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Everything posted by immo

  1. immo

    [WIP] Bot Restarter

    reading if the bot is currently !truly! running is really a bit of a pain in the ass. But there actually is a pretty stable method to determine if its running as intended! Be sure to watch out this forum in the next few days ^^ If you look at the interface on the right you will see a field which displays the bots current status (not started, stopped, paused, running, "seems buggy") This video isnt exactly about the bots status but you'll get the idea...
  2. immo

    Exiled-bot IRC Channel

    rizon web client direct link
  3. immo


    topic closed
  4. But using the hideout does not protect you from getting a pvp-challange! You still do enter the normal first, even wirh the hideout option enabled!
  5. Since the mechaincs for Hideout using in Path of Exile are somewhat 'unpremeditated' you should be aware of the following: NEVER EVER consider to use the Hideout option in Exiled Bot when you are NOT farming maps! You will be way less effective and loose big amounts of everything (items/currency/maps/everything)! Why is that? The following is a quick work routine. Each time you come back from a normal zone via TP or via chickening, you end up in the TOWN not in your hideout! To know that is crucial for understanding why hideout & normal zones farming is useless! Now what happens when Hideout-Option in Exiled Bot is that ofcurse the bot enters the hideout quickly after it entered the normal town (i.e after Inventory full) Next step for the bot is identifing / selling / stashing and so on But what happens next is that the bot starts a new instance of the zone you setup for botting. This is due to the fact that the bot is only able to continue you previous run (in the previous instance of the zone you farm) if it detects an active TP to that zone. Now thats an issue because our TP back to our recent zone is located in the normal town and we (the bot) are in our hideout! The most common reasons for the bot leaving an instance is: Full inventory timeout chickening zone is clear At least for me the first point (full inventory) happens most frequently (by far) If the bot leaves an unfinished instance because of a full inventory it is most likely that you just killed a boss/rare or opened a strongbox. Again, at least for me, most of the recently dropped items could not get picked up because my inventory was already full. (also a good example is a vaal zone: The VaalChest gets often opened after the group of magic mobs got killed and looted, so the vaalfragment is mostly the last item which gets looted) So long text short conclusion for hideout-option enabled but botting normal zones: Every Item you leave on the ground in your current zoneinstance is 100% lost (doesnt matters if its a unique or an mirror which you left behind)! Each rare monster / boss not killed before leaving for clearing up you inventory will not be killed! Each Strongbox / Vaalchest is lost! THE BOT IS NOT ABLE TO RESUME THE CURRENT ZONE WHEN IN YOUR HIDEOUT! SO ONLY USE IT FOR FARMING MAPS! Not necessary to say that you have no advantage either way for using the hideout when farming normal zones... Just wanted to say that because many people dont know that. Not because they are stupid but maybe because they never thought about that. I've also firstly realized this issue when i lost eternal orb due to that and i was luckily infront of the monitor ;> ______________________________________________________________________________________ Just want to note that this is not an issue of exiled bot but related to some stupid game mechanics!
  6. immo

    Steam support

    yeah the main issue with all these different PoE versions is that each version needs its own "support" at least when it comes to updates and you need to find new offsets/ptrs for each version instead of doing this timeconsuming work just once,,,
  7. immo

    Tapatalk support

    why would you host an IRC yourself? Just join any open networks already available (like efnet) and create your own channel i can supply some bots to claim the chan if needed...
  8. immo

    Main Launcher INFECTECTED!!?

    c'mon it was kinda amusing
  9. i mean to be honest... i dont really care but does it really makes any difference if the topic is pinned or the postcreator ups his thread every few hours? which order? and that way a "spammer"? Ah, anyway just wanted to point out my two cents... i am out.
  10. yeah, i know aize, i am saying this again... but why dont you simply pin your topic instead of 'upping' your post several times a day? btw. free up for you
  11. immo

    Picking up items - Search pattern

    i have to say that i am pretty pleased with the current looting system. i dont have those looping issue the op stated and my feeling for the last weeks was that looting was improved cuz it feels like eb picks up stuff way faster for me. ofcurse the issue where the ui-labels change position wheN to many items are on the ground is still around... Ofcurse i need to say that i have completly dropped all my IIQ for IIR lately...
  12. I just did the changes to the uncompiled version, so you need to download both .ahk files and run the Poe MultiScript.ahk! That's exactly what i did ...and yeah it was 4 references
  13. i am bored, lets just cure ebola for now. Maybe i continue curing aids later this morning! :o

  14. As long as Guru has not updated his source, you can use this fork. AutoLogout should be working in this version. (updated the offsets for AutoLogout, nothing else was changed)
  15. immo

    Automatically stagger the botting?...

    some sneaky dualist gave me the hint to check the script section every now and then in the next few weeks...
  16. immo

    Chicken to char select?

    You need to change the coordinate on the chicken to exit to character select instead of exit to login. open your coordinates.cfg find "exit_to_login_button_y" add 20 to that value
  17. immo

    Bot Wont Close Stash

    you should bind your "close all panels" hotkey back to the original keybinding (space)!
  18. immo

    Online Bot Feature

    you should try PoE_MultiScript
  19. maybe these 2 pointers can help you improving your script: (simply copy/paste the following code to your Cheat Engine) 1. Is logged in <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><CheatTable> <CheatEntries> <CheatEntry> <ID>2969</ID> <Description>"IsLoggedIn"</Description> <LastState Value="0" Activated="0" RealAddress="06DE6AEC"/> <Color>80000008</Color> <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType> <Address>pathofexile.exe+866AEC</Address> <Offsets> <Offset>580</Offset> <Offset>660</Offset> <Offset>9C</Offset> <Offset>7C</Offset> <Offset>4</Offset> </Offsets> </CheatEntry> </CheatEntries> </CheatTable> returning 1 or 0 (true/false) 2. LogIn Screen State: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <CheatTable> <CheatEntries> <CheatEntry> <ID>2968</ID> <Description>"LoginScreenState [ 2=LoginError | 3=CharSelection ]"</Description> <Options moHideChildren="1"/> <LastState Value="3" Activated="0" RealAddress="1B9F9DD0"/> <Color>80000008</Color> <VariableType>4 Bytes</VariableType> <Address>pathofexile.exe+866AEC</Address> <Offsets> <Offset>A0</Offset> <Offset>68C</Offset> <Offset>2C</Offset> <Offset>10C</Offset> <Offset>4</Offset> </Offsets> </CheatEntry> </CheatEntries> </CheatTable> returning: 0: MainMenu or Character logged in 2: Login Error (i.e. the window which pops up when entered a wrong pw and which needs to be "ok-clicked") 3: On Char Selection Panel <Address>pathofexile.exe+866AEC</Address> is the current basePointer
  20. did you even read my three lines? Hehe, sorry but is there really a chance someone could missunderstand the topic i choose? If you really dont know what Notepad++ is, here is the url you need: Notepad++ Home Sorry if i sounded a bit harsh but even without any knowledge of anything a simply google would have delivered the answer... To sum it up, this is nothing explicitly for Exiled-Bot. All it does, it supports Syntax-Highlighting for the pickit/map syntax in Notepad++
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