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Posts posted by RaZe

  1. Been doing this since September my 3 bots in standard is lvl 98. My bots have 100+IIQ and invested minimum 20 ex per bot they all have a set of legacy BoR and 100+IIQ self crafted rare items. They are probably worth alot more gear wise theese days because of nerfs.


    I have tested Docks, Library and Catacombs very hard and looked at the bot for many hours per day. Only thing that screws with optimal farming is the back & forth bug when bot runs in a loop wasting time.

    Been running 24/7 for several months


    1: Docks is the winner of currency not in pure exalts but in finding 6 socket items for jewelers orbs to convert to fuses then to Exalts = Very Profitable. Btw Got banned on two accounts for 24/7 In Docks not 100 % sure if it's relevant though, since then i've been switching between docks & library without problems.


    2: Library is the winner of uniques because of the mini boss and pure exalts by enabling loot chests to make up for the lack of mob density. Library most XP of all 3 zones. Decent Currency I tend to find alot of BoR's and goodies there.

    Docks always had double amount of jewelers orbs compared to Library bots.


    3. Catacombs Spiders crawling up from sides, bot waits for them to come up waste of time there. Getting more stuck on urns then in Library because Catacombs has more Urns + having 100% Explore on to get a chance to open a "Large Chest" even more waste of time and crap XP compared to Library. Not even near as many 6socket drops as Library.


    As for Strongboxes in ambush at the moment the only place I enable chest is The Forest & City of Sarn wich is great for getting some items to get strong enough for  act 3 merciless. Bot uses alot of time to get the loot from strongboxes at the moment so I disable chest for act 3 merciless until I have the gear to manage them.


    Important stuff for bot characters: Movement Speed, Movement Skill, High DPS (20k+ for Library) & Survivability and 1 Main skill that rapes everything in it's path.


    My research my opinion.

    Alot of people will tell you Catacombs is best your choice who you will listen to, it's pretty easy just gear up and try urself.

    Catacombs probably a good choice in Ambush league at the moment until you can do Library. (Chance to get better rares and uniques to advance in the league and gear up the bots)

    • Upvote 2

  2. You clearly said this is not an driver issue and yet you claim it's better with downgrading/updating the driver if thats the case I'm using 266.58 ( Try it.


    And also have you tried VMTweaker to set down your graphic card's ram usage inside the VM?


    And if this still doesnt help try to set your CPU back to default + RAM and Graphics.

    Just saying what I have done to fix this problem It may not work for you but it's worth a try.

    My VM froze while I was overclocked no matter what I did so I had to set everything back to default even with my 1050W PSU that should have fed plenty of power to my  underpowered nvidia GTX 580.


    I'm pretty sure that the problem with nvidia gfx's is PSU Related and being overclocked while your graphic card is underpowered is not making a stable enough enviroment for VM


    At one point in all of this nvidia crap I was not even able to open Mozilla Firefox without that causing my VM to freeze. Now I can watch movies play PoE + use my computer while running 3 bots without a single freeze.


    There must be a solution for you to! Dont give up :)

  3. Maybe this helps when u got black screen (Driver crash), but in my case it's not. I got VM absolute freeze, cntrl+alt+del only helps


    Running VMware 7, win starter, 30 fps lock, 1024 mb & 1500-3000 paging file, force voltage (MSI Afterburner) and everything what been sugested in threads. Nothing helps, freezes starts when i'm running more than 2 vms with bot.


    GTX 570 Twin Frozr III

    32 gb ram



    I only had the one with ctrl alt delete (Freeze) and driver crash (Black Screen) wich needs you to Power off VM. 

    Is that what your experiencing or does your VM end up Not responding and you have to end the process on Host?


    Have you overclocked your CPU/RAM? If so might be worth setting it back to default and have a try.

  4. Lost one backup bot account I recently made was in docks for 24/7 for 14 days in a row, VPN+ IP banned of course :)

    Happend like 10 minutes after I muled my stuff to my mule, mule on different IP not banned :)


    Was not watching the screen during the ban so do not know if a GM whispered me in game before the ban.

  5. You should check 5link items...

    You should also check Loot 6S items and confirm that your bot is selling them to NPC for 7 jewelers orb per 6socket..

    If it does not it's something wrong with your coordinates for sure or you messed around in the default.ipd (pickit config)

  6. Path of Exile Resolution in windowed mode 800x600

    Windows Resolution 1280x800 / 1024x768

    With those settings you might be lucky and dont need to change any of the cordinates.


    If not:




    or install AHK and use this script to find the cordinates urself



  7. One Path: Infernal Blow

    Second Path: Blender

    Third Path: Blender ¤2

    Split Arrow


    I tried them all without using any money works pretty good can do lvl 78 maps. If you have big trouble staying alive maybe you should go for Double strike and use a One hander + Shield.


    Anyway you will find all you need from the official forums from Pathofexile on how to play the game. That's the first place I went. There is all sorts of guides for all classes different builds with videos on how you play them and what gear to use should be all you need in order to get rid of your problems. Good luck!

  8. Yeah that site really doesnt work for legacy and mirror worthy/mirrored items im afraid. Couple of guys on my flist is selling 240+% Shavs 6 linked for 200-220.

    A friend bought a 245% 5link shavs a couple of days ago for 140EX. But again they are rising in price day after day.

    It's your item you may charge what you want for it :) Good luck!

  9. @Chill bro, well i'm selling the vm folder not the vm software,

    Well a VM folder wich contains cracked Windows(pirated software). No matter where you live you it's never a good idea to sell any pirated Microsoft product.

    I know you havent sold this yet. And I know you plan to charge huge amounts of money for pirated software, your threading on sacred ground you simple don't sell pirated software unless your obsessed with money obviously.

    Atleast I wish you get told to do it elsewhere then in this community.


    Dont come here telling me im a dumb .....****** for warning them about buying pirated software.

  10. "Free because I'm cheap" having an option like that says alot about you.......


    As I said and will say it again one of the Admins of EB already did this for FREE. It's not up for download anymore because the post is outdated.


    And in the legal terms you really gonna try sell VM copys with cracked windows/cracked software? Good luck you might get the feds on your door.


    Selling a computer which contains illegal software is against the law, as illegal software is theft. Selling a Virtual Machine with cracked OS + cracked VM is theft.


    I honestly think your taking a big risk and may end up in a lawsuit if you get caught selling this illegal product. BTW I have no objection to pirate software (unless you're selling it)


    Piracy Wall of Shame


    Wish you the best of luck! :)

  11. That's very sad to hear Blacksun. Anyway the bot is getting more & more stable so guess we wont need AutoPoe in the end. Impossible for me to run 3 bots with autopoe 1 will crash almost each run. And without Autopoe they can run 24/7.


    The only problem I really have is when my VPN disconnects and I end up with "Your location has changed please retype your password" message and bots stop because of that.


    Would be awesome if anyone could write a script to click ok on that message and rewrite password for you. Aslong as the VPN reconnected right after the disconnect it would be 100% smooth.

  12. Yeah on 0.15f bot cycles through all 4 stash tabs before stashing, works fine for me though.

    And bot seems to pick up fake 5/6links more then ever and some 6sockets end up in stash instead of being sold more then ever.


    Anyway works pretty good apart from this. I can live with the stashing cycle through all 4 stash tabs before he stashes, never got stuck or anything.

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