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working =)


my only problem is when my net gets dc, earthvpn cant redial on its own LOL! i need to disconnect it and connect it manually.

what are u using as VPN provider? hehe..


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working =)


my only problem is when my net gets dc, earthvpn cant redial on its own LOL! i need to disconnect it and connect it manually.

what are u using as VPN provider? hehe..



I don't use any VPN, because I use only 1 account. But if you send me a few pictures about the VPN program then i could add you an auto reconnector. (Not 100% sure)



v1.4 out: First version of "Script Management"

Edited by BlackSun
New version out

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v1.4a out, "Script Managment" reworked, now it will start script with the bot, and close every script when it isnt needed

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on fire with the updates today black! 

nice work, everything is working flawlessly :D

lol just found another bug.... soooooo another update -,- :D I hate all the bugs!


(v1.4b out.... sometimes it didn't click on Start Bot button... now it's fixed, I hope this will be the last update today...)

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I found a problem running multiple vms where it gets stuck identifying items because it accidentally click and drags the item instead of identifying. It doesn't do this when not running your script, I tried giving more ram cpu in vmware 7, but it won't work right still. Any suggestions?

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I found a problem running multiple vms where it gets stuck identifying items because it accidentally click and drags the item instead of identifying. It doesn't do this when not running your script, I tried giving more ram cpu in vmware 7, but it won't work right still. Any suggestions?

I'll check it


how to pause this tool m8?^^

Right now the only way to pause is to click on the icon on the tray and it will pause, or quit with F10

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Sometimes I get disconnected from the internet and PoE stays in-game, just never is able to goto the login screen due to being disconnected. Does this program handle when this occurs?

Aka, I sit in an area, the bot constantly tried to exit to login screen but is unable to due to being disconnected from the PoE server, but still being ingame


Also, I talked to alkpone and have his skype, we talk about API stuff. I tried to message you on the forums, but it saids you can't receive messages. Anyways, can you give me your skype? I'd like to bounce some GUII ideas off of you that you/community may really like.

Edited by bobbyjayblack

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Sometimes I get disconnected from the internet and PoE stays in-game, just never is able to goto the login screen due to being disconnected. Does this program handle when this occurs?

Aka, I sit in an area, the bot constantly tried to exit to login screen but is unable to due to being disconnected from the PoE server, but still being ingame


Also, I talked to alkpone and have his skype, we talk about API stuff. I tried to message you on the forums, but it saids you can't receive messages. Anyways, can you give me your skype? I'd like to bounce some GUII ideas off of you that you/community may really like.

I'm sorry but i'll not give you my skype, but think the script will handle that, at least I have a shit internet connection and I get disconnect all the time, that's why i wrote that script.


I found a problem running multiple vms where it gets stuck identifying items because it accidentally click and drags the item instead of identifying. It doesn't do this when not running your script, I tried giving more ram cpu in vmware 7, but it won't work right still. Any suggestions?

v1.5 out, now it will read memory, so no more unneded image search (aka no more click when bot running)

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Okay, something is broken with the new version, i don't know what, sometimes it's working sometimes it isn't. So, do not use new version. I'll fix it ASAP. Sorry about that. The memory reading fucked up something.

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yes. and when have auto poe on and i want to try to open exiled bot  it wont let. 

if you mean that the script will switch back to PoE window it's because of the mouse click and image search

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v1.5b out, I don't really have time to test it, but I think I fixed the bug. Also I added Pause function to F9 (read Readme.txt)

Edited by BlackSun
new version out

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Yepp, seems you got rid of that problem. At least for me auto-poe is again working like a charm! Thanks for your afford!


By the way, as i noticed the hotkey for the pause function. Could you add the Hotkey to the ini file? So the user could set the pause-key to what every key he likes? Would be cool cuz some of the ahk scripts i use are using F9 aswell for some sneaky actions ;)

v1.5c out, now you can change hotkeys, see more in Readme.txt

Edited by BlackSun
new version

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Damn, for me i cant get this to work properly on my VM, i put where the bot's exe, and poe exe is located. and ran auto.exe and it wont load up either one... =\ i must be doing something wrong.. Any advice?

Edited by Bradbot86

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Damn, for me i cant get this to work properly on my VM, i put where the bot's exe, and poe exe is located. and ran auto.exe and it wont load up either one... =\ i must be doing something wrong.. Any advice?

I've installed game in "H:\Games\Path of Exile" folder then shared it in VM so my config looks like this:

folderpath=Z:\Path of Exile

folderpath=Z:\Path of Exile\Other


log_file=Z:\Path of Exile\Auto\autopoe_BlackVM.log

runscript=Z:\Path of Exile\Other\Gem Level\level gem.ahk
runscript=Z:\Path of Exile\Other\PoE Auto Flask\PoE_AutoFlasks.ahk

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can you make it open the path of exile shortcut on desktop instead of opening from the path of exile folder because the short cut has the extension -gc 2 and --nopreload on it.



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can you make it open the path of exile shortcut on desktop instead of opening from the path of exile folder because the short cut has the extension -gc 2 and --nopreload on it.



I added "arguments" to the config, now you can setup command line arguments in ini file. Use it like: arguments=--gc 2 --nopreload

(Note: Use arguments key in the poe section)


ps: sry for the delay, i don't really have free time :)


im having an issue where my internet gets disconnected and the bot would not reconnect anymore unless i click my VM's screen

Uhm, the script should handle that...






(New version out: v1.6)

Edited by BlackSun

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AutoPOE doesn't work with new version. Stucks on character's screen and don't open up bot window.


Please make it work. I'm very needed in this prog.

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AutoPOE doesn't work with new version. Stucks on character's screen and don't open up bot window.


Please make it work. I'm very needed in this prog.

Updated, now it will work.

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