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Posts posted by RaZe

  1. Main mission is to get to level 70+ and start running maps. Bot will not support auto quest / Easymode for slackers that don't want to learn the game ever.


    Action RPG's always work this way, you wont earn anything until you're at the last difficulty doing bosses or whatever. There's no point having auto quest or whatever you are thinking.


    Myself I use around 24 hours without the bot to get from level 1-70  in Path of Exile, then I start the bot and my bot will be like level 80+ the next 24 hours. And so on.


    In diablo 2 bots never had a auto level feature. It farmed bosses, and same for PoE that's how you get rich / get profit by knowing the game. Everyone boosted til the last difficulty and then started to do what you where supposed to do to get good items.


    You wont earn anything by noobing around from level 1-60.


    In Path of Exile you start finding good stuff on merciless act 3  / Maps up to level 78 so that should be the main priority of anyone who uses the bot. However if the user only wants to noob around for several days/weeks to get to level 80 the user should read our Guides on the forum.

  2. No ur wrong, did you forgot to read the part about that I never get the "unlock" message?


    Maybe on ur connection/VPN you have to unlock account when getting the "new location" message comes up, but mine reconnects so fast that I will never have to unlock my account. By the time I get the message to retype password im still in the same IP range  so wont have to unlock my account because im still in the same city etc etc etc.


    If you can understand any of that. In other words I dont have to go read my mail to get the unlock code. I did not ask for anything fancy like AutoPoe or EB tools had with auto unlock with email accounts. I asked for something simple :)


    All the script has to do  is hit F12 when te re enter password message comes up, then hit OK then write the password in and hit F12 again to start the bot, Nothing more fancy.

  3. w3YyDSY.jpg


    Lately I've often been getting this You're logging in from a new location please re-enter password. And that screws everything up. I never get the "unlock" message so no need for that.


    Just need a simple script that identifies the picture and hit F12 to pause the bot, then hits "OK" then re types the password and hits F12 again.


    I have no idea on how to code this, but guess it wont be that hard hopefully?


    Would be great if we had it, im sure alot of people could use it aswell.

  4. I get really sad when I see you nagging and asking about this everyday.


    You are one of those few people that don't understand what goes into updating the bot. + SEA gets updated 24 hours+ after Normal PoE even though I've read people explaining it to you several times in the chat you seem to be in denial and think that updating the bot takes around 5 minutes and that alkpone has forgotten all about you... He's working hard, please understand that.

  5. The science behind this is really unknown meanwhile most of us that has been banned has been guessing on why;


    Botting 24/7 for days/weeks/months, not human possible. http://poestatistics.com/ Check ur bot versus legit characters on poestatitics and see how unrealistic and easy bot's actually are to spot for GGG.


    And the second one beeing spotted in town / reported by legit players.


    They seem to be quickest at banning new accounts with new characters, it's like they dont want people to go from lvl 1 - 70 in less then 24 hours on a fresh account.


    I agree that botting from hideouts is a good idea, but also bot should take some random breaks to get the action's per minute count down a bit. If no hideout atleast some random movement in town would be nice. Still believe it all comes down to actions per minute + the weird xp/hour online time they can see on poestatitics.


    Oh and there's already alot of ban reports and theorycrafting  here and other forums, you will never get the answer you're searching for unless you get employed by GGG and tell us how they do it.

    But yeah everyone has an idea on how & why we get banned.


    I've been banned in town, invited to group and bot somehow accepted it so obviously got reported aswell, i've danced with hargan and botted 24/7 and lost 5 bots so far. Oh an admin also messaged me and I replied, took like 2 days until I got banned after that aswell.


    It's safe to say that most botters will get banned a couple of times, but then again you will find ways urself to be more safe. Like having several accounts that you switch between + be active in trade channel & join some public groups and do maps with them is stuff that helps for sure 100%.

  6. Hi Spaceguy please use the forum search forum / read around / read in default.ipd & learn how to creature your own pickit if you dont find one on the forums that suit ur needs.


    You dont really have to make a post about ever single thing that already has been explained on the forums in other posts!


    Again please read the guides / use the search function, there's enough mess around and it doesnt help while you create posts almost each day on issues already explained. Read + ask in the chat if ur not sure about something.

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