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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. alkpone

    ImTotalyDrunks huge dream-feature list

    Too bad for you, you have to spend 5min per day right clicking gray gems Don't have the time to reverse whole gem system right now, but I'll keep it somewhere in my head.
  2. alkpone

    ImTotalyDrunks huge dream-feature list

    Great suggestions here, thanks!! And it's always good to remind stuff that should already be done for months
  3. alkpone

    [v0.13b] stashing issue (video included)

    I watched the video carefully and didn't see the issue lol
  4. alkpone

    This smart pickit system seems scary man..

    Haha yes I understand what you mean. That's why it's still in beta test. However if you don't have the time to fully test and understand it and don't want to take the risk, just don't use it and wait for a generic public configuration file (and every bug to be fixed). Personally I'm using it for botting but still didn't made complex config file yet.
  5. alkpone

    [QUESTION] about Stash Logic and Official Release

    1) Bot will probably get stucked.. Need for a multi-tab feature 2) Yes commercial release is planned for soon but atm more stuff need to be done.
  6. Bot version 0.13b has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.13b Improvements since 0.13 : Offsets update for game version 1.0.1c. Parenthesis and || (OR statement) are now working in pickit. /!\ Read Again carefuly Pickit Documentation from default.ipd Before Editing It. Some Better Examples Has Been Added. /!\ Bot shouldn't sell anymore items we don't want. Now user can use a mod by its index in the pickit (if it is not in the ModsList.txt file) this way [modindex] == "value", ie. [587] == "30" for +30 int mod. Fixed bug : "Bot opens guild stash instead of its own stash".
  7. alkpone

    Crafting with orbs

    Nice try You forget to specify the Item we want to roll ^^. Behind this, need for a hard regex handling. Also logic handling the result of the craft to stash it or sell it or reroll it.
  8. Set min gem quality in pickit to 1 and put the one you want without quality in the pickit ?
  9. No I'm not quitting anything and I'm still working (a lot) on the bot. New version is almost ready to be released, so stay tuned!! We didn't expect to have a game version change the same night as we planned to migrate the old phpbb forum to invision. So we had much more work than expected and delays. However we almost did everything we wanted and the big botting party we are enjoying here will certainly run again on Saturday at the latest. Thanks to everybody for helping and being active. And big up to the Support Team !!
  10. alkpone

    I want my update now!

    Lol nice post, thanks
  11. alkpone

    Garena Path of Exile

    I'll see how Garena version is different from the international one. But for now please stop posting about it, I took in consideration that a new server opened and will try to find a solution.
  12. When bot stash them, they don't get stacked again ?
  13. alkpone

    Bot is vendoring, but not stashing after

    I'm fixing this bug for next release. Very annoying bug though :s
  14. alkpone

    OCR for Selling

    Very interesting, feel free to post your code snippet in the programming section. C++ is mandatory (!) Would be very nice car for now it's coordinates based and you have to finish all quest for the feature work..
  15. alkpone

    Bot selling orbs to vendor (CONFIRMED FIXED)

    Nice idea !! bool ItemSeller::NeedToSellItem(InventoryItemObjectPtr item) { bool sellItem = false; // If it's a currency just don't sell it if(item->GetItemData()->GetItemType() == ITEM_CURRENCY) return false; ...
  16. alkpone

    Bot selling orbs to vendor (CONFIRMED FIXED)

    Could we know what was the error ?
  17. Bot version 0.13 has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/sta ... Beta_v0.13 Improvements since 0.12 : [*:37mkrx32]Offsets updated for game version 1.0.1b. [*:37mkrx32]Fixed the (*******) stucked in Sarn Encampment making love with Haramoa / wandering around. Now bot stays focus on what he should do. [*:37mkrx32]Pickit fully configurable, see /Configuration/Pickit/Standard.ipd (open it with text editor). Only for Elite users atm. [*:37mkrx32]Old pickit is still working, even if you activate smart pickit (bot with work in parallel, but they don't "know anything" of each other). [*:37mkrx32]Bot is now identifying and vendoring items. [*:37mkrx32]Fixed gems leveling issues (bot doesn't right click anymore). [*:37mkrx32]Added the possibility for the user the define the min amount of scroll he wants to keep in inventory (keys "keep_id_scroll_number" and "keep_tp_scroll_number" from pickit.ini). [*:37mkrx32]Bot now picks again 5L items. [*:37mkrx32]TP To Town feature is now available for everybody. [*:37mkrx32]Bot is now doing stuff in this order: identifying, selling, stashing. [*:37mkrx32]Changed Act3 NPC for Clarissa. [*:37mkrx32]Bot is now stashing items every run. [*:37mkrx32]Area selection improved. [*:37mkrx32]Press F7 while bot is paused to dump your character's inventory in (/Log/Dump.log). If your item is not recognized by the pickit, send us it's type and ingame name. If your item has a mods that is not in the modslist, send us the mod's index and ingame name. (Thanks)
  18. alkpone

    Bot missclicks inventory and townportal

    Are you using non default windows theme ? You can try to edit coordinates.ini file to fix the issue manualy as well.
  19. alkpone

    Explications Smart Pickit

    Salut !! Je te conseille de bien lire les explication au début du fichier default.ipd. Les deux systèmes fonctionnent en parallèle, cad [Type] == "Golden Kris" == "Rare" && [spell_damage_+%] >= 50 && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= 20 # [stashItem] == "true" prendra tous les Golden Kris indépendamment de si tu as coché ou non l'option Loot rare items. Par ailleurs, la bonne syntaxe est [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "20" et non [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= 20. Il y a déjà de très bon fichiers de pickit qui ont été partagés par certains users sur le forum, je te conseille d'en trouver un et de te familiariser avec.
  20. Hey dude, did you improve this ? Can you send me the last version ?
  21. alkpone

    bot not able to start map

    Because of the lag, you should edit system.ini files and set: area_selection_click_delay=1000
  22. alkpone

    New Pickit feature - Missing items

    Thanks for report, I'll add them!
  23. alkpone


    Hey dude, welcome here Only Elite user get access to the passphrase. If you enter it, you'll have access to Elite users features.
  24. alkpone

    GUI-Configuration mismatch?

    It's a known issue already fixed on upcoming release Sry about that, you still can hack by editing coordinates.ini files.
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