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Everything posted by d12

  1. d12

    Kill Switch

    guys. a bot isnt made to replace users brain. its made to save time...
  2. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    what exactly do u mean with "stop responding? the windows msg when the client is crashing? and no i dont have this problem
  3. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    i would say 32bit os with 2-4 cpu cores and 2gb ram should be enough.
  4. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    no reason to use a 64bit host/vm in my opinion. but u cant use 4gb ram on a 32bit vm. 32bit os is capped at about 3gb ram (i guess this is still the same for a 32bit vm os)
  5. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    oh, didnt know that? but why isnt it working in vmware player?
  6. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    vmware player is freeware. so seems like u installed the wrong version (maybe vmware workstation) and since u doesnt seem to be lucky with those kind of things i suggest u to search for a video tutorial to set up or use a prepared vm ;P just to be sure ur next post wont be like "vm not running" xD
  7. d12

    Chat box

    just found the chat box today since i normally dont go to the main page after login so for all the other ppl around: THE CHAT BOX ROX EDIT: would be nice if u could make it sizeable. or bigger EDIT1: my fault. was just to dumb to use the chat properly.
  8. d12

    please help for something

    should be fine. just change them if u see theyr not working
  9. d12

    please help for something

    the pickit file itself is explaining itself. just read the comments
  10. d12

    please help for something

    leap slam settings are easy. just set ur leapslam hotkey skill to min=0 and max=400 the priority should be self explaining if u would have red the explanation (higher value => higher priority) the pickit is self explaining i would say. just read what the values in there are doing. (u cannot add random ids/item names/ whatever)
  11. d12

    please help for something

    the gui is only changing things in the config files. so just post ur skill config file or make a screenshot of the skill gui page should be enough. also trying around a bit atm. EDIT: come to the chat system think its a bit empty cause ppl didnt recognise it yet. http://www.exiled-bot.net/forum/ if ur logged in
  12. d12

    please help for something

    RLY nice trick. ill try it asap xD EDIT couldnt get it work fast xD would be cool if u could post ur skills file. need to leave now. if u dont answer ill try it if im back xD anyways thx for the idea.
  13. d12

    please help for something

    hard to explain what u mean, but ill give my best as it seems u want to use leap slam when the bot is trying to reach an obstacle. (thats a nice idea, but as i know not possible yet) @devs: as a fast way to implement this option it would be nice to set a hotkey as "moving hotkey" so we are able to choose which hotkey is used for moving. since left click doesnt jump if leap slam is linked to it. (atleast not jumping if no monster is clicked.) setting the walking hotkey to left click and link leap slam to it would let the bot jump always and therefore more mobility. as a temporary fix it might help to set the chest looting range lower than the monster atking range. but thats just theory. not sure if it helps.
  14. not sure what ur doing wrong, but the bot loots uniques now for quite a long time, and also the looting mechanics has been improved and working rly nice now. had about 3-5 trash items within 50-100h botting. ofc u should have "usealttoloot" set as "true" in the bot config. and set this feature in the poe client aswell.
  15. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    hey, did u check this thread? http://www.exiled-bot.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=285 with bridged mode ur ip should be different. ofc ur pcs internal ip. the routers ip is still the same. to be totally save use a proxy or vpn
  16. d12

    Bot on Linux

    but u can waste alot of time trying to get the game running ;P
  17. d12

    What did u get from the bot

    ye. scrolls are useless since the currency output for them is kinda irrelevant. but thats what everyone should choose on himself.
  18. d12

    Bot on Linux

    hehe guessed i would regret this post. but it was more a troll post.i know any os has its pros and cons. (except from macOS. couldnt find a pro yet which is worth to use it ;P)
  19. d12


    1. this is a thread which should be posted in the issues and bug section 2. give us a bit more hints about which bot version (hopefully 0.7c which is the latest) 3. give us more hints about ur pc (os and so on) 4. not sure what u mean to click the item itself instead of the nameplate. since the nameplate is made to click on it. 5. didnt rly see this problem happening for me alot. in ur post it seems like ur having it all the time (or u dont know what "high end orbs" are xD) 6. i hope we can help u better if u posted more information.
  20. d12

    Bot on Linux

    thats why linux sux ;P
  21. d12

    Bot on Linux

    addition to watahs post: virtual box isnt working. just use vm ware player.
  22. d12

    What did u get from the bot

    time to read the wiki about IIQ then
  23. d12

    Bot on Linux

    what poebo said. but u can run it in a windows vm
  24. d12

    Elite user

    atm there are no real elite features anyways. the only bonus u gain for being elite atm is to that u can use elite forums. the elite bot features will come later if the bot isnt in alpha/beta state anymore.
  25. d12

    Is there any window8 bot user here?

    ^main problem doesnt matter if its good. if its new it sells.
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