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Everything posted by d12

  1. Since there have been some problems to me and probably others too ill write some lines. The two config settings are: 1. skillX_max_distance_value (can be found in the skills.ini) 2. attack_distance (can be found in the system.ini) the second is actually new since pathing is implemented and in the system.ini u shouldnt change things if u dunno what ur doing). but ill explain u what to do it. otherwise the bot isnt working as it should (speaking of version 0.8b since this might get fixed in future versions). So the first one everyone should know. its just a max range for ur particular skill ur using. The second one tells the bot when to stop the pathing and start attacking monsters. As i remember this is set to 20 as default, which is actually crap. Since it is kinda overwriting ur skills max distance. So to get this working properly u should set the attack_distance to the same value as ur highest skillX_max_distance_value (highest value of ur active atk skills ofc). So the bot will simply walk as long as the first skill might get used. As u can see the pathing seems to make facetanking hard melee chars with short range more interesting now. Since the preferred leap slam builds need some "serious" thinking about where to stand so u can still jump onto enemies (u cant jump around buildings and such). so maybe going for infernal blow or reave or cleave might be better now.
  2. d12


    12. never saw this problem happening, but shouldnt happen too often. should be still easy to implement since ignoring the story items while opening chest got implemented seperatly as i remember 14. nice idea. guess its on some todo list alrdy and coming with some fighting AI. 15. not too important i would say. since with the path finding there shouldnt be any more problems with opening too many instances. 16. ur rly doing this if ur playing manually? xD (but ye. since the bot will think of the solution to es mobs on itself there isnt anything to say against it ;P)
  3. d12

    Project Advancement

    u guys know how to do it even loving u more now its finally released :*
  4. d12

    VMWare tips

    win7 seems to run fine. personally im running 32bit since it needs less ram in the vm
  5. d12

    Map Scripts / Bot capability

    think those kind of things coming with pathfinding now. since the whole map gets loaded from the memory. which includes waypoints and such things aswell i guess.
  6. d12

    Any word on path finding / stashing?

    not rly new to botting xD just wondered where the part is where the [type] gets defined xD
  7. d12

    VMWare tips

    just open vm ware player -> click "new vm" follow the steps and ur done xD
  8. d12

    Project Advancement

    comon guys. ur joking us? mentioning pathing everywhere but not releasing it thats evil ;P
  9. d12

    Any word on path finding / stashing?

    what kind of code is that? seems just like pseudo code examples xD
  10. d12

    Project Advancement

    YEA :**
  11. d12

    Any word on path finding / stashing?

    ye, germans suck xD
  12. hey, thx for ur thoughts. im kinda aware of those issues u mentioned. 1. a track point is needed since as u alrdy mentioned touch pads suck for serious useage. 2. having this problem aswell with the extra gpu here (540m). its located left of the touchpad and therefore just under my left hand while gaming. incredibly hot in the summer. in winter its quite nice to have it xD 3. ill probably going for 14" (max 15") since im not gaming alot on the go and at home im gaming on an external 21" monitor anyways. 4. atm i got an i7 here (2nd gen) and its kinda never over 50%. only if vm craps around for some kind of buggy things i guess. thats why im waiting for those ULV i5 dual cores (28W as i rem) from intel which should be released soon. they also got the good graphics inside. (iris (5000)/5100/5200) EDIT: WTF!!! i just found out, that the hot part left from the touch pad isnt the gpu as i expected since its hot as hell. its my hard drive... (is this somehow possible, or there might be something wrong with it? its a normal (toshiba MK6461GSY) hdd never thought a hdd might get that hot. also the ssd on my x61 produces heat like it would even be turned on xD
  13. d12

    Any word on path finding / stashing?

    not running inside the forums and on youtube directly german music restrictions fuck it ;/ but im also too exited to see the path finding and those other new things. good timing btw. since my exam is tomorrow so ill have a bit more time afterwards ;P
  14. d12

    VMWare tips

    thx for those tips. good to see them colloected in one post but 1) is wrong. im using vmware player which is actually free to use for non commercials and u can simply set up or use vms.
  15. d12


    +1 pretty cool ideas for the future.
  16. thats good to hear. since im also looking for something i can use for a long time guess ur running an ssd with it? EDIT: and ur running the 3 vms with bots in there? so like 2x diablo and 1x poe? EDIT 2: also forgot to mention, that i RLY like to have a track point. since im using the laptop alot in the university and im just too dumb to properly use a touchpad (thats the main reason im looking at those dell and lenovo ones atm. and also cause they got excellent build quality compared to most other company's laptops) using a touch screen is not wanted and also no solution for not having a track point. touchpads just suck for serious business xD
  17. thx for the info. will have a look at it. price seems to be fair for a 17"
  18. hey guys, thx for the fast answers. price: max 1.5k euros and ofc im going for an SSD. got one in my thinkpad x61 and its freaking nice. about the 3 year warranty: doesnt lenovo have 3 years aswell? and most likely the laptop should easy life for 3 years if im not buying some mainstream model. which i dont rly want. and yes i know a gpu is recommended for gaming, but as it seems the new intel iris seem to be quite capable for the lower games alrdy. i just made bad experience with discrete gpu (with a dell xps). didnt rly buy it cause its a super good laptop, but the price was insane cheap with some coupons xD. @ okostibi which nvidia? @ GGG-Botman as i alrdy mentioned i had some problems with an extra gpu. so i hoped i can get rid of this shit xD and yes i know there are only 2-3 intel igpus which are able to handle games properly. basically waiting for those dual cores with nice igpu which should be released soon. maybe i should say, that im studying software engineering and im not too far away from successfully finishing it. so im not totally without any clue what im looking for xD hope this isnt too confusing, but i think i stated everything u mentioned. d12 EDIT: for some fun xD like ppl try to complain not having a low voltage 10h battery life gaming ultra book the more recent posts getting even more fun... http://forum.notebookreview.com/lenovo/ ... 1080p.html
  19. hey guys, as the title alrdy says im looking for a new latop. since there are coming new ones atm quite frquently im quite a bit confused. looking into threads about thinkpad t440s (basically waiting for t440/p infos since im not rly loooking for an ultrabook) also some dell latitude e7440 is coming up or is up atm but sold out alrdy atm dell precision workstations coming aswell soon named m4800/6800. i think also m3800 hp notebooks seem to be quite more expensive than lenovo and dell so dont want to afford those. (mybe im looking for the wrong shit xD) basically i wanna use this laptop for university and some gaming. (poe for example xD) as it seems with an intel iris 5100/5200 this should be possible without discrete graphics. (i dont give alot on high graphic settings) maybe also possible with intel 5000. also it should be 14-15" (preferring 14" since its just a bit smaller, but u dont rly feel the difference when looking at the screen xD) so if u need more info just tell me. otherwise just gimme ur thoughts urs d12
  20. d12

    Any word on path finding / stashing?

    cant u just not make the path grid that close? less nodes gives nice performance easily. ofc not too less nodes since u loose accuracy like this
  21. d12

    Any word on path finding / stashing?

    pathing was nearly released yesterday. some last minute bug prevented alkpone from releasing. stashing seems to be the main goal after pathing is done.
  22. d12

    Suggestion for 6 socket pickup

    alrdy on some todo list just be patient. theyr about to release pathing ina few which gives a rly big boost to the bot.
  23. d12

    Overnight Botting @ ****

    gz on this one
  24. d12


    7. included into shreks gui as i know. and official gui is coming soon aswell. so should be included into it. 8. not necessary anymore. alkpone will release pathing RLY soon. he alrdy announced it in the mini chat, but there was a small bug to fix first. shouldnt take too long.
  25. hey, since its still alpha and u recgnised this alrdy i guess.. all those cool things are comin sooner or later. might go under fighting AI which seems to be improved after pathing and stashing is done as i remember. (pathing is coming rly soon btw. since some kinda working pathing is alrdy running on the devs pcs )
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