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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. Bot version 0.94h has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.94h: Added Influence item detection (better late than never). Updated default pickit files to errorless ones. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95.zip
  2. Bot version 0.94h has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.94g: Fixed hotcool agent Garena TW login. Bot won't try to stash Filled Coffin in currency stash tab. Updated default pickit files. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.94h.zip
  3. Bot version 0.94g has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.94f: Fixed map opening for necropolis league. Fixed item level and required level detection. Fixed mirrored item detection. Added Tempest Shield, Envy, Automation and Call to arms auras. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.94g.zip
  4. alkpone

    cant in map

    0.94g version will fix it, it's gonna be released today
  5. alkpone

    Slack link no longer works / active

    Fixed: https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/zt-2g2f9gdo5-6DOHri8s6AwHkFL1fHYVNg
  6. Bot version 0.94f has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.94e: Fixed offsets for game version 3.24.0. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.94f.zip
  7. Bot version 0.94e has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.94d: Fixed offsets for game version 3.23.2. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.94e.zip
  8. Bot version 0.94d has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.94c: Fixed offsets for game version 3.23.1. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.94d.zip
  9. Bot version 0.94c has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.94b: Added feature that cleans viridian wildwood from affliction league. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.94c.zip
  10. Bot version 0.94b has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.94: Fixed gem leveling. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.94b.zip
  11. Bot version 0.94 has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.93e: Fixed offsets for game version 3.23.0. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.94.zip
  12. Bot version 0.93e has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.93d: Fixed offsets for game version 3.22.2b. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.93e.zip
  13. Bot version 0.93d has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.93c: Fixed offsets for game version 3.22.2. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.93d.zip
  14. alkpone

    bot dont work ,need up??

    Just released update:
  15. Bot version 0.93c has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.93b: Fixed offsets for game version 3.22.1. Exiled Bot Beta v0.93c.zip
  16. Bot version 0.93b has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.93: Fixed mirrored item detection. Exiled Bot Beta v0.93b.zip
  17. Bot version 0.93 has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.92e: Fixed offsets for game version 3.22.0. Added support for Corrupting Fever buff skill. Exiled Bot Beta v0.93.zip
  18. Bot version 0.92e has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.92d: Fixed offsets for game version 3.21.2b. Exiled Bot Beta v0.92e.zip
  19. Bot version 0.92d has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.92c: Fixed wardloop routine buff detection. Auras should be recasted properly in hideout after death. Increased item pickup speed. Exiled Bot Beta v0.92d.zip
  20. Bot version 0.92c has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.92b: Added Wardloop routine in combat tab (Use all flasks and swap weapons twice if skeleton buff is not found while in farming zone) Incubators are considered as normal items instead of currency. Bot now clicks on general tab from currency stash tab before using any currency out of it. Fixed monster rarity detection. Exiled Bot Beta v0.92c.zip
  21. alkpone

    Lifetime subscription canceled?

    Server was hit by esxi vulnerability in december, had to migrate and redeploy with a one month old database. See with kintaro to get your licences back.
  22. Bot version 0.92b has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.92: Fixed offsets for game version 3.21.0. Fixed friend/foe detection. Fixed minions detection. Fixed breakable chest detection. Fixed necromancer/undead detection. Fixed restart because of "no monster killed" issue. Exiled Bot Beta v0.92b.zip
  23. Bot version 0.92 has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.91f: Fixed offsets for game version 3.21.0. Exiled Bot Beta v0.92.zip
  24. Bot version 0.91f has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.91e: Fixed offsets for game version 3.20.2c. Exiled Bot Beta v0.90f.zip
  25. Bot version 0.91d has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.91d: Fixed offsets for game version 3.20.2b. Exiled Bot Beta v0.90e.zip
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