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Everything posted by stef

  1. nope, it also happens on mana as i stated. like you said, it works as intended if you don't use tps. with tp option the auras remain active, hence the bot is recasting an already active aura.
  2. stef

    Exiled Bot Beta v0.14d bug

    hm thats really weird, with smart pick turned off the bot shouldn't even interact with any npc.
  3. life auras? so you have blood magic for your auras? i have the same pattern, if i understand you right. the bot sometimes doesn't regonize if the aura is already active and gonna recast it. but since i have a lot of mana regen, its not a problem at all for me. guess you can only hope for a fix right now (better detection if an aura is already active)
  4. stef

    Artcic armour

    yep, but only with an additional script (preferably either authotkey or autoit) its not working with the bot skill setup as of now
  5. stef

    Exiled Bot Beta v0.14d bug

    deactivate smart pickup
  6. stef

    wie picken + verkaufen?

    smart pickup nehmen und dann die pickit datei anpassen und in den einstellungen von poe "key pickup" wählen
  7. use AutoIt3 Window Spy for the right coords the coords under "In Active Window" are relevant here
  8. its kinda difficult to say what's exactly wrong. my bet is, that the coords are wrong or the pic of the aura isn't the same as your poe. 5, 25 are the coords of the upper left corner & 210, 60 are the lower right corner. both coords are giving you a rectangle (area) where the script is checking if the pics could be found. to create your own pics/screenhot, just make a screenshot, zoom and cut out only the pic of the bloodrage aura. save it as *.bmp into the same folder as your script.
  9. most benefit? i would say a more human like behaviour
  10. stef

    Stashing issues

    can confirm this :/ its way worse than before. before it never happened or very rarely when u have a lagspike. but now it seems to happen even without lag. really weird & a major issue right now.
  11. stef

    I need to use 10 BOT, how many KEY need?

    yep, should be sufficient
  12. stef

    Can this bot be used for leveling?

    yep true, thats definitely a problem for "the ledge". WP is exactly in the middle of the map, so if the toon clears 1 side, he has a lot to run without hitting any monster. i'd like the ledge playing manually, but believe botting isn't the best option if you can only make new instances via wp (maybe thats gonna be changed in the future to create instances via climb/submerged). overall i think there are better options to run in act 1 e.g. shipyard or even skip to forest act 2 if your toon is strong enough.
  13. stef

    Auto PoE

    nope, it uses memory reading to check. if i am not mistaken here guess in theory i might be able to fix it, but idk anything about memory adresses in poe. would need to know how to get the new offset, before an update attempt. tried to pm BlackSun, but his box seems disabled.
  14. stef

    Auto PoE

    well, kinda hard. autopoe has to stay standalone as a script, since it is for monitoring purposes only (exiled bot/poe). best case would be that they take over the script and develop it even further (since its some kind of debugging that would actually help the bot). its probably not possible to fix every error, and thats where autopoe could jump in to stay on topic: how do you get the offsets for the login process, any1 know?
  15. stef

    Auto PoE

    haven't tried yet, but most likely not cuze the offsets usually change with a "bigger update"
  16. stef

    Auto PoE

    in search of your updating skills got really no clue how to get the specific offsets for autopoe. maybe someone can share a guide for these soon. updating autoflask is definitely easier xD
  17. stef

    Auto PoE

    well, that should be really easy. let me try http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/WinClose.htm taking from the example: its a endless loop, that should close any window by its title (if your *.exe has a different name, just change the window title). added a sleep that the script is not constantly checking, only every 2 second. have to test the cpu usage yourself. endless loops tend to have increased cpu usage without a sleep delay. Pause::Pause (pause button to pause the script)
  18. stef

    Auto PoE

    completely agree man its an awesome script. especially inside a vmware, where crashes or issues in general etc. tend to happen more often.
  19. yep, you have to update the game offset's they are changing with every major update
  20. hm, du müsstest beide Skills auf die selbe Priorität stellen. Falls das nicht gehen sollte stell mal beim Skill 2 ne höhere Priorität ein. und dann bei Monster Amount (Skill2) die Mindestanzahl der Gegner einstellen. Sowie die Reichweite für die Erkennung dieser Monster. Monster Amount: 3 Target Range: 200 bedeutet das wenn er 3 Monster im Umkreis von 200 erkennt, er diesen Skill benutzen sollte.
  21. mach mal screenshot von deinen skill einstellungen?
  22. stef

    Bot picking up white items

    yep, go the options/UI (poe) and mark "Key Pickup". it uses ctrl to pick up stuff now. so the bot won't pickup trash anymore
  23. autohotkey create an empty *.ahk file and copy the source inside.
  24. höchstwahrscheinlich genau das, drehe mal die reichweite (target range) hoch. standardmäßig steht es auf 100, deswegen wird RoA wohl nur genutzt wenn dein char von mind. 3 mon mehr oder weniger umzingelt ist. musst halt mit der reichweite mal spielen, was für deinen char optimal ist (in 100 oder 200er schritten mal verändern)
  25. stef

    Auto PoE

    i haven't figured out what is causing the application error yet. either the bot itself, vmware or auto poe. its pretty weird anyway, since it didn't happen with previous versions of bot & auto poe. but as far as i can tell, the script isn't clicking "ok" when the error pops up. atleast thats the case for me. if i click "ok" manually, auto poe doing his job perfectly, restarting the bot and going on again.
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