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Posts posted by RaZe

  1. Bot is getting stuck more then ever in maps because of stairs + mini stairs like in vaal pyramid map. Theres creatures behind the stairs and your infront of stairs and bot wont flicker/leap over and get stuck right infront of the stairs. Happens pretty much everytime theres a "Higher" and lower obstable like the mini stairs between the character and the creatures. It happens alot pathing just gets stuck while targeting a creature. Or stuck in other ways because of how different some maps are compared to the stuff we are used to bot.


    It has probably been like this all the time with the maps, I just started to watch my bots while doing maps and it seems to get stuck very often :(


    I'll use this as reference krokodil made some screenshots and made me aware of how bad it really is : https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2753-some-situations-where-the-bot-was-stuck/


    Catacombs is unbottable at the moment, bot is walking into cleared instances without having reseted it. Sometimes when it enters catacombs it's trying to reset Marketplace from inside catacombs.


    Don't know if anyone else is experiencing the thing with Library where you actually have to manually scroll down in order to reset the instance or is it just me and my internet?

  2. +1 If I wanted to take a picture each time this happens It would end up with thousands. Something with the pathing that just go poof and there we are stuck :)


    pretty much happens all the time when theres a mini stair to another level and creatures on a higher/lower level then the character is. pathing stops while trying to target the creatures on the other side of the stair/higher/lower level or a chest/urn thats unreachable behind something.

  3. Ye hamncheese been getting that alot lately, plus bots create new instances in america + singapore so it gets some lag aswell. Been good the last 2 days for me though. Some GGG network issues for sure. It pretty much happens because of creating new instances different realms like america/singapore etc.

  4. Yeah it's hard to explain it when it's not possible to reproduce it, it's something wrong with the bot and it freaking sucks.

    3 Days without any fix and the performance of the bot is worse then an early beta exiledbuddy bot when it comes to performance.


    Bot runs smooth for 1-2 hours, then stutter walks for 1-2 hours etc etc ghost mobs, ghost items, bot stops without crashing, bot crashes, poe crashes. zZZ Sorry but it's getting on my nerves, cant remember the bot having problems like this since the 0.8 series and im quite sure the bot ran better even back then.


    Had to get it out, no offence.


    Rage time over, i'll get over it eventually.

    • Upvote 1

  5. Recently noticed that bot is looping on "fake" items. There's only whites and blues with 1-2 socket on ground and bot hits highlight button trying to find something that isnt there, It happend after picking up uniques a couple of times for me so far. Kinda like the ghost mob bug just with items.

  6. 0.17B. Still Crashes, PoE Crashes (Never had it it until 0.17 versions) Attacking air (Seen this bug before can't remember version)

    Bot stops in instance without crash, bot can also stop in town(Doesnt help to Press F12 1 or twice To make it move again it's like the bot froze but didnt crash). Bot performance goes from great to very slow and starts to stutter walk and attack slow.

    I just realized that on top of the bot Gui where it says ExiledBot  (Elite) The elite status actually flickers very fast from Elite to nothing but im not getting any lvl 45req message although it seems kinda weird and totally new to me.

    No improvement for me since 0.17 all the same.

  7. PoE crashes + Bot not responding very often. Bot actually stops sometimes without crashing and just stands inside the instance F12 Wont help to start the bot, looks like he's taking a break and never starts again. And when I press Start button after that bot acts slow and stutter walks everywhere, even in act 3 town it's like my 30 movement speed boots went down to 2% movement speed.


    Some performance issues with the bot, starts attacking in the air (I know for sure my skills are 100% correct I never experienced anything like this)


    Anyone else have the same problems?


    Btw recently like the last couple of days i've been seeing my bots creating new instances and I'm in Europe and often when it creates a new map the only option bot has is either America or Singapore wich is causing alot of lag. Even happens on my main while playing solo very frustrating to have high latency.  This one is probably just GGG & Gateway network related stuff.

    Anyone else had this lately?

  8. Yeah getting stuck while trying to reset catacombs here with version 0.16g.

    Sometimes it even resets Catacombs + Enters it and tries to reset from inside catacombs to marketplace. + Alot of loops when chicken happens with door of catacombs and reenters and hits portal to town again instead of trying to reset catacombs. Happens way to often and it wont chicken all the time so better not bot catacombs until it's fixed

  9. @immo wth? You know what the BrightResource.rar actually is for? It's for Autopoe and it has the brightresource images of account locked  account login etc etc... It has nothing to do with fixing White Screen/Flickering in PoE it only allows you to use autopoe with Whitescreen/Flickering FYI.


    Back to topic Only VM 7 versions + F1 can fix this.


    If VM 7 and F1 in game doesnt work it could always be some bug with the Nvidia GTX series that many people in here have problems botting with. Anyway I can see from the screenshot he posted that he's using a newer version of Vmware so most likely just switch to Vm 7.1.3 for example and it's fixed.

  10. Tried to download evga precision and tweaked ur gpu?


    Credits to Cerberus for having a solution for this with Virtu MVP Google it get the free trial and check it out.

    (Haven't tried it myself yet) Maybe he could jump in here and tell us more about his settings on VirtuMVP im sure all us Nvidia GTX guys would appriciate that :)

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