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Everything posted by zeMagic

  1. zeMagic

    Bot not working

    1) Make sure you're running in 800x 600 resolution 2) Try disable your antivirus 3) Make sure you have all the stuff that the bot needs (directx/.net framework) and that they are not corrupt (ie. reinstall)
  2. zeMagic

    Facepunch Bug

    Investigation going on here first..
  3. zeMagic

    A change in looting behaviour

    You have to be a designer Those illustrations <3 But to be honest, i don't think the pick-up mechanism is that easy to fix. There are a lot of things that the bot must be registering and storing. It's kinda hard to think up a better way of doing things when you don't have the code xD There is though, a simple explanation as to why you see the bot clicking way beside where things have dropped: desync. If your character is desynced, shit hits the fan. Always. I've been trolled, a LOT both by desync and by "getting stuck in stuff" when using leapslam. I've missed several exalts, a Kaom's Heart and what not. So having a script that fixes certain things for you, is pretty handy!
  4. zeMagic

    A change in looting behaviour

    How about something like, create an array of the drops, then check when mouse is over an item, if the name exists in the array. If true, pick up, remove current index from array, break loop and continue when looking for the next item. If false, simply keep searching. It should be fairly quick, since most of the time you won't get more than 1-2 drops every 10-15 seconds or so. Sometimes you can get like 20 drops from a strongbox, but it should still be fairly fast to loop through. Not sure how the whole thing works in the bot as of now, but hey, it's an idea.
  5. How do you read the character level for the leveling script you made? Cuz i made a leveling script, but that required your character to log out of the account, in order to check the character level. Please do share.
  6. zeMagic

    v0.17C Bugs

    Try look - I'm positive Alk wouldn't have put that there unless it's there
  7. zeMagic


    Search and you shall be rewarded: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2020-difference-between-elite-and-lifetime/ The bot is a bit buggy since the latest update, you could try the RC version until stuff gets fixed altogether
  8. Again requires the bot to log everything, every stat of the item (would be faster just to log what it puts in stash insead)
  9. I don't copy/paste my files. I reconfigure everything from scratch when i download a new version, just to be on the safe side. I'm a programmer myself, so simply copy/pasting stuff is not my style. Far too many hours have gone into bugtracking on that account already. So i'm not sure what the issue is, but i will try to redownload and reconfigure again. This will be the 3rd time, so i haven't got any high hopes :/ EDIT: Didnt see the last line there. I was actually going to do that, and release it. I guess i could get started on that
  10. It would indeed be lovely to see a "Release" and a "Dev" version of the bot. Where as hamncheese says, when new offsets are needed, you update the "release" with new offsets, and release that. All the while you do that, you update the offsets in the "dev" version, and continue working on whatever you're implementing. That's at least how i use to do stuff when i'm doing projects. It works out best both for users and myself in the end, saving headache upon headache when stuff stops working. For example, the way i had my skills setup in 0.16 no longer works in 0.17. My bot will ONLY use left mouse click. No matter the setup, no matter the insane restrictions i set on it (like monster amount in range = 10000, which will never happen). It would have been extremely nice to just have the "old" version, updated with offsets. But also like you state Alk, some changes to the game might affect the old version, which makes updating the offsets only, not enough to make it run. You should then devote the time into updating ONLY those issues (adding support for the stuff that has changed), release, and then go back to the dev. I'm not saying it's easy, and i'm not saying it's not time consuming, but considering that you're charging money for the thing, i think it wouldn't be too much to ask, to keep things seperate, for stuff like this. Just my 2 cent. Again, if you ever need help on anything code related, graphics, GUI or whatever. Let me know. I'll gladly pitch in
  11. zeMagic

    Ajout d'une fonctionnalité

    I just saw it on the frontpage, didn't even realize it was in the french forum! Omg Carry on!
  12. zeMagic

    Ajout d'une fonctionnalité

    English, anyone?
  13. If you need help immo, you have me on Skype. I can help you out with GUI aswell..
  14. First test: 1 bot, running 12 hours. Results: No ban, everything functioning as intended. Setting up 2 more bots tomorrow, planning on running all 3 for 16 hours, to see if shit hits the fan.
  15. zeMagic

    v0.17b Bugs

    Maybe this is just me, but it seems like the priority under skills is getting ignored all of a sudden. The bot i was running fine on 0.16 is now ONLY using left mouse key attack, even though it's setup to never use that, and it never has before. Can anyone else confirm? Also, random crashes still, bot is unusable atm, at least for longer periods of time.
  16. You can set the priority of frenzy higher than flicker, then set a 1 second cooldown on frenzy. That way it will attack with frenzy first, then it's on "cooldown" in the bot, and the bot will use flicker strike, since no other skill can be used (due to cooldown)
  17. zeMagic

    0.17 Bug's I've encountered so far

    So yeah, about the random crashes; It crashes even if you load the bot, start the bot, stop the bot, and just leave it there. At some point, it will crash. - Hope that helps..
  18. zeMagic

    0.17 Bug's I've encountered so far

    F11!! This is annoying me the most.. Just singlehandedly destroyed my autoleveling script
  19. Yeah well.. If Alk would include a drop log, this would be even better, since you would be able to just see the items dropped. But then again, you wouldn't be able to see currency from sells and stuff. I'm not sure if they would flag it, but i have 3 fresh IP's to test with, so i'll be running my autolevel script along with this one up until about level 60, and see if shit gets flagged/banned, and let you guys know before i decide to release it
  20. Using each VM to call the PoE Stash API (like that procurement thing does), through your VPN if you have a tunnel up of course. Then just save the files to a shared folder (the webserver folder). This is done automatically every XX minutes by a script you just run on each VM (like 200 KB memory). Then just parse through files with javascript/PHP, and handle the rest there. Pretty straight forward really, if you know what you're doing xD Just something i've been longing for, so thought i'd share the progress
  21. I know right? Just dummy numbers using a RNG, except for the mirror. But it's working as intended atm, just missing the gem list, settings and most importantly the donate page Then i'll probably upload the files and a guide, and people can just do whatever.
  22. Stash Monitor Work In Progress Will be updated when new stuff is added Introduction So, since i have been running 3-4 bots in a virtual environment, checking up on item drops - or more importantly, what items have been stored in my stash - was always annoying.I would have to stop each bot, and check their stash manually. Some people might say "just log in through PathOfExile.com and check the stash, but this would be kinda risky, considering i'm running each bot on a different VPN connection to mask my private IP. Logging into the website would expose my private IP, and connect it with the accounts that may or may not be flagged for investigation or similar. So i would have to check the inventory through the website, through each VM, which ultimately would lead to the same problem: having to stop the bot, and check manually. If you have multiple bots running (or even just a single one), and wish to be able to check your loot without having to stop the bot, then read on What is this? What i have made, is quite simple. There are 2 parts to it: Part 1 A simple script that runs on each of your VM's along with your bot. The script will grab your inventory (4 tabs only atm) every XX-XX minutes, create output files and save them to a shared folder (we'll get back to that). Part 2 This part requires you to have a webserver running on your local machine (XAMPP or similar), with PHP installed. This part includes a "website" that will read the data files that part 1 created, and show a list of what's in your inventory. This website will auto refresh, when new items are added, so you can just leave it running on your local machine, and check every now and then. The beauty is that it will show the combined item counts from all your bots that are running with the script enabled. Currency will be shown as a "total" across all bots. Items will be shown as a "total" with names, types, rarity, quality, sockets/links, and most importantly, the "owner", which relates to the bot that holds that item in their stash. I thought this would come in handy if a really rare unique drops, and you want to just get that item transferred ASAP. This way you won't need to stop each bot, to see if that's the one that is holding it or not. - You'll know which one it is. Some screens so far: It is still a work in progress, but it's coming together nicely already. Just wondering how many of you guys would be interested in something like this Cheers.
  23. If you enable "smart pickit" it will do that by default
  24. zeMagic

    God I died

    To me it says the site is suspended
  25. zeMagic

    zeMagics introduction!

    I haven't been banned yet. But as Gheeda said, being greedy tends to backfire. Don't stay away from VPN's though, use them! Just don't use public ones
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