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Posts posted by RaZe

  1. Enable the pickit in bot settings. Bot picks up and identfies rings and amulets by default and keeps the good ones, if it's crap the bot will sell it to the NPC..


    If you want to keep crap rings, you have to open the exiled bot folder + pickit folder and open the default.ipd in notepad (text editor) and either remove the or edit the stats set on Rare rings  for example :

    [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [TotalResistances] >= "40" && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "25" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [stashItem] == "true"


    [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "50" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30" && [base_cast_speed_+%] >= "8" && [spell_damage_+%] >= "15" && [stashItem] == "true"


    (Those two examples is in the default.ipd and are activated by default among many other rings and amulets to let the bot choose what stats the item minimum has to require to let the bot keep the item after identiyfying them if the item does not meet the parameters on statitics the bot will not keep them)


    Either change the stats or remove everything on "Rare amulets  and Rare Rings..



    Then enable this line by removing the //   ( // disables the line )

    // [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare"
    // [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare"  


    Hope you understand, there's instructions in the default.ipd you can read aswell and posts on the forum :)

  2. go into ur Exiled bot folder location, find the pickit folder then open the default.ipd in notepad (text editor)


    Then search for the unique items you want to sell, remove them from ur pickit file or add // infront to disable the line.


    Then save the document. Hit F11 to reload bot settings, and start botting again.


    Make sure you enabled the pickit in the bot aswell :)


    Hope you understand.

  3. Copy paste from their website:


    • Solo and Multiplayer support
    • Free character developement - no class limitation
    • Featuring the powerful Kythera AI system
    • Large amount of weapons, armors and magic effects
    • Advanced craft system - build your own weapons and armors
    • Cook your own potions
    • Build your own house and showcase your gears
    • Mature story and quests
    • Discover mysteries of Umbra universe and develop amazing new powers!
    • And much more exclusive content to reveal soon !

  4. for multiple bots Nvidia is usually the problem, the best PoE botting rings containts a AMD graphic card....  Due to bugs & memory leaks on nvidia cards towards Vmware to run multiple bots....


    Ill repeat again to what I wrote on the post SupZerg link post..


    There's an expansion coming up SOON.. Graphics etc ... will improve in the game so building a botting rig for the new expansion is probably not adviced for anyone at all....


    My old nvdidia card could run like 4 bots.. my upgrade amd card can run like 8 bots.....  my opinion on the matter

  5. Well the expansion is coming in late june / early july... So before you waste ur money on a rig, everything will become different on what rig you need to bot in the expansion.. We can't give a straight answer, but I expect my current rig wont be able to run 8 bots when the expansion gets released..


    Yeah for botting AMD over Nvidia, my opinion. It's not like you can tailor a computer for PoE anyway, anything should work use common sense and dont overspend if you intend to only bot.. Get most bang for ur buck!


    If you have decent knowledge about computers in general it should be enough to go here https://www.cpubenchmark.net/

    and  check different hardware and prices, and build a budget bot computer.  Radeon R9 290 for 232 bucks, hell yeah!


    Also you need multiple license keys to test ur rig out... Because botting on the free license wont make you higher then level 45 and you wont earn profit botting at low level. Botting at low level doesnt use as much resources versus farming end game content.


    I'm not gonna give out any build suggestions, as PoE is coded so poorly that any user may encounter problems no matter what rig they have.

  6. Well you see the difference between ur setup and the link.. Is that he had 64 GB ram and you only have 16, if you only can run 4 you have a memory leak on ur GTX graphic card that causes crashes.. Nvidia GTX can have some problems, I use AMD graphics for botting.


    I got 16gb ram and can run 8 bots myself.  If i'd had 64 gb ram and a rig like the guy in that post, i'd probably be able to run 20 aswell :)


    Donate get a key and read the VM guides made by the support staff. :)

    • Upvote 1

  7. ur config look's correct...


    Can you try to add // infront of the  [1064] = > "0" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true"


    And add theese instead and report back! Encountered a similar problem myself when using the [1064] and [1062] ( I  think one of those two are bugged)


    [1065] > "0" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true" // -- of Ice                  -- Area has patches of chilled ground                        -- Value : 1
    [2053] > "0" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true" // -- of Lightning            -- Area has patches of shocking ground

    [1049] > "0" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true" // -- of Flames               -- Area has patches of burning ground

    [2370] > "0" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true" // -- of Desecration          -- Area has patches of desecrated ground

  8. The border size is to big I think.. I really hate windows 8. So if someone else could help him it would be great. Just google how to change border size in windows 8 or something, it has to match the border size of windows 7 aero theme.


    Another solution is to install Vmware workstation 7.1.4 and windows 7. Then you can also use ur computer to watch movies etc while botting at the same time.

  9. copy paste ur map default.ini and pm it to me.



    why run the bot in XP compability mode xpsp3 when the BOT DOES NOT SUPPORT WINDOWS XP? crazy like who the hell gave you that idea? maybe all the problems just dissapears when u stop doing stuff like that.


    The only bug in here that I can reproduce is buggy dominus runs, but we know about that.


    everything works fine here and I dont see anyone else reporting the same as you. weird by experience 99.9% of weird stuff is because of user error and im sure running the bot in XP compability mode does not help at all because the freaking bot does not WORK in XP.


    also u should be concerned if ur botting with a RF build, there's atleast 100 builds thats more efficient then a RF build with a bot wich should get you to level 90+ within a few days.



    If ur struggling bigtime just install vmware and windows 7 on it install poe and the bot on it, if it doesnt work then I dont know what ur doing wrong. follow the guides.. Good luck

  10. 1 you became a member on this forum the same day youre trying to sell ur account

    2 you have no reputation here on exiled bot forums

    3 +you listed all the levels of ur characters and a microtransaction u have on ur account = very easy for GGG to detect.

    4 PoE expansion is on it's way, and it looks awesome why the hell u going to quit anyway? :)



    conclution very easy for GGG to read this post + ban you even if your legit.


    be aware! dont get hustled

    • Upvote 1

  11. You should not run "2 processors" in a VM, BUT you can run 2 CORES to get it running better


    also 1500 + ram (memory is the same thing) should help you get it running smoothly.


    also if you dont have a SSD harddrive I would suggest you get it because it increases performance aswell, thats the last solution and cost money ofc but is well worth it if the two first suggestions did not help.

  12. Ye 1 month race is just a taste on how Act 4 will become. Better prepare alk. :)


    + People already reported it many times the issues with bloodline mods and nothing was ever done.. I never botted Hardcore so I dont care, but i'm pretty sure the customers care.

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