce ur problem. ur settings/post obviously fail to give a complete understanding of what ur actually trying to do because ur not stating kite range with ur skills to be cast.. the only reason ur bot does something at the same time is when u do stupid shit like u said : " So I set skill1(Q) priority to 10, cooldown to 2500, range to 30 skill2(W) priority to 9, cooldown to 1000, range to 30 Now when the bot sees a mob, it'll press Q and W at the same time, so skill2 doesn't actually get cast in-game. This alone is a problem. I could create a "hacky" delay by lowering skill2's range to 25, but ideally the bot should just cast both skills. How would you deal with that? " why u want two different skills to be cast within the same range during 1.5 secs time? doesnt make sense u need to set a different range and prio and cooldown if u want them to match eachother.. please explain so we dont get dazed and confused by what you are trying to achieve here... Makes no sense to me... Whats the skills you want to use etc etc etc. I don't like to guess..
  10. RaZe

    Maps are lost (0.57f)

    if thats not the case fix ur default.ipd for maps please.
  11. RaZe

    Maps are lost (0.57f)

    my guess the guy is running maps from eternal lab.. right? also town lags like shit causing all sorts of weird bugs.. may the OP get a map device from zana and map from hideout instead. It's lag (latency) related.
  12. RaZe

    Skill priority issues while kiting

    djeez u need to understand the skill system better. try harder please. and please understand that there's a pathing system involved in the whole picture. You wont get a bot to act 100% like a human or even in the mind set ur into atm... Figure it out.. Im pro at the game and botting, want some advice then ask for it.. You just have to learn how to set everything up correctly. "By hacky ways I mean there is no straightforward way to make the bot reliably do something like this: cast skill1, wait 0.5 sec, cast skill2, wait 0.5 sec, cast skill3, wait 0.5 sec, and start running. It's clear that cool downs on individual skills can't prevent the bot from casting all the skills at the same time." In my world it takes me a couple of minutes to figure it out for very advanced setups... Still u most be doing something very wrong when it comes to range, priority and cooldowns to achieve what you want. I'm not even sure what you are looking for, but I can assure you that I can 95% of the skills with this bot. With the most weird combinations and secondary skills you ever could think off. So I still have to ask whats the problem you have setting up ur skills. shoot me a pm, i'll help you out.. There's nothing wrong with the bot....
  13. RaZe

    Skill priority issues while kiting

    you can think what you want. dont even know what you mean by hacky ways. The combat system is awesome compared to other bots and so is the pathing. Use it to ur advantage and get to know it instead of saying that it has to be fixed. You just need to add some cooldown between two skills to make them fly with eachother. I'll even go on ur toon with Teamviewer and make it work correctly for you if that's what you need bro. Peace
  14. RaZe

    Skill priority issues while kiting

    i run totems, curse and leap slam. without any issues. it's a matter of getting it perfect for yourself and ur gonna have to twist and tweak to get it right.
  15. RaZe

    Skill priority issues while kiting

    Check out the Blood magic Flame Totem build by jsp in elite section. What u failed on is setting proper cooldown settings. ( You have no cooldown in ur settings according to your examples) Nothing wrong with kite mode, you need to tweak around with cooldown settings for builds with totems, fire trap etc.
  16. RaZe

    Help to farm map 'stash'

    go to exiled bot folder and show us the 10 last lines from lastrun log file (open in notepad)
  17. RaZe

    You have to be elite to use bot 45+...

    ye just look in the shop. lifetime is 30 bucks.
  18. RaZe

    You have to be elite to use bot 45+...

    Go to the Shop pay money, use the bot after level 45+
  19. RaZe

    0.57e Config.ini Chaos Recipe

    still in development
  20. RaZe

    0.57d highgate bug

    "check it for yourself" I don't have the problem. We need a way to reproduce the problem in order to fix it for those who have the problem.
  21. RaZe

    0.57d highgate bug

    supply logs from 10 last lines of lastrunlog
  22. RaZe

    [Bug]Bot Loop on Items / Portal

    supply last 10 lines from lastrun.log file, and the version of the bot you are using.
  23. RaZe

    Item on Cursor due Selling \ IDing

    only had map stuck on cursor next to map device, around 80-100 latency depending on how much porn i watch sometimes it spikes 150 if I load 2 movies at the same time. 15 fps
  24. RaZe

    Hi guys

    bot down for steam version atm i think
  25. Anytime. About the time it takes to update bot when expansion comes.. Wait and see, can take from hours to days. No one can guess for certain. Last expansion I think it took less then a day for reference.
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