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Everything posted by stef

  1. stef

    Auto PoE

    me neither, the application error is pretty weird. it happens on 1 x vmware and not on the other (same clone) etc. tried the updated version, and its still happening. char was standing in town and the error window was up.
  2. stef

    Auto PoE

    can confirm this, it doesn't close the window (application error) by pressing ok
  3. stef

    Auto PoE

    thx a bunch, seems to work flawless so far
  4. stef

    Exiled BOT BUG! Stashing!

    put quest items to the right side of your inventory should solve the problem
  5. stef

    Auto PoE

    same was just a hint for BlackSun thats its probably one "bug" overall. the login & the rest of the stuff etc. seems to be working.
  6. stef

    Auto PoE

    sam here aparat from that issue, auto poe is working tho
  7. stef

    Exiled BOT BUG! Stashing!

    you have to activate key pickup (poe options) go to options / UI / and mark key pickup. It now uses the highlight key to pickup things, and won't pick up trash anymore.
  8. its outdated (last update was 1.03)
  9. stef

    Auto PoE

    desperately in search of
  10. stef

    Auto PoE

    diso an update aswell, thx or a guide how to fix the memory address, that would be even better
  11. stef

    Bot will loop forever at Skeletal Shrine

    well, max run time helps this case if it reaches that point the bot will log out
  12. stef

    Auto PoE

    ye, as u can see inside the .au3 file. try to make a pic from the login button resources/login.bmp
  13. stef

    Bot relogged 500+ times

    the zone changer script from immo has multi stashing support, may take a look there
  14. stef

    What if GGG can detect VMs

    thats the only way to run ur bot minimize since it requires mouse & keyboard action. so you able to run it on your virtual machine while continue to use your computer as normal.
  15. stef

    Exiled BOT BUG! Stashing!

    its no bug, multi stashing isn't supported yet. so its working as intended http://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/814-upd-v17-automatic-zone-changer-incl-stashtab-changing/ this script has stash tabbing included, may give it a try
  16. stef

    Character Selection No. 6

    i know ofc but the coords.ini is exactly for these type of things. if there is an issue with clicking on the wrong spot, you are able to fix it with different coordinates in most cases . so just put distance 41 or 42 instead of 40, restart the bot and see where it clicks. just play with the coords a bit, until the bot clicks the right slot.
  17. stef

    Character Selection No. 6

    go to Configuration\default and edit the coordinates.ini. only shot u have to make it work ; X coordinate of the first character in character selection screen (800x600 coordinates by default) first_character_x=632 ; Y coordinate of the first character in character selection screen (800x600 coordinates by default) first_character_y=110 ; distance between each character in character selection screen (800x600 coordinates by default) character_selection_offset_y=40 i dont know where it clicks right now, but may try to play with the distance a bit to make it work for all slots.
  18. stef

    bot gets stuck

    hm, what exactly does stuck at waypoint means? does the bot stuck on every run or only on 1 x occasion ? (which happens on every bot sometimes). e.g. running too far and not being on the waypoint. after he timeout'd bot will work again. if u unlock a new act/difficult you gotta change the last area/difficult unlocked in the gui. but guess u have done that already
  19. stef

    Help getting started with the bot

    yep, i guess so garena is elite only, so you probably used the "normal" version.
  20. stef

    Which Dungeons are you farming

    pretty much everything, mixing it up is the key to success imo (= more human like behavior)
  21. stef

    What if GGG can detect VMs

    no need to worry about that subject tbh its even more likely that they will detect the behavior of your "bot" sooner or later (when ggg staff people sitting in town and ur bot is doing strange stuff at the wrong time etc.).
  22. Hobbit in cinema yesterday. decent movie overall i prefer shows > movies like breaking bad, homeland, sons of anarchy, walking dead etc. they are just better
  23. stef

    bot hits escape key over and over wtf please fix

    yep true, it has sth. to do with scrolls. but it even happens sometimes with 40/40. I can't reproduce the problem 100 %. this definitely needs to be looked into, its a major issue sometimes. a partly solution to the problem is letting the bot ignore scrolls ...
  24. stef

    Auto PoE

    true its running flawless here. not 1 error so far from autopoe great job
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