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Everything posted by d12

  1. on modern computers u can recognise the process if u check about every 10ms. but still not too bad then.
  2. checking every second should bring noticeable system slowdown.
  3. d12

    Which Areas are you botting

    sooner or later u dunno anyways what to do with all that currency
  4. d12

    PoE on VMware?

    thx for those infos username1001101: thats what i actually guessed. there is no use for 64bit at all while botting poe. 1. 32bit vs 64bit uses kinda doubled ram. 500mb and 1gb 2. since poe on my bot needs about 400-500mb ram when starting i highly doubt it gets higher than 4gb while playing anyways just gave the vm 2gb ram to use. would feel it if thats not enough xD the main reason for me going 32bit was actually the less os ram used. but with 2gb i could also go 64bit windows 7 since poe doesnt rly need more than 1gb while in use i guess. actually just not switching cause 32bit running fine and there is no advantage.
  5. d12

    Which Areas are you botting

    1. running low lvled areas isnt rly a problem. im still getting flooded with currency and not rly running IIQ 2. noone said it will be easy to make ur bot mapping
  6. d12

    PoE on VMware?

    @ zantetsu my tip to switch off vsync only applies in combination with Dxtory ofc. otherwise vsync is doing its job. not that good within the vm, but atleast dropping fps to something @ crusnik ur able to explain that a bit more precise? and how big is the difference actually while running a 32bit vm on a 64bit host? sry for being sceptic, but alot of gamers actually got no clue what theyr talking about like when i tried to find an fps limiter i was reading too many forums were ppl just stated fps limiters are crap since u definatly need 120fps+ cause u can feel the difference. instaed they could just helped ppl out since limiting fps u arent doing cause u want extreme performance lol. mostly to save gpu power.
  7. devs are working on those kind of things. just be patient
  8. the idea itself isnt too bad as a temporary fix, but im not too sure if it works. 1. cause the movement at the beginning of an area is based on an ugly implemented gem lvling. 2. if aura = true the aura gets cast right after the gem lvling is done. so owuld just work if the gem lvling recognises monsters around and stops gem lvling and casting auras. i also highly doubt that u got enough time to cast all auras until monsters are near enough but anyways a good idea in theory xD
  9. d12

    Which Areas are you botting

    he made some map scripts i guess. mapping is probably coming sooner or later to the bot. btw. if u dont get exp at docks just still stay there and get currency. thats the main reason why this bot got created.
  10. just ignoring them would be great. at this this state of the bot it is rightclicking any gem. therefore unuseable atm. if it gets fixed it hopefully gets a proper left click for lvlable gems and ignoring greyed out ones. for those who asking: ignore greyed out gems just incase u meet the requirenments later (eg lvl up) rightclick them to hide is dumb. since u cant get them unhidden again
  11. its not about maps. its just too many uniques/currency xD
  12. d12


    but pls optional pickup for flasks. dont wanna end up spammed with flasks
  13. d12

    PoE on VMware?

    ok, did some researching and was kinda successful using a demo of Dxtory now. not sure how long it lasts since its a trial. but ill find that out xD working best for me if i start dxtory and then start poe. the process should be recognised automatically then. after ur running dxtory on the correct process go to the "hotkey" section and disable "use default setting". stay in the "hotkey" section and clean all the hotkeys. so nothin unexpected is happening while the bot is running. go to the "advanced" section and also disable the "use default setting" there if its enabled. now set the "limit video fps" to whatever u want. 30 worked best for me. not sure why but at 15 the graphic card is using more power again just try it out whats working fine for u. IMPORTANT: switch off the "vsync" in the poe client options. since its not needed anymore but might still consume power or messes up with the dxtory settings. those are just guesses. but since u dont need it anymore just switch it off to prevent problems which are just useless. hope some ppl got use for that. for me at least its a big boost. saving more than 50% of graphics power compared without dxtory. EDIT: it seems like the gpu usage is a bit crazy now. sometimes about 50-70% and then sometimes just 10-20%. anyone knows what the problem might be?
  14. d12


    oh. forgot to mention this in my first post roah feathers are within the range of currency and scrolls. it will pickup if u get one
  15. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    oh didnt go that deep into workstation yet. just using player cause its free xD
  16. d12

    PoE on VMware?

    just tested it. setting it up to 8 or 10 lets u kinda see nothing anymore xD but doesnt matter for the bot. also couldnt see alot of performance improvements even with my crappy graphics. something that would rly bring up preformance would be if the vsync would work in the vm. since as it seems it doesnt. running at about 70-80 fps. which is obviously not vsynced. is there any solution to maybe tell the vm its running in a lets say 30fps screen and therefore max fps would be 30? or foes the poe client have some kind of a max fps number? couldnt find any. might find a solution later and post it if im successful.
  17. d12

    Prepared VM for Download

    as u know u can run any vmware created in the vmware player. "any" means any created with a vmware product
  18. d12


    if u found a roah feather alrdy ur quite lucky. or wasted too much time in mud flats xD roah feathers are RLY rare and currently useless. since noone found out what to do with them. scheduled botting is alrdy in the shreks gui as i know. not quite sure since im not using it.
  19. its up the devs. we cant fix it with the config
  20. d12

    What does exploration_distance do?

    comon rly? its explained in the config file AND GGG_Botman gave a rly nice explanation aswell. Also botting isnt brainless. Doing things automatically mostly means u have to think MORE in the beginning. not LESS. so here another explanation: the exploration distance is like a circle around ur char. If the radius is the whole distance, or half of the distance isnt important now. its one of those two. So as u walk around the bot marks all points within the circle. setting the distance very low lets the bot explore the map very carefully and running into all the edges. if u set a high exploration distance the bot doesnt have to walk all over the place to mark it as explored. but since it took u at least two explanations i highly recommend u shouldnt change anything within the systems.ini thats what the system.ini initial comment says: ; DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING !! and no. getting what a value actually does after two explanations IS NOT knowing what ur doing. so pls dont change anything in there. there are still enough values out there u can change and its alrdy complicated enough.
  21. d12

    PoE on VMware?

    poe wont run in an xp vm. if u still can manage it tell us immediatly xD win7 32bit works quite fine for most of the ppl here.
  22. ofc ull drop more. but at some state u dont rly want more
  23. thats why own business sux ;P btw. if ur running the bot 24/7 u dont rly need IIQ/IIR. i just get flooded by shit and kinda got no IIQ/IIR.
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