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Everything posted by d12

  1. lol. just try out whats working good got no clue since im leap slammer
  2. which section of the config u mean?
  3. oh ye true. maybe i should have thought a few seconds before giving u this tip ;P think some kind of "passive" bot which is just heping the player: like auto heal auto atk and such was suggested before and most likely comes in the future. since its easy to do
  4. try to set the map clear to 100 and the clear distance to 1 or maybe even 0
  5. d12


    sry if there was a misunderstanding walking back to the wp is indeed not too easy and also wasting alot of time. alot easier it would be to let the bot use a portal scroll/gem instead of logging. but to help ur freidn list problem: just dont bot on ur main acc
  6. d12


    1. ur saying it isnt possible to run the bot/game in a vm atm? thats just wrong. kinda everyone is running the bot within a vm atm. win7 32bit works quite good. win xp doesnt work at all. 2. if u relog or go back to tp doesnt rly matter. since both is extremly easy to catch automatically. but the most important part is, that it doesnt even matter since there are no automatical bot checks yet. guess theyr rly busy with getting the release build rdy. so i expect the first automatical bot checks a few months after release. thats also the earliest point of this kind of software as i would say. (thats just my opinion. so dont blame me if u get automatically banned ;P) 3. the only reason u can get banned for atm is probably getting reported by another player. which is happening if u look "suspicious". for example if ur running to the wp selection part in town every minute or something like this. 4. if u got no clue about vms there are plenty of vm helping threads here in the forums. also google helps alot if u invest some time.
  7. no its not atm. the bot will try to atk ur summons as i know.
  8. if u just wanna bot. get some low end crap gear for a few chaos each part and u should be quite fine.
  9. d12

    What does exploration_distance do?

    well done ggg-botman. rly good explanation. @ pbeary with a bit of thinking on ur side every config variable is explained in the config file so u can most likely understand it.
  10. think map drops arent common enough so u have to automatically combine them. u can easily do it manually.
  11. is there a reason why the bot is moving before setting up auras? (and i dont mean the movement cause of a slow pc. there seems to be a wanted moving aswell) since if u set up auras without moving there shouldnt be any monsters be lured.
  12. d12

    Send Inputs Directly to POE Window?

    not yet. this feature will probably come in the future and probably an elite only feature.
  13. d12

    Question about skill priority

    in case u want to do this to prevent getting banned. no worries. auto bot detection isnt here yet. if u want to do it to be more efficient. a bot will never be super efficient. thats not the reason to use a bot. the reason is to be most effective. and effectiveness comes from farming over time here. if u just want to do it for fun. u probably have to wait until more combat AI is coming.
  14. d12

    Follow bot

    good idea, but if u get caught botting ur main is fucked and ur items are gone aswell
  15. d12


    most of them are quite cool/useful
  16. the build itself is still pretty cool. but with path finding its crap. since the main advantage with leap slam was great mobility even if the bot couldnt find a way to the monsters. now with path finding its better to have some short ranged melees. cause u cant jump around edges. so the 400 (or whatever) max range of leap slam combined with the path finding will either be overwritten or u set the stop pathing and start atking variable to 400 aswell and then u get stuck if monsters cant get reached from where u stand. same problem happened in earlier versions aswell ofc. but wasnt fixable cause no pathing available. so having a short ranged melee u just walk until u reach the monster and then atk. so not blocked in any way. PS: only blocked if pathing fails in some strange situations. if the way around something is too far. as i rem that happens with a* if u improve the performance too much xD (not rly a problem since its not happening alot)
  17. d12

    Which Areas are you botting

    well done but yes ur missing atleast SOME hp
  18. d12

    [Tool] Skill radius

    +1 WOW just love u for that. :*
  19. d12

    Question about skill priority

    1. probably executes skill C 2. guess if its greyed out. so not enough mana as an example. (but didnt rly try out. since botting with just 1 skill isnt too hard to get working xD)
  20. d12

    Which Areas are you botting

    @ PoEr go docks. ledge isnt rly a area to stay for long @ seanpf11 since noone will observe u while running in a private instance nothin is suspicious. the only suspicious part is if ur running through town very often. and pathing prevents this quite good.
  21. ye leap slam isnt op anymore. also thought about cleave, reave or inf blow splash. some kind of hard facetanking short range melee
  22. d12

    Two Config Settings You Should Know

    pausing should be fixed with 0.8b (probably 0.8 aswell but didnt use it) also the pausing in town isnt fixed by my idea xD
  23. d12

    Two Config Settings You Should Know

    his try should give u back the feature to restart the poe client automatically xD
  24. d12

    Two Config Settings You Should Know

    not at all what i said what u should do. but if its working for u... why not
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