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Everything posted by d12

  1. d12

    Auto ressurect

    got mentioned several times alrdy and its in work i think. dont wanna hurry anyone here but i guess its coming in the next version.
  2. wow ur alrdy working on the background work thingy? thats quite nice xD the vm thingy is quite cool, but its not that fun either xD sometimes its a bit annoying and performance rly sux on the vm. d12
  3. d12

    Pathing Helper

    ye, never said its a key logger. there is just the possibility... and shreks/exiled bot source is unlikely a key logger. noone would do such a big effort to just sneak in a kelogger ;P d12
  4. wait for stashing until then just use chess or 2 line system to prevent getting spammed by shit items. with q gems only u should be able to run the bot quite long.
  5. will probably come soon when some kinda of stashing gets implemented. or drop crap functions. anyways this seems to be quite a rare bug since i never saw this on myself. mostly the wrong item just gets clicked once.
  6. there will be elite only features in the future. since its just an alpha yet this might take a bit time ofc.
  7. d12

    Pathing Helper

    scanning the exe is useless ofc... i wont use it. but u guys out there can do whatever u want ofc anyways im running fine even without pathing.
  8. would say that party botting isnt worth the effort anyways. in my eyes its alot of effort for the devs and the bonus i get is as it seems not rly high. only in certain special areas and cases. too many things will go wrong and i have to party again all the time u relog and so on.... better focus on the rly important things.
  9. hey guys, this super bright shit thingy seems not to appear that hard if ur using windows aero theme. anyways. for using the official bot ONLY the super bright screen doesnt matter. for the "extensions" ppl made it might cause some problems. im not sure about those, since im not using those extensions. (the less bot functions the more tricky the botter has to be ;P) d12
  10. d12

    Pathing Helper

    i wouldnt say its "probably" a keylogger. but it would be nice if u could just post the source code aswell. this would make it easy for us to find out if its trustable or not. (ofc the exe could be something different then, but u can run it directly from source on ur own.) if caosmen doesnt want to show us the source i would be suspicious aswell. and yes. some pathing help is alrdy out there.
  11. sry never had this problem. maybe u can post ur config files? d12
  12. 2gb ram seems to be ok, but the vm is kinda using any cpu power u give... 4 cores in vm and all in heavy use...
  13. hopefully u were watching some kind of video tutorial to set up ur vm. u should be fine if u did it. on vm ware u need to install vm ware tools. (go for a video to find out how. too strange to explain via text) actually INSTALL poe client. NOT copy paste from ur host system. just download and install it on the vm. copying might work aswell. but brings problems with it probably. if u say "nothin" on poe client launch. what exactly do u mean? since "nothin" at all seems to be quite unlikely. d12
  14. thats nice to hear. hopefully u can find it soon xD
  15. d12

    Next release

    any chance for getting the new version today? dont hurry xD just wanna know if i can start over again or not. d12
  16. d12

    Banned this morning

    ye rly nice idea. the new instance at "door" should be possible if the pathfinding is done i guess. would give a big improvement in my eyes since u can get caught on entering the city zones too often. (in my opinion still the only way to get banned by getting reported. and maybe random checks by bored staff members xD) its also rly easy to implement a check how often ppl relog per hour and check them then since its a bit suspicious if someone is relogging every ~10minutes. d12
  17. d12

    Banned this morning

    getting banned is just random i would say (atm)
  18. d12

    Next release

    nice idea jpbot, but isnt it fun to not know it? and i hope something cool is coming xD keep up the nice work. d12
  19. d12

    Banned this morning

    seems legit
  20. d12

    zombie and spector use

    everything is on its way. but there are more important things to finish atm. d12
  21. d12

    Banned this morning

    why should the host bot be more save? d12
  22. d12

    Use ALT with pickup

    is it possible to loot with leftclick? i mean does the client support this? if yes, this is a nice idea. but the bot should walk directly to the item until he doesnt need to move anymore for looting. d12
  23. d12

    New user

    bot is up to date again
  24. d12

    Bot not working for me

    they wont. 1. cause its quite hard to make updates without bugs. and fast bug fixes are rly nice btw. 2. 1. causes less botting d12
  25. d12

    Bot not working for me

    hey, thats rly nice. and ye the mail seems pretty useless. and noone with a real brain rly want to recieve a mail if there is a bot update.... let ppl do atleast a bit work on themselves otherwise they get even more dumb. d12
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