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Everything posted by stef

  1. something is probably not right with your internet connection. or something is tampering with the auth, any firewall or antivirus running?
  2. stef


    Can't recall what exactly lead to my situation. Found the bot at login screen (after some hours) and he clicked in the top left corner of my windows (outside of the poe window). Never had such a problem before. I manually clicked stop bot and start bot, and it was working again. At another VMware i found the bot at login screen, and it seems he doesn't started the bot properly after POE was restarted. I would guess that the main problem is a rather slow setup on my side. Sometimes the restart option from the bot started a 2nd POE, because the 1st POE start was loading too slowly. Maybe the bot clicked "start bot" without POE being rdy due to long loading. I used a self written Autoit Script before to restart POE and clicked on start bot after a rather long delay due to slow Poe start time (no ssd), never had a problem here. A editable delay would be cool for the restart option (not every user has a SSD). Assuming that would solve the most problems. I also don't really like the start/stop bot mechanic. the mechanic before was way less error-prone it seems.
  3. stef


    ye, found the bot idling as well. something its definitely wrong this start/stop mechanic seems a little buggy
  4. stef

    EB launching few POE instances

    still a problem for me. a fix would be nice.
  5. stef

    EB launching few POE instances

    same problem here, restarting works. but sometimes a 2nd instance.
  6. at receiving a pm, an error happens for me
  7. yeah, update would be nice. thx already.
  8. stef

    [Bot 0.20C] AUTO POE stucks at char selection !!!

    autopoe is currently outdated, and needs an offset update.
  9. running it inside a vmware, log doesn't say much.
  10. stef

    Auto PoE

    would be cool indeed
  11. stef

    Auto PoE

    an offset update would be nice
  12. i agree on this one, in general it would be better to portal out if possible (why? more human like behavior)
  13. stef

    0.17 Bug's I've encountered so far

    can confirm more or less. - crashing a lot (exiled bot has stopped working). hard to track it down when a crash occurs. - attacks invisble mobs or air (depends on how you would describe the problem). tho it must detect things as mobs, that aren't mobs. that bug happens pretty frequent, not only in maps, in literally every area/map for me. offset problem?
  14. stef

    Auto PoE

    hm, recheck the path to the poe folder again. there must be sth. wrong. works only for email providers that don't use SSL (aol mail as an example), maybe thats the problem
  15. stef

    Pickit Ignore syntax

    well, your main problem is that the bot is stashing everything in general (expect shards, certain number of scrolls, quest items). don't think there is a short term solution. but alk is adding maps anyway, shouldn't take too long anymore i would guess
  16. stef

    v 0.16c Arctic Armor Check

    yeah, because technically arctic armor is not an aura. the problem is that aa works a bit different and not gonna work like a common aura. 1. arctic armor goes off, if you are out of mana. 2. arctic armor is deactived aswell, if you gonna go to town and join a new instance.
  17. 3 x updates from blacksun since the expansion. and i used autopoe pretty much the whole time. thats certainly not the definition of "quite some time"
  18. well, if you need a new bot version, its a general rule (like 95 %) that you also need a update for auto poe. autopoe using offsets from poe aswell as from exiled bot to interact. if either is outdated script won't work
  19. stef

    Auto PoE

    yep, really appreciate the fast update. great job
  20. stef

    Bot doesn't loot Enhance/empower with pickit

    non quality gems (with smart pickup on) should be picked up, even with the quality option enabled. enlighten seems to work (dropped 1), empower/enhance doesn't work unless the version 0.16b fixed it.
  21. stef

    Bot doesn't loot Enhance/empower with pickit

    can confirm tested it after he brought that up in the shoutbox.
  22. stef

    Auto PoE

    post your *.ini (with the path)
  23. stef

    Auto PoE

    100 % that you put the wrong path. also wrong feeling, sir obviously you have to use the path inside your vmware, if you wanna run poe + bot inside your vmware.
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