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Posts posted by immo

  1. And you're sure this one here is the best place for you to start?!

    My first "cocky" statement should really just make it clear that this project was indefinitely put on hold. At least for public...

    btw. most of us have even taken the trouble to at least fly over all pages.

    Nonetheless, welcome at this forum ;>

    Currently there is no downloadlink to any recent version!

  2. What happens if the bot runs out of portal scrolls in inventory while picking up scrolls is disabled?

    Bot uses the old chicken method like it was before the TP Patch.

    Permanently stuck in town after portal back to town from docks, happened twice. It happened even when I turned stashing off.

    I get stuck for several times in Town Act 3 too but I am not using the TP method, I am still using the chicken method. Always getting stuck in the nearby area of that NPC Maramoa.

  3. eheh didn't see your request earlier, otherwise you could have skipped your "scripting" ;>

    I will post my solution here too since it's a little bit more "advanced"

    [*:o1b4s51n]F9 to start the magic

    [*:o1b4s51n]F12 to terminate the crap

    [*:o1b4s51n]linking of items is possible of curse

    [*:o1b4s51n]Script randomizes all "Sleep-times" so it should at least can not be directly identified as a script.

    Sleep, % Random(75,125)
    TrayTip, , >> Terminating the Tradechannel-Script! <<, 2
    Sleep, % Random(1175,2225)
    WinActivate, Path of Exile
    #IfWinActive ahk_class Path of Exile
    x = 0
    BlockInput On
    SendInput, {Space}
    Sleep, % Random(25,75)
       if x  
       if a_index >12
       SendInput, {Enter}
       Sleep, % Random(75,125)
       SendInput, {/}trade %a_index%
       Sleep, % Random(75,125)
       SendInput, {Enter}
       Sleep, % Random(75,125)
       SendInput, {Enter}
       Sleep, % Random(75,125)
       SendInput, {UP}
       Sleep, % Random(75,125)
       SendInput, {UP}
       Sleep, % Random(75,125)
       SendInput, {Enter}
       BlockInput Off
    Random(min,max) {
    	Random, out, %min%, %max%
    	return out

    [*:o1b4s51n]Copy the code into "whatevernameyouwant.ahk" and save it.

    [*:o1b4s51n]run your "whatevernameyouwant.ahk" & PoE ;>

    [*:o1b4s51n]write your tradechannel advertisement ingame just like you would normaly do (e.g. "$WTS UBERELITE Icetomb! c/o: 999ex")

    [*:o1b4s51n]press F9

    [*:o1b4s51n]script now advertises in all tradechannels from 1-10

    [*:o1b4s51n]profit incoming?!

    • Upvote 1

  4. othwise just stashing is cool like it is atm.

    I wont sign this for 100% ;> you're absolutely correct that stashing like it is atm is cool but that just has to be the start...

    ID'ing & selling rare crap will probably be the most efficient way to earn currency but just stashing rares makes the bot only run for about 30mins by its own. Then the bankslot is full and the Bot "pauses" the rest of the night...

    But I am quite optimistic that the devs wont let us in the lurch ;)

  5. Ajo, meine aktuelle Gruppe mit welcher ich Maps spiele schrumpft irgendwie die ganze Zeit vor sich hin. Mittlerweile sind eigentlich nur noch 2Spieler häufiger online, einer davon bin ich ;> Also nicht wirklich was womit sich >80 noch einigermaßen gescheit lvl'n lässt.

    Hat hier von euch evtl. wer ne Gruppe die noch nen lvl 81 ROA Ranger brauchen könnte? Oder geht es vieleicht nicht nur mir so und hier finden sich mehrere Spieler ohne gescheite Gruppe. In diesem Falle hab ich auch nix gegen ne komplett neue Gruppe.

    TS ist, bei Interesse, vorhanden!

    Joar, wer Lust hat darf hier schreien :P

    PS. Verrückt... der spielt noch selber ;>

  6. would be badass if you can have bot pick up and keep track of rares.. like you have a rare unid chest .. so i am not going to pick up another.. once you get a full set.. upgrade to 20% quality and vendor that for 3 chaos orbs.

    not picking up the rare baseitems you already got for completing the chaos vendorrecipe would result in a big currency loss. I predict that if you are just missing, lets say Gloves and Belt, you would skip about 20-40 rareitems for sure until you complete the set. I'm pretty sure that id'ing & vendoring 20-40 rareitems will result in a bigger currency gain then 2 or if upgraded 3 chaos. Currently you get 1chaos for about 12-14Alts...

    Not to mention that collection sets for the chaos vendorrecipe needs some free inventoryspace ;)

    Such features will be nice to have someday but I think there is much more important stuff to bugfix/add atm...

  7. With the current Release Candidate 2 of Version 0.10f TP'ing got added to reduce the amount of instances created. I think it would be best to develop this approach further! When it comes to that situation where you got a full inventory just use the TP feature and stash items. As the bot has indeed already noticed that it is due to the full inventory that it is doing a "stashrun" via TP it would be fairly easy to "continue" the last run via the TP not by creating a new instance.

  8. I wanted a more elegant way to reveal the itemlevel. Without any Chatinput.


    [*:19k5axya]iLVL revealing without any /Command input (except for items laying on the ground)

    [*:19k5axya]No more picking items up to reveal iLVL (except for items laying on the ground)

    [*:19k5axya]Itemname, Base-Itemtype & Itemlevel are directly displayed under your Mousecurser in an "ingame-tooltip" (working for items in your inventory, bankslots, equipped items & linked chatitems)

    [*:19k5axya]you can even reveal the iLVL from items laying on the ground without having to place them in your inventory first (This method works by using the /itemlevel command :x)

    How To:

    For items in your inventory, bankslots, equipped items & linked chatitems:

    [*:19k5axya]Hover your mousecurser over the desired item and press: "CTRL" + "C"

    [*:19k5axya]Itemname, Base-Itemtype & Itemlevel are directly displayed under your Mousecurser in an "ingame-tooltip"

    For items laying on the ground:

    [*:19k5axya]Hover your mousecurser over the desired item and press: "CTRL" + "X"

    [*:19k5axya]Itemlevel will be displayed in the chatwindow (just like normal)

    tooltip visibility:

    [*:19k5axya]tooltip disappears after 7,5 seconds

    [*:19k5axya]tooltip also disappears if you move the mouse more then 40 pixel from the initial source position

    Preview Footage:

    My solution:

    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
    #Persistent ; Only the user can kill the application
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    StringCaseSense, On ; Match strings with case.
    MouseMovePixels = 40 ; How many pixels you have to move until tooltip disapears.
    Menu1 = POE.iLVL-Revealer.
    ver = v1.3c
    ; Some various fancy tray icon stuff.
    	Menu, tray, Tip, %Menu1%%ver%`nrevealing your iLVL since 2013
    	Menu, tray, NoStandard
    	Menu, tray, add, %Menu1%%ver%, RemoveTooltip
    	Menu, tray, disable, %Menu1%%ver%
    	Menu, tray, add
    	Menu, tray, add, Reload, MyReload
    	Menu, tray, add, Edit, MyEdit
    	Menu, tray, add
    	Menu, tray, add, Exit, ExitSub
    #IfWinActive, Path of Exile ; May save CPU usage when copying stuff outside of PoE. Hasn't been tested.
    	StopName = 0 ; Stop appending things to the name.
    	GotItemlevel = 0 ; Just in case the script doesn't find the itemlevel
    	Name = ; Blank name (for now)
    	Loop, parse, Clipboard, `n, `r ; Goes through a loop with the lines of text found in the clipboard
    		if StopName = 0 
    			if A_Loopfield = -------- ; Checks when to stop appending stuff to the name
    				StopName = 1
    			if A_Index = 1 ; Starts a check whether it has "Rarity", as well as avoiding appending the rarity to the name.
    				IfNotInString, A_Loopfield, Rarity: ; Checks whether it has "Rarity:" in the first line. If it doesn't...
    				Name = %Name%%A_Loopfield%`n ; Appends the line to the name with a line break.
    		IfInString, A_Loopfield, Itemlevel: ; if it contains "Itemlevel:"
    			Name = %Name%%A_LoopField% ; There's already a line break left from before, so there's no need for a line break now
    			GotItemlevel = 1
    			break ; Stops unnecessary logic 
    	if GotItemlevel = 0 ; If we didn't get the itemlevel...
    	MouseGetPos, X, Y ; Stores the mouse position when the tooltip was displayed
    	ToolTip, %Name%, X + 35, Y + 35 ; The name is taken just to confirm what item the user is hovering over.
    	Increment := 0 ; Sets the variable to increment
    	SetTimer, TimerTick, 100
    	Increment += 1 ; When it hits 75 (7.5 sec), it removes the tool tip just in case of it screwing up
    	MouseGetPos, currentX, currentY ; Used for the below expression
    	if ((X - CurrentX)**2 + (Y - CurrentY)**2 > MouseMovePixels**2 or Increment >= 75) {
    		SetTimer, TimerTick, Off ; When the mouse moves MouseMovePixels pixels, it stops the tooltip.
    RemoveTooltip: ; exactly what it says on the tin
    ^x:: ; if item lays on the ground (not equiped or in your inv.)
    	#IfWinActive, Path of Exile
    	SendInput, {Space}
    	BlockInput On
    	SendInput, i
    	MouseClick, Left
    	SendInput, {Enter}
    	SendInput, {/}itemlevel
    	SendInput, {Enter}
    	Sleep, 100
    	MouseClick, Left
    	BlockInput Off


    download & extract the above rar file

    [*:19k5axya]save the extracted "POE_iLVL-Revealer.v1.3a.ahk" where ever you want & run it

    [*:19k5axya]when ingame mouseover the item you want to reveal the iLVL and press "CTRL"+"C" or "CTRL"+"X"!

    [*:19k5axya]F12 quits the Script

    additional notes:

    [*:19k5axya]I would be glad if some of you could test this script a bit. Although I'm pretty sure that everything works as intended but you never know ;>

    [*:19k5axya]If you encounter bugs let me know!

    [*:19k5axya]If you have any feature requests which should be added, let me know!

    [*:19k5axya]I really appreciate every feedback!

    [*:19k5axya]If someone discovers a more elegant method to reveal the iLVL from items on the ground » LET ME KNOW!

    latest update / changes:

    [*:19k5axya]16.10.2013: v1.3c (added function to reveal linked Chatitems! - working with the ingame tooltip)

    [*:19k5axya]15.10.2013: v1.3b (added function to reveal iLVL for items on the ground)

    [*:19k5axya]14.10.2013: v1.3a - initial release (revealing works for inventory & bankslots)

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