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Found 12 results

  1. Lion464

    Help with setup

    Hello, I need some help. I do not understand English very well, it is very difficult to configure farm / sell items in the bot. Could someone pass me the simple farm .ini file? I just need a file that collects and sells RGB, normally collects other currencies, open a new map on the map device as soon as I finish the previous map. I feel very disappointed for not being able to configure this part. Several errors happen, sometimes the item is not sell, sometimes the bot does not collect floor maps, sometimes the bot does not start a new map, just close... But my biggest problem is that the bot does not start a new map, it just relog, doesn’t do anything and closes, I make video, look: Please, I need help
  2. Does anyone of u know a currency flipping bot, that is working with poe.trade?
  3. Hello community, i will introduce here my powerlevel service and my currency for sale. Currency i mainly sell in Standard and Temporary Softcore Leagues, I play Hardcore leagues only when i have orders. Payment Methods: PayPal, Skrill, Bitcoin Contact Method: Click skype logo at bottom of the thread or add me on discord: mercurial003#6573 Standard: Exalted Orb 0.85$ Abyss: Exalted Orb - (At league start price will fluctuate so make sure to add me and get price updates) Powerlevel Levelling is manually done I will level up using your skill tree. You keep all loot, i don't take anything from your account. I can level up a new account or your current account. When i will finish the order you will get your character geared, ready for play. Standard/Abyss SC 1-10 : 5$ 1-20 : 10$ 1-30 : 15$ 1-40 : 17$ 1-50 : 20$ 1-60 : 25$ 1-70 : 30$ 1-80 : 45$ 1-90 : 75$ Hardcore/Abyss HC 1-10 : 5$ 1-20 : 10$ 1-30 : 15$ 1-40 : 20$ 1-50 : 25$ 1-60 : 30$ 1-70 : 45$ 1-80 : 70$ 1-90 : 120$
  4. mercurial003

    PoE Currency & Powerlevel 1$ Ex

    Hello community, i will introduce here my powerlevel service and my currency for sale. Currency i mainly sell in Standard and Temporary Softcore Leagues, I play Hardcore leagues only when i have orders. Payment Methods: PayPal, Skrill, Bitcoin Contact Method: Click skype logo at bottom of the thread or add me on discord: mercurial003#6573 Standard: Exalted Orb 0.85$ Abyss: Exalted Orb - (At league start price will fluctuate so make sure to add me and get price updates) Powerlevel Levelling is manually done I will level up using your skill tree. You keep all loot, i don't take anything from your account. I can level up a new account or your current account. When i will finish the order you will get your character geared, ready for play. Standard/Abyss SC 1-10 : 5$ 1-20 : 10$ 1-30 : 15$ 1-40 : 17$ 1-50 : 20$ 1-60 : 25$ 1-70 : 30$ 1-80 : 45$ 1-90 : 75$ Hardcore/Abyss HC 1-10 : 5$ 1-20 : 10$ 1-30 : 15$ 1-40 : 20$ 1-50 : 25$ 1-60 : 30$ 1-70 : 45$ 1-80 : 70$ 1-90 : 120$
  5. Selling Harbinger League exalted orbs. Payment method: Paypal GIFT Payment always first. Please contact me on skype or Discord for details. Discord: SupZerg#4519 My skype: live:conrad.brown2007 nick name Supzerg
  6. Hello everyone, I've started selling POE Currency again for the Harbringer league. I've been selling POE goods, for a few years and have also sold things in games such as Diablo2 and WoW. I used to be part of the support staff here, however I've given that up due to time restrictions. I have many return customers and all satisfied from all POE challenge leagues. I am a private seller, not a website or affiliated with any company in any way. First of all unlike most people selling currency, THIS CURRENCY IS NOT RESOLD AND IT IS NOT BOTTED! ALL currency I make is obtained via flipping only - which is why I don't sell from the start of the league, I value my customer's safety first. I can't stress this enough, GGG has been banning resellers/botters and people trading with them left and right for at least 6 months now harder than ever before. If you wish to know how the currency is obtained before you buy it, feel free to ask. My prices will be around the chepeast public currency stores out there, however I don't trade a lot of currency every day from one account like gold seller websites and also I NEVER RESELL. So this is the safest currency you can buy and DELIVERY IS BASICALLY INSTANT. However I don't try to compete in price with the chinese resellers/hackers who are looking to dump their currency instantly. This is safe clean currency, and I put quite a lot of work in obtaining it, and a small premium is in my opinion the way to go, if you value the safety of your account and the MTX you have on it. I take Paypal and Skrill as payment and I have high rep on other big trading websites for years, that I can show you. If you want to use paypal directly, you NEED TO BE VERIFIED, and have good reputation/join date on well established trading sites otherwise your paypal payment will be made through a third party and will cost 10% more than the skrill price. I will not go first, unless you are a GM trader for many years with impeccable reputation that far exceeds mine. My customers are 100% satisfied, I have never had any issues with anyone, except the occasional scamming attempt that won't work , so don't bother, I've been doing this for a long time. My skype is roneo1234, I'm on EU timezone. For those who become return customers and trade with me frequently, I will give you free extra orbs for return deals and bulk discounts.
  7. walkingdead

    Add Range to pickit

    Hello, my suggestion today is a [Range] value for the pickit list. Just like the function behind the range for scroll pickup. [Type] == "Orb of Transmutation" && [Range] <= "10" # [StashItem] == "true" //picks up transmutes shorter than 10 away [Type] == "Orb of Fusing" && [Range] <= "30" # [StashItem] == "true" // picks up fusings than 30 away [Type] == "Exalted Orb" # [StashItem] == "true" // picks up all exalts regardless of distance Then we could configure the bot to pickup low and mid value currency when it drops close enough instead of just saying yes or no to certain orbs.
  8. Hi, I'd like to share with you guys my EA combat settings, since I heard someone is having problems setting it up. Thank maumau03 for asking This configuration will kite the enemy if it gets too close, and also will auto gain frenzy charges whenever they run out. This is my tested configuration, working like a charm. Feel free to give an advice and improve it. Cooldown is based on your skill tree and gear, try this config, if it's not working as it should try to lower or increase it ~200ms. Help me with my rep u_u EDIT: frenzy error | copy/pasting error. thank jps42 for pointing that out full image link
  9. legitplayer

    Essensce stashing

    done sry thanks
  10. So I've come back to PoE after quite some time away and have started to restock on currency. Large stocks are available right now for all currency. My prices will be around the chepeast public currency stores out there, however I don't trade a lot of currency every day from one account like gold seller websites and also I NEVER RESELL, so this is the safest currency you can buy and delivery is basically instant. I take paypal and skrill as payment and I have high rep on trading websites, that I can show you. If you want to use paypal directly, you NEED TO BE VERIFIED, and have good reputation/join date on well established trading sites otherwise your paypal payment will be made through a third party and will cost 10% more than the skrill price. I will not go first, unless you are a GM trader for many years with impeccable reputation that far exceeds mine. My customers are 100% satisfied, I have never had any issues with anyone, except the occasional scamming attempt that won't work , so don't bother, I've been doing this for a long time. My skype is roneo1234, I'm on EU timezone. For those who become return customers and trade with me frequently, I will give you free extra orbs for return deals and bulk discounts.
  11. GameNoob123


    Hey guys, I am buying 60 exalts for $60usd, which is better than what most of these buyers pay! I am not a supplier, just a player looking for currency. I am paying with verified Paypal, and I can go first vs. trusted traders. If you do not agree with my price, please post a ratio or bulk price for 60 exalts below. Looking to buy fast and soon! Thanks
  12. We all know about poe.xyz to trade items but it's pretty terrible when you want to trade currency so I've been using and having good success with POECEC.
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