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Everything posted by fantominus

  1. fantominus

    Strange behaviour in 0.57D

    ok ty for reply, 1)i will try to reproduce it again. Maybe i did something wrong 2) ok why not adding a rule, but if the point 1) is a mistake that i only experienced myself maybe you doesn t need to change something.
  2. fantominus

    Strange behaviour in 0.57D

    Thank you for answer, if i understand well, the stashing changes from last versions (0.57) involved a hierarchy that make the bot starting highest level map without taking care of alc/trans if there is no in the current stash where the map is. Before it was checking all selected stash tab and cross map and currencies between them, not anymore it seems. I will have to check how to modify my config in order to avoid this behaviour.
  3. fantominus

    Strange behaviour in 0.57D

    Hi EB team, If bot is used for map farming from hideout, there is these new and strange behaviour which are not wanted, i guess in the new version 0.57d: 1) If multiple stash tab selected and if it has been selected to alc (make rare) all maps in maps.ini file and if maps and alchemy are not in the same tab, the bot starts white maps. It should not do that. Before in previous versions (0.56) it was putting the map in inventory and then change stash until it find an alchemy and alc it. It doesn t the case anymore so in order to temporary fix it, it is necessary to put alchemy in the same tab than maps. It helps but after a while if no more alchemy or maps in this stash, the problem will appear again. 2) In no rare maps in the stash tabs and if there are some blue, the bot starts blue and and doesnt use alchemy to make rare. In order to fix it is necessary to add a line in maps.ini to ignore the blue maps but it is not a long term solution. I don t know if these behaviour are volunteer or if the the new features of bot involve to make some changes in the bot configuration ? anyway i report it. Regards.
  4. i have max resist + 5-6khp, but i guess some levels from T7 need much more and it depends also on the quantity of bombs, i can manage 3 or 4 thanks to my 2 instant flasks but in most cases when there is more than 6-7 bombs (pack size maps) u die each time even with a big life pool and caped resist.
  5. Hi, After long tests and experience with bot on high level maps, i found that the main source of death is the bloodlines bearers. When these mobs die, they create elemental balls which explode few seconds later. The problem is on high level, these bombs one shot you almost all the time, especially with big packs and the bot stays in the middle and wait for death. The new feature will be to detect these bombs and try to stay away from them when they appear. I don t know if it is something possible to program but it would be very useful. Thanks.
  6. Oh i didn't know this feature, thank you !!!
  7. Hi Team, Maybe i'm not the first one asking for that but i think we need an option or feature to in the pickit to take items according to their specifi itemlevel. In previous leagues it was maybe not very important but since talisman drop came, the item level of talisman is very important for its worth. So plealse could you add a feature in order to pick talisman according to their item level ? Thank you anyway for the job done unitl now !!! Regards.
  8. fantominus

    question d'un nouveau (encore)

    Salut, Je vais essayé de t'aider avec les quelques connaissances que j'ai: 1) Bizarre que cela ne marche pas, as tu bien configuré le bot à partir d'une version de EB fraîchement décompressée depuis le site ? Essaies avec d'autres onglets, genre , 1,2,3,4,5 pour voir. 2) Pour le pickit, tu peux faire beaucoup de choses mais pas tout. Par exemple tu ne pas filtrer un item en ciblant le fait qu'il reste des mod à crafter dessus, par contre tu peux filtrer quels mods il doit contenir au minimum pour etre gardé, cela est valable pour les Rare la plupart du temps. Ensuite si tu veux ne garder que les cartes, maps et uniques, il suffit de supprimer ou mettre en commentaires ("//") toute la dernière partie du fichier pickit à partir des filtres sur les rares, cela concerne le dernier tier en gros De plus si tu veux conserver tout les uniques il suffit d'enlever les commentaires sur la ligne: [Rarity] == "Unique" # [stashItem] == "true" // Keep all unique, comment this line if you want the bot to sell unique not defined in this file et de mettre en commentaire sur cette ligne comme suit: //[Rarity] == "Unique" # [sellItem] == "true" // Sell all unique that aren't defined in the pickit (be careful with recently added uniques) Pour la rareté les jaunes sont décrit comme des "Rare" et les oranges comme des "Uniques". Pour mieux filtrer le pickit filtre déjà certains uniques à conserver comme ayant une certaine valeur et les autres seront vendus, d'où la liste d'uniques que tu peux voir dans le fichier, après rien ne t'empeche d'en enlever ou d'en rajouter selon tes besoins. Pour les rares c'est un peu le même principe, toutes les lignes du dernier tiers concernent un filtrage sur les rares(jaunes) pour chaque type avec des filtres bien particulier pour ceux qui ont de la valeur. Si par exemple tu ne veux plus ramasser les chest (armures), tu mets en commentaires (ou supprime) toutes les lignes sur les chests rares. De cette manière il n'y aura plus de filtre donc il ne seront pas ramassés. Après si tu veux faire un ramassage d'objet bien précis, c'est plus compliqué mais faisable. Disons que tu veuilles ramasser aucunes armes à part les dagues ayant du spell damage, eh bien il faut commencer par supprimer ou mettre en commentaires toutes les lignes faisant référence aux armes rares et ajouter une ligne pour chaque type de dague. En effet le filtrage se fait par catégorie ( armes, anneau, ceinture, etc) ou type (Fiend Dagger, Glorious Plate) qui définit directement le nom d'un objet et tu ne peux pas filtrer directement par "Dague" et ramasser toutes les dagues, il faut écrire des lignes pour chaque type de dague.Exemple (toutes les dagues jaunes ayant une spell damage >=50): [Type] == "Glass Shank" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Skinning Knife" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Carving Knife" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Stiletto" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Boot Knife" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Copper Kris" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Skean" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Imp Dagger" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Prong Dagger" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Flaying Knife" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Butcher Knife" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Poignard" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Boot Blade" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Golden Kris" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Royal Skean" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Fiend Dagger" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Gutting Knife" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Slaughter Knife" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Ambusher" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Ezomyte Dagger" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Platinum Kris" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Imperial Skean" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Demon Dagger" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" [Type] == "Sai" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "50" 3) Oui il y a un mode "campagne" tu le trouveras dans l'onglet "progression" mais pour l'instant c'est encore en développement donc je crois que cela marche que pour l'act 1 voir le 2. Personnellement je n'ai jamais essayé cette fonctionnalité. En gros il suffit de sélectionner les zones que l'on veut activer. Voila en espérant avoir répondu à tes questions. Bonne année !
  9. Hi Team, I found a bug which exist from the previous version of bot. It concerns end game map farming from hideout. When the bot come back from map in ho, if it has found several maps, when opening stash, it starts by alching (put an alchemy orb on a white) a map randomly then put all maps in stash and then re select one which has the highest level and alch it. After a certain time, i found a lot of map alc in stash for no reason. This issue make use a lot of alch and spend all my storage for no reason bc the bot alc low level maps when i expect to not do it.
  10. fantominus

    Bug caused by new function of 0.53 version

    I can give more details about my issue described above in order to reproduce it: - I set the default farming area to Dried Lake. - I check all boxes for map farming and i select hideout bc i m using zana map device. - i m starting a map, make the bot chickens, then bot respawns in act 4 town, it makes is duty with vendor (before in previous version i guess it was doing that in ho directly) and then go directly to Dried Lake. But when it is in Dried lake, it is not doing the whole area, it is doing a part and then opens TP and goes back to town (i guess it is counting the % of area discovering from the previous map or the timer). After that it comes back to hideout and go on with his duty on map. I can t give more details.
  11. fantominus

    Bug caused by new function of 0.53 version

    I detected also a bug. When farming end game maps, if bot chickens, when it comes back to town, it sells items and then go to default area farming and don't go to hideout. After this instance it comes back to hideout to go on with maps.
  12. Hi support, I have an issue with the 0.50g, i don't know if it concerns others: I'm using map farming in hideout, when it chickens in map, and relog, restart and go back hideout. When entering in hideout it stands without moving for years. I have to left click a bit to make it moves and then the bot moves and continue its process. It is very boring bc each chicken or "death and chicken" i have to "slap" the bot to make it restart. Regards.
  13. Hi, I tested a bot with an Eldritch Battery so ES is used for Mana instead of Mana Pool and i've setup my full mana pool for Auras so i've mana at 0. In this situation the bot doesn't work. It cast all auras and then stand forever without moving. Soon as i uncast a small aura it starts working. But if i recast aura it doesn't work bc of Mana = 0. After some tests with "Bluechipps" (thanks to him), it appears that the problem is coming from mana pot % and aura reservation. If the mana pot % is higher or than the non reserved mana pool %, the bot stuck or chicken. Temporary solution: put mana pot % lower than mana reservation threshold. @Alk, could u check how to fix this because it should happen to others as well.
  14. fantominus

    V0.50 : golem casting issue

    Ok it works with your settings thanks !
  15. fantominus

    V0.50 : golem casting issue

    ok thanks i will try your settings.
  16. fantominus

    V0.50 : golem casting issue

    Dear support, it seems the golem casting is not working at the moment. I simply set a skill key with the golem skill and check the box in the UI but it doesn't cast it, moreover it make stuck the bot until the box is checked.
  17. fantominus

    EB crash very oftenly with v0.30

    Dear EBTeam, I tried the new v0.30 and EB crashes each 1-2 hours. I'm using it in maps farming with stealth mode in another process. Previous version was much more stable. I don't know if i'm the only one or if someone else is concerned. If someone has the same issue, please add message !
  18. fantominus

    Bugs in 0.28f

    Hi there ! I saw an issue with last version of bot. It happens oftenly that the bot uncast and recast all auras in middle of the map for no reason. Maybe it is coming from the new feature which allow to not get stuck by using a movement skill but in most case the problem appears when there is no stuck at all. By the way, i try to figure out how the movement skill trigger but i can't see it. But this is another issue. Thanks for the job done anyway !!!
  19. fantominus

    Licence Reset after few maps

    Hi, I'm using v0.24i and after some maps, the licence of EB is reset, it stucks the bot into the town and i have to reactivate manually the licence. Does someone know where is coming from ? Or if someone met the same issue ? Thanks !
  20. Hi Support, Now we have strongboxes everywhere and i'm wondering if it is possible to automatize the use of orbs on it to improve the drop of some of them like Arcanist and Cartographer Boxes. For example a Rare Arcanist as a big chance to drop a lot of currencies (chaos, regret, exalt), so using an alchemy on it is very efficient. So a good roll of rare arcanist represent 1 or 2 maps of farming, maybe more... So the automatization of the process will be in these situations: - White Box - Arcanist or Carto box detected - If transmut or Alchemy present inventory, then Alch or Transmut. We could a file like pickit.ini or map.ini to setup this feature. The problem is, the bot has to keep some currency in the inventory all the time. It already the case with scrolls, so maybe it is not a big deal to do it with alchemy or transmut. Just a proposition.... Cya
  21. fantominus

    New Aura casting method

    If the bot dies because of no auras, no loot as well...
  22. Hi developpers, I saw that aura casting could be an issue after a chicken or a full inventory come back to town (or ho), so if the build is aura dependent, when the bot come back to map on "Front Battle Field" he is very weak and can't success against mobs. So to avoid this issue it could be better to cast in Eternal Laboratory or in Ho directly to be ready when coming back to battle. It could be interesting only for end game maps farming. Another thing: when bot is coming back to battle, it tries first to get the missing scroll or whatever and then cast auras, it will be better the contrary. Thank you ! Regards.
  23. fantominus

    Reconfiguring bot every time

    You know what ! I'm not setting up each new version. I just copy paste my Profile(s) folder(s) to the new version, then i just overwrite the coordonates.ini and the system.ini with the one from the new version in my profile(s) and that's it. It works perfectly !!! It needs 30sec! Never found issues when i was doing that even it is requested to set everything manually. Test it !
  24. fantominus

    dylanKC stolen my items

    If you gave him your email and password it is obvious that it stole all your equipment !!! i would have done the same thing! Else he hacks your account, it happens sometimes, it is why you have to change your password very often to avoid this kind of problem. Sorry for your lost by the way. If he hacked your account, you can maybe send a mail to GGG support to tell them that this guy (with his character or account name) hacked your account. There is not a lot of hope for that but it is the only thing you can do.
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