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Everything posted by d12

  1. -1 as many ppl (including me) stated alot of times before. relogging isnt a red flag for bans since its a game mechanics to prevent hardcore deaths. botting all the time the same area would red flag all of us and is way more suspicious since no single player runs the same area for deayys and weeks... Request: pls integrate an autoresponder to those kind of requests ;P
  2. ground slam itself isnt a build. its a skill. but i guess u can build around groundslam and ur bot will do fine. but anyways. most builds are working with the bot. good ones are melee builds or archer builds. totem or summoners arent working too good yet with the bot due to the complexity of placing totems and running away from monsters (since the bot is always running to the mobs xD)
  3. u can run any exe file with "start program.exe" from the command prompt. u just need to find a way to press the start button xD just google a bit ;P
  4. d12

    Banhammer This Morning

    it still might be for botting. just read my post a few posts before.
  5. +1 just something to let the bot have breaks/shut downs after time/...
  6. d12

    Auto PoE

    it got deleted cause of some problems. but normally the bot shouldnt close the client.
  7. d12

    Banhammer This Morning

    what about running 2 poe clients on the same pc at the same time. 1 highlvl char and one crap char. and then just switch clients to clean low quests faster?
  8. +1also the white maps arent that common. and with the new stashing there is no reason to not loot them
  9. d12

    Banhammer This Morning

    1. ur allowed to run 2 accounts at the same time as i know. but ONLY if ur manually running them. means controling only 1 at a time. since anything else isnt possible manually if ur running them on the same pc. 2. theyr obviousy not banning for random reasons. thats dumb. but since u think theyr doing so ur either super stupid or their banning methods are quite good xD what they actually do is: they figure out bot accounts and mark them somewhere. then they check u and ur ip and the accounts ur getting in touch. (or something like this) after a bit of time they ban all the suspicious accounts. as i heard u probably get back ur account if u just write to support and complain hard
  10. d12

    Export Settings?

    +1 a save and load profiles would be indeed rly nice and handy. @ slithering copying config files is just a temporary and ugly fix for this problem. and it might also cause alot of problems if the devs changed something in the config files.
  11. d12

    Task Scheduling

    it becomes realistic if ur on randomly. so just switch it on if u wake up and off if ur going to sleep a time shedule would be a bit of work to go randomly. but also thought of something like this before. maybe if i got a bit time left.
  12. d12

    how they detect macros?

    a bot is aswell some kind of "equipment" u might or might not pay for. also if ppl would sell "poe cheat controllers" which got a lot of macro buttons it would be still illegal i would guess. if the macro is integrated in ur keyboard/mouse or ur using a seperate macro program doesnt rly matter. technically its the same chest in the end.
  13. d12

    PoE Game patch 1.0 information

    thx for writing a summary. +1
  14. d12


    coming soon
  15. d12

    how they detect macros?

    isnt a macro on the keyboard a 3rd party software aswell? since the keyboard itself is running some software to perform the macro action.
  16. d12

    Heya! :) Recently Donated

    just resend him a pm.
  17. d12

    any way to run minimized?

    u can also watch movies while the bot is not running in a vm. but only if u got 2 screens. so u start the movie in one screen and then start the bot on the other screen. just be careful not to use the mouse or keyboard while the bot is running. if u wanna do some shit pause the bot get the movie paused, get some food and start over again
  18. d12

    strange ban today

    we all know chris isnt an idiot. he wouldnt actually tell anyone how their system against bots works. ^he also stated this somewhere if i remember correctly.
  19. d12


    love ur introduction xD
  20. d12

    strange ban today

    ^ thats absolutely nonsense.since otherwise u could just run any higher lvl char with alot less risk. the conclusion would be, that there will be more and more botting chars which are not getting checked. (this idea only works if GGG would be able to catch ANY botter before reaching 25.) the lvl 25 thingy has been done by GGG to prevent new accounts to trade immediatly. since most of the botting companies are botting act1 normal merveil i think. or maybe new char making and act1 normal brutus botting. whatever: it takes them some time to get 25+ on one of their chars on a new account in those areas.
  21. d12

    how they detect macros?

    alot depends on randomness. most macros are simple and just repeat a few actions any lets say 300ms. thats quite easy to detect since no one is able to hit keys and house buttons that exact. exiled bot is heavily random with small random delays. so instead of any 300ms its using 300ms +- 50. this results in a repetition of every 250-350ms. thats alot harder to check since this might be also a real person clicking keys or mouse buttons.
  22. d12

    Banhammer This Morning

    ^ +1 xD
  23. d12

    exile bot not detected!

    ^ the bot itself doesnt seem to be able to be detecable, since it is only memory reading. (and yes i know mem read is also detectable... but thats not the main problem.)as alk alrdy said u get into some "GGG bot check thingy" if ur account acts suspicious. like being online rly long. which is just not possible for a normal user since he has to sleep. and as i know account sharing isnt allowed. (maybe this was only for closed beta. not sure) staying at the same area for hours/days/weeks (as it seems nothing like this is done yet) relogging all the time doesnt matter, since its some kind of game mechanics to prevent getting killed.
  24. d12

    how to get bot to stash items?

    implemented in the bot soon aswell
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