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Posts posted by RaZe

  1. Don't know what you mean by safe and good loot Safety is your own responsibilty + good loot is all about luck!


    Howver here's my list of the more efficient maps to run where the bot wont get stuck to often compared to the rest of the maps.


    Dried Lake


    Tropical Island (still bugs alot though but deserves a spot)

    Mountain Ledge



    Mud Geyser







    Waste Pool






    Have fun

    • Upvote 1

  2. Here is ur problem


    [MapLevel] < "72" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [RunMap] == "true"
    Don't know why you enabled that line it's disabled by default. That line pretty much tells the bot to only run Rare Maps. Just add // infront of it to disable it.
    Both the lines conflict with eachother.
    Keep this one though.
    [MapLevel] >= "66" && [MapLevel] < "72" # [RunMap] == "true"

  3. Scroll down in the  default.ipd file (open in notepad) until you find this section:


    //                                                                                 //
    //                             R A R E  I T E M S                      //
    //                                                                                 //


    Then remove everything under that section. Now your bot will never ID a Rare item again.


    In the bot itself on the pickit settings there's 3 buttons you want to enable. Enable Pickit, Enable Loot rare amu/belt rings and Loot rare items (now bot will loot all rare items and never  ID them.

  4. Because it's so easy to get to level 80+ and it's not efficient to farm a zone where you get XP + Loot penalty for beeing way to high level. Getting gear is very easy in this game aswell. Once ur level 25 just buy some cheap uniques that will get you to merciless quickly.


    Also I never heard about any legit players farming merveil or vaal oversoul, seems like a waste of time to get there.


    For example if ur farming Vaal oversoul with a level 80 character in a level 60 zone:

    XP Penalty : 94.44 %
    Loot* Penalty : 15 %


    If ur farming Dominus with a level 80 character in a level 68 zone

    XP Penalty : 38.08 %
    Loot* Penalty : 0 %



    So it's ideal to be in a zone that's higher then 67.


    http://www.i-volve.net/jol/poe_xpdrop_en.php xp / loot penalty calculator

  5. Change keybinds to default, dont change space bar key from the default.


    If that's not the issue what is ur latency? What OS? Have you followed any guides? When did it work for you previously?


    Guess you bought that Elite+ Account from someone since you got 3 post's here since november 2013, if you where an early member you surely would know how to make a bug report more efficient.


    Other then that bot works fine, the problems is not because of the bot.. Only because you or your settings.

  6. Since this post is a question to alkpone, maybe you could have done it over PM instead? :)


    Good questions but filling up the forum when you have a question to one guy only is a bit of waste.

    For performance reason, we don’t want to spawn all enemies in the beginning of the level. We will spawn them once a player is close enough, so we need to record all possible spawn points. We noticed that physicalized object, such a Destroyable Object also took a lot of resources if they were all loaded on the same time, so we will spawn them just like we spawn enemies."

    "For performance reason"...
    Anti-Botting/Cheating-Measures even before the first gamer could install this babay...


    Don't see how that would be anti-botting. Think that's more because the game is demanding and actually have good graphics. Any bot to Umbra would literally just have to do some pathing and detect monsters/objects, it's not like you have to stand and wait 5 minutes for a creature to spawn.


    Theyr dev team is probably smaller then GGG was when they started aswell, so if they will have high security really depends on how well they get funded.


    Look's like PoE 2 with good graphics or smth, it's weird.

  8. We understand you. It's normal. Only way to get what ur asking for is doing bossruns Piety/Dominus with the bot. Then the bot will go back in TP to loot the remaining rare items when u kill the boss.


    Other ways is configurating ur pickit file to not loot rare items at all, or just remove some rare item types so that you wont get filled up as quick.

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