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Posts posted by RaZe

  1. go to your Documents/MyGames/PathOfExile Folder and locate your production_Config.ini

    adapter_name=dont write anything else there :)
    antialias_mode=8 <- set this to 0
    fullscreen=true <- change to false
    post_processing=true <- change to true (setting this to false makes ur game sloppy/laggy by iteself.
    resolution_height=1050 <- change to 600
    resolution_width=1680 <- change to 800
    screen_shake=true <- change to false
    shadow_type=variance_mapping <- change to "no_shadows"
    texture_filtering=16 <- change to "0"
    texture_quality=0 <- change to 10
    vsync=true (remember to limit ur fps with a software max 30 fps per bot)


    Should cover up how to get rid of performance issues.

    • Upvote 1

  2. Yeah force voltage is not a thing you want to use if you plan to bot 24/7 with several bots, can cause heat and wear on the graphic card forgot to mention that. Chances are low it will fry it though ;) Just set ur voltage down before you check the Force voltage box then it wont be at 100%.


    This problems seem to occur on Nvidia cards mostly and GTX series in general according to a quick search on google, I had problems my first 1-2 months with the bot especially when trying to run more then 1 bot.


    So im pretty sure its true, even the guys over at the buddyforums seem to have figured this out.

  3. I've managed to fix this problem by using Vmware 7.1.3 + Msi afterburner Limit FPS to 15-30fps each bot + Install Msi afterburner on Host aswell and use "Force Voltage" on.

    Having the bots & Vmware  on a SSD harddrive may also be the solution if that does not help.


    Worked on my GTX 580 atleast had no crash/freeze on VM since I did this. (if you change vmware version I also reccomend you reinstall your VM OS)


    If you're graphic driver crashes this can be the solution aswell:


    Import to registry, backup before use that.
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\GraphicsDrivers\DCI]

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\GraphicsDrivers]



    Thats my research on this matter, had problems very often with black screen + driver crashes. Hope it helps!

  4. Dual strike aint good for this, and leam slam doesnt seem to work to good either. Would be nice to know if anyone found a skill that makes this 100% smooth.. Didnt take my time to experience on this yet. Hard to expect anything would do this 100% smooth though, any feedback on good skills to use on urns  will be appriciated! :)

  5. he's lying about something i know for a fact as I haven't received a ban in a very long time. and i'm not an ordinary botter.

    u really like trolling around darkbluefirefly or is this your way of being sarcastic maybe? sigh... mad girls give me the creeps, but again you're probably a guy that likes to use girl pictures as avatars so guess you lied! quite the story weeee!

    • Upvote 2

  6. It's been happening for months several versions cant recall when it started but I believe it was around the birth of pickit or some other WP problems. Tried to to make a post about it earlier without notice, nice to see you read it alk :)


    It can take some runs til you get to see it though, but shouldent be hard to catch the bug in act 3 for sure.


    Thanks for reply alk.

  7. Just wanted to report that bot still walks 1 step to far from WP with his back against the WP result is bot cant enter a new zone because he's to far away from WP then chicken from town kicks in. Can happen 1-100 times per day, sometimes he relogs and does the same thing. No latency issues here

    + window possition is correct.


    This occurs South of the WP.

    Changing area select delay has no effect on this bug.


    Must be something with the pathing to WP.

  8. My idea with this feature  is to have Portal scrolls enabled and Wisdom Scrolls Disabled, if I want more Wisdom scrolls I would enable it for 1 hour and keep like 60scrolls for example to ID rares if you get the picture.

    Would also disable whetstones,scraps & maps just so I dont have to think about that anymore. Thats how I would use this option if we had it.

  9. Um.... in bot you don't select "pick up scrolls", doesn't that solve the scroll issue? and for stones, just set a smart picket to sell them.... and why do you not check your bot?? takes literally 2 seconds. If you want a bot that you just leave alone and look at it next week, try one of those ones that get you banned in 30~ mins.

    You seem to have missed the point totally and where does this "try on of those that get you banned in 30 mins come from" what does this have to do with anything?


    +Another thing if you sell armourer scraps/whetstones what do you get in return? More wisdoms!

    +If set pickit to sell wisdoms/portal scrolls what do you get in return? More wisdoms!

    = Infinate loop at NPC selling Wisdoms all day long  so dont even bother trying that :)


    One day you will appriciate this idea, when your so rich that you dont feel the need to waste time on scrolls/stones + using time on managing all your trash items in stash. You will realize it soon enough, it's not fun to have 3 stash full of 66 maps to get 3 70 maps in return if you know what I mean :)


    Trust the beiken he know's his stuff ._.

  10. I think it would be very nice if we got the option to totally Disable drops like Scroll of Wisdom, Maps, Armourer Scraps, Blacksmitth Whetstones.


    I'm getting very tired converting thousand of wisdom scrolls in return for 3-4 fusings, and I dont want to advertise that im selling thousands of scrolls in trade each day, and 4 Stash Tabs simply aint enough for this, and I dont really have the time for spending 30+ minutes converting maps and scrolls each day.

    And no chance that I will spend hours in trade to get rid of some scrolls/whetstones.



    When you have over 100 IIQ and kill Magical/Rares/Exiles/MiniBosses They drop alot of trash items + a few scrolls 99% of the time, The Bot is having a very hard time to pick up Scrolls/Maps/Whetstones/Items in general when there's alot of Trash items laying around in one spot. My bot can fail until he relogs because of no kill on 1 single scroll of wisdom. It's very annoying to watch. + This is also the reason why you end up with nonsense white items in stash because of missclicks trying to pick up items while it's a big mess of items on ground*


    The option to disable these drops would give me a higher chance to find uniques + orbs instead of converting/trading away large stocks of crap currency.


    When we get multiple stashing on this awesome bot, this will become a very huge problem for me to manage. Over 90% of my 4 stash tabs will be Scroll of wisdoms/Maps/Whetstones/ArmourerScraps in a couple of days of botting.

    • Upvote 1

  11. Been watching my bot for some hours now and noticed that 5/10 runs ends up with stuck in town because the bot walks 1 step to far from the waypoint so he cant use the WP. Ends up with a relog and a stuck and a Relog and continues farming. Seems that it happens quite often.


    Tried to mess around with area select delay, ai_clicks without any improvement.


    If you have these problems please let me know so I dont feel alone about this :)


    Version 0,13d btw

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