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Found 21 results

  1. <#廢話前言... 2017/7被BAN休息兩年回歸... 也大概找出被鎖的原因,宿舍或公寓大廈網路業者若非為動態IP挂機帳號或上線帳號就會被鎖... 動態IP網路通常為中華(光世代或ADSL);靜態固定IP通常為XX電信,第四台網路那種(機器設備通電網路線插上去免設定就有網路) 然而IP未變動情況下,挂機掛全天下班回來晚上開主帳號收割通貨當然一次掰....然而動態IP那些帳號到現在還沒被鎖(當然是我的推測,是否正確?參考就好)...... ......廢話結束#> 本文主要說明為如何將POE轉成英文介面,使BOT能夠使用,並於虛擬電腦中進行挂機達到後台的使用(也就是挂機時你可以做其他事情)。 1〜5安裝與使用虛擬機設定 為6〜18中文轉英文說明 1.請先下載VM 2.安裝(安裝過程跳過......) 3.安裝完成OS系統(W7 / W10隨你)並安裝工具,如下圖安裝工具 4.按下去後去電腦的光碟機點進去進行安裝即可 5.安裝競時通與POE,Directx套件,VC ++套件,系統更新(如下圖按一下檢查更新) 6.請下載GGPK修改器(非CE等修改記憶體工具,主要目的為修改UI介面文字顯示字體特效等,在此命名為GGPK) 7.在開啟之前請先備份原始檔 確認路徑後請進去遊戲目錄,將原始的Content.ggpk備份(複製一份放在上一層資料夾或改個名稱) //8.為避免發生錯誤,請使用系統管理員模式開啟GGPK //9.開啟後選擇要修改的ggpk檔,而非備份檔喔! //10.等待讀取(若為SSD速度當然快,一般硬碟就要等一下) //11.進入後,請點選數據資料夾匯出(出口) //12.再展開元數據資料夾,請點選Statdescriptions資料夾匯出(出口) //13.進入匯出的數據資料夾,除了第一個資料夾以外,全選 - >複製 //14.進入繁體中文資料夾後,取代貼上 //15.進入匯出的StatDescriptions資料夾(他可能會以上層的目錄為名元數據) //16.將25個檔案,每個檔案一樣動作尋找目標 - >繁體中文 - >取代為 - >英語 - >並全部取代,存檔關閉 //17.將處理好的兩個資料夾拉回GGPK內 使用說明已變更 請至下方連結。 https://hungoin.com/?page_id=22 / * 這邊看啦.... https://hungoin.com/ 論壇版面不好整理,弄一個WP 所有說明與教學都在上面 2023/12/18 中轉英文教學影片(禁咒聯盟)
  2. hacksalan

    how does it run

    so can i run this on 1 account and play on another ? or is that a no go and if the bot gets banned will i also get banned if im playing at the same time
  3. Hello, I haven't been active for a while, a lot has change... The idea is: we run EB as administrator and POE as limited standard user. We need an option to run POE as a limited user, maybe this will make detection difficult. I tried to run it but EB is searching in current's user files, with no option to change that.
  4. Tha game just updated this morning, and since then, it just couldnt log on to path of exile servers after some time the bot freezes and stops anwsering, resulting in my computer shutting down and restarting the program
  5. Mothgar

    Bot ban question

    If I play on my computer, and have a botting account running at the same time, in case I get banned. Will both accounts get banned? Or do I have to try N fix some weird shit with different IPN or internet ping/adress is called?
  6. SecretPassage1

    How to RMT?

    Hi, people. I playing PoE for a long time now, but im interested, how can i RMT without risking of being caught? (or minimize that risk) What kind of precautions can i take to perform that? I know it's better to RMT from another, specified for that account, but how can i give currency to that account without connecting it with my main? What setup do i need to sell from that account (Virtual Machine, VPN, e.t.c.?) How can i save my main from being banned? Please, share you expirience.
  7. botxd

    POE doenst start in new VM

    Hey guys, used the bot in earlier leagues everytime with a vm without any problems. I got a new pc and wanted to setup a new VM and now when i start POE there are comming around 30 error messages. one error: https://imgur.com/a/UF2RwPs I use VM Ware 15 Someone knows how to fix? Thanks in advance <3
  8. Hi, I recently got the idea to use my experience in Path of Exile to earn money. I have two questions, how many bots do I need to buy so that my farm can earn anything? Apparently I should collect chaos orbs and process them on exalted orbs, from some lowest currency worth collecting? 5 $ per day satisfies me at the beginning. If I buy more bots, is there any discount? Will there be any promotions?
  9. Всем привет. Начал только вчера и столкнулся с парой проблем. При попытке запуска клиента игры с виртуальной машины выдает кучу подобных ошибок https://pastenow.ru/3B4K8 https://pastenow.ru/9765060bb3b00bedb342277681dbdc10 https://pastenow.ru/724bb15196e120fed22144acc1625301 https://pastenow.ru/41ca0c3331265860e939608bfe6b9535 Поиск в сети подсказал, что проблема в недостающих компонентах в пакетах директХ. Но установка последних не дала результата. Устанавливал из под виртуальной машины. Что я сделал не так? Буду рад помощи.
  10. Hello community, i will introduce here my powerlevel service and my currency for sale. Currency i mainly sell in Standard and Temporary Softcore Leagues, I play Hardcore leagues only when i have orders. Payment Methods: PayPal, Skrill, Bitcoin Contact Method: Click skype logo at bottom of the thread or add me on discord: mercurial003#6573 Standard: Exalted Orb 0.85$ Abyss: Exalted Orb - (At league start price will fluctuate so make sure to add me and get price updates) Powerlevel Levelling is manually done I will level up using your skill tree. You keep all loot, i don't take anything from your account. I can level up a new account or your current account. When i will finish the order you will get your character geared, ready for play. Standard/Abyss SC 1-10 : 5$ 1-20 : 10$ 1-30 : 15$ 1-40 : 17$ 1-50 : 20$ 1-60 : 25$ 1-70 : 30$ 1-80 : 45$ 1-90 : 75$ Hardcore/Abyss HC 1-10 : 5$ 1-20 : 10$ 1-30 : 15$ 1-40 : 20$ 1-50 : 25$ 1-60 : 30$ 1-70 : 45$ 1-80 : 70$ 1-90 : 120$
  11. mercurial003

    PoE Currency & Powerlevel 1$ Ex

    Hello community, i will introduce here my powerlevel service and my currency for sale. Currency i mainly sell in Standard and Temporary Softcore Leagues, I play Hardcore leagues only when i have orders. Payment Methods: PayPal, Skrill, Bitcoin Contact Method: Click skype logo at bottom of the thread or add me on discord: mercurial003#6573 Standard: Exalted Orb 0.85$ Abyss: Exalted Orb - (At league start price will fluctuate so make sure to add me and get price updates) Powerlevel Levelling is manually done I will level up using your skill tree. You keep all loot, i don't take anything from your account. I can level up a new account or your current account. When i will finish the order you will get your character geared, ready for play. Standard/Abyss SC 1-10 : 5$ 1-20 : 10$ 1-30 : 15$ 1-40 : 17$ 1-50 : 20$ 1-60 : 25$ 1-70 : 30$ 1-80 : 45$ 1-90 : 75$ Hardcore/Abyss HC 1-10 : 5$ 1-20 : 10$ 1-30 : 15$ 1-40 : 20$ 1-50 : 25$ 1-60 : 30$ 1-70 : 45$ 1-80 : 70$ 1-90 : 120$
  12. Selling Harbinger League exalted orbs. Payment method: Paypal GIFT Payment always first. Please contact me on skype or Discord for details. Discord: SupZerg#4519 My skype: live:conrad.brown2007 nick name Supzerg
  13. Hello everyone, I've started selling POE Currency again for the Harbringer league. I've been selling POE goods, for a few years and have also sold things in games such as Diablo2 and WoW. I used to be part of the support staff here, however I've given that up due to time restrictions. I have many return customers and all satisfied from all POE challenge leagues. I am a private seller, not a website or affiliated with any company in any way. First of all unlike most people selling currency, THIS CURRENCY IS NOT RESOLD AND IT IS NOT BOTTED! ALL currency I make is obtained via flipping only - which is why I don't sell from the start of the league, I value my customer's safety first. I can't stress this enough, GGG has been banning resellers/botters and people trading with them left and right for at least 6 months now harder than ever before. If you wish to know how the currency is obtained before you buy it, feel free to ask. My prices will be around the chepeast public currency stores out there, however I don't trade a lot of currency every day from one account like gold seller websites and also I NEVER RESELL. So this is the safest currency you can buy and DELIVERY IS BASICALLY INSTANT. However I don't try to compete in price with the chinese resellers/hackers who are looking to dump their currency instantly. This is safe clean currency, and I put quite a lot of work in obtaining it, and a small premium is in my opinion the way to go, if you value the safety of your account and the MTX you have on it. I take Paypal and Skrill as payment and I have high rep on other big trading websites for years, that I can show you. If you want to use paypal directly, you NEED TO BE VERIFIED, and have good reputation/join date on well established trading sites otherwise your paypal payment will be made through a third party and will cost 10% more than the skrill price. I will not go first, unless you are a GM trader for many years with impeccable reputation that far exceeds mine. My customers are 100% satisfied, I have never had any issues with anyone, except the occasional scamming attempt that won't work , so don't bother, I've been doing this for a long time. My skype is roneo1234, I'm on EU timezone. For those who become return customers and trade with me frequently, I will give you free extra orbs for return deals and bulk discounts.
  14. Insane amount of farm founded 1 year ago and made a milions of exalts )). (fixed 1 week ago :QQ) I use this for black screen to avoid low fps spikes and lag caused by the many items you get, otherwise your PC will crash from the loot : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lPRXgsR4jc
  15. limoucene


    I noticed that , in logging in there is no password recovery, how to recover password when forgotten?
  16. Hello, is there a way to get the stats of an item? if i post the item in chat and copy it befor posting i do get the full name and by using /itemlevel i do get the item level. is there a way how i can get the stats of an item thats in my inventory or on my cursor? how do i find the memory pointer to it? this is my first post here sorry if its the wrong subforum to ask.
  17. So I've come back to PoE after quite some time away and have started to restock on currency. Large stocks are available right now for all currency. My prices will be around the chepeast public currency stores out there, however I don't trade a lot of currency every day from one account like gold seller websites and also I NEVER RESELL, so this is the safest currency you can buy and delivery is basically instant. I take paypal and skrill as payment and I have high rep on trading websites, that I can show you. If you want to use paypal directly, you NEED TO BE VERIFIED, and have good reputation/join date on well established trading sites otherwise your paypal payment will be made through a third party and will cost 10% more than the skrill price. I will not go first, unless you are a GM trader for many years with impeccable reputation that far exceeds mine. My customers are 100% satisfied, I have never had any issues with anyone, except the occasional scamming attempt that won't work , so don't bother, I've been doing this for a long time. My skype is roneo1234, I'm on EU timezone. For those who become return customers and trade with me frequently, I will give you free extra orbs for return deals and bulk discounts.
  18. lyolyo

    PoE.trade Indexer - LEAK

    Uploading this to hopefully bring balance to some of the currency trade. This is a bot that searches through poe.trade and looks for items that are being sold extremely low, it them messages you in this format: So you will be notified immediately when people are selling things for under the meta price. You buy it and flip it for the normal price. This is an image of some of the logs kept by the creators of this bot: it shows the profits made and some other info This images shows the bot in action in IRC: The source of this project is found @ https://github.com/hbm50006/tradewatch-master The reddit post is found @ https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/3jw6k8/poetrade_bot_indexer_github_source_included/ The guild that created this bot is @ https://www.pathofexile.com/guild/profile/269068
  19. teamkung4627

    Pls add Poe Thai server to list

    it new server form thai pls make it
  20. buying eternal orbs in poe garena standard pm me for my skype id. willing to pay in game items or paypal credits
  21. Hi everyone, This is a quick guide to explain how to donate to support the project and receive Exiled-bot Licenses from the store : You just have to click on "Exiled-bot Store" at the top of your screen. If you are an Elite+ user : You can go to the Elite+ & Elite Users category to receive your 3 licenses for free. If you are an Elite user : You can go to the Elite+ & Elite Users category to receive your license for free. If you are Elite+, Elite or normal user : You can go to the EB Lifetime category and support the project for as many licenses as you want. (You will become a Backer and be promoted to the Lifetime User group and you'll have access to the private forums if you're not already Elite+ or Elite user). Once you have your Exiled-bot Licenses, you will have all the informations you need to view and use your licenses here.
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