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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. Bot version 0.14b has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.14b Elite User: Don't forget to claim your keys on the Store. Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.14 : Offsets updated for game version 1.0.5. Bot is now compatible with both Vanilla and Garena versions of the game. Non-elite can now use smart pickit. Added Jarvis101's pickit file to the bot by default (http://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1274-the-1-ex-minimum-pickit/) Added a level restriction for non-elite (60 max). edit : link fixed (blood) !
  2. alkpone

    Bot isn't even opening?

    Anybody else having same issue ?
  3. alkpone

    Auto PoE

    Oupssssss.. sry about that ^^
  4. I'll try to implement multi-tab asap (still need some reversing to do it).
  5. alkpone

    [Petition]Add catacombs support!

    I'll study this idea of doing only a catacomb script instead of a whole map navigation system. Christmas holydays are over
  6. alkpone

    [BUG] 5-link detection not correct

    Yess, pretty annoying bug, I already got a solution to fix it in my mind. I'll be back to work on the bot tomorrow, so expect it to be fixed soon
  7. Bot version 0.14 has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.14 Elite User: Don't forget to claim your keys on the Store. Antivirus Warning is a false positive resulting from the bot's protection against crackers. Improvements since 0.13e : Auth system implemented. Now elite users have to login with their user name and a key provided by the website. Offsets updated for game version 1.0.4. Fixed smart pickit. (path issue). Bot doesn't attack friendly monsters anymore.
  8. alkpone

    Why the bot is not free for Garena?

    It's still being tested.
  9. alkpone

    cast aura bug

    I had this issue too, it seems to be caused by high latency.
  10. Bot version 0.13e has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.13e Improvements since 0.13d : User can now specify a key to cast a skill when bot can't open a breakable chest (to avoid bot being stucked). "open_chest_fail_key" from config.ini file. Fixed a random crash due to pickit. Added profile system. Status Tab now working. Added new window (resizable) for last picked items. Now bot is reading item name directly from memory instead of translating it to metadata. It means that any item set in pickit should now work (and not exclusively the ones from ItemNameList.txt).
  11. alkpone

    bot hits escape key over and over wtf please fix

    I never had this issue and have no idea about how to reproduce it. What is your config ?
  12. alkpone

    ItemNameList.txt isn't full?

    Yeah next version.... That's why smart pickit and new features are being tested by the Elite community.
  13. alkpone

    ImTotalyDrunks huge dream-feature list

    We don't use any pixel in the bot. I love when people say "You should do this, I don't see any difficulty, really, it's very easy!! I already did it in another project". Sry but you have no idea about the complexity of the exiled bot project and no idea about how hard it is to fit any new logic in the whole system, without breaking anything. But you are right, this shouldn't be so hard and wouldn't take more than 2 or 3 day implementing and testing it.
  14. alkpone

    ImTotalyDrunks huge dream-feature list

    Thanks for your suggestions. We already planned the two last features. Soon we'll be able to config skills, flask and even movement via a powerful, user-friendly event system. Boss running is just a new logic to do, will take some time but would definitively worth it.
  15. alkpone

    A twist in the place

    A pleasure to meet you TwistedDoc, welcome here
  16. This is the build I'm using for testing (http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/563103/page/1)
  17. alkpone

    Bot .13c rc crashing every 30-45 minutes (only on vm)

    Should be fixed in 0.13d
  18. Bot version 0.13d has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.13d Improvements since 0.13c : Fixed random crash due to pickit.
  19. I made some research on PostMessage and it looks like a pain in the ass to implement. And it seems like hover wouldn't work anymore minimzed or in background.
  20. alkpone

    Bot .13c rc crashing every 30-45 minutes (only on vm)

    Maybe this is the random crash I fixed yesterday. Try to disable smart pickit and wait for next release!!
  21. alkpone

    ESC after stashing issue

    Very weird, issue.. I never had it and I'm still figuring out how to reproduce.
  22. Bot version 0.13c has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.13c Improvements since 0.13b : Offsets update for game version 1.0.2. Bot now ignores id, alt, transmut and alchemy shards while stashing. Increased delays while identifying items. Fixed bug of Warehouse, Scepter of god and Imperial Garden not selected properly. Added a Status Tab to the gui (not working yet!!).
  23. alkpone

    Elite issues

    Yes I'm aware of this issue, we are very sorry about it and are trying to do anything we can to fix it. Don't worry, your donation is still registred on the forum and on the paypal account and you'll have soon your lifetime Elite membership again. The team is very sorry about that and we hope that you'll understand and be patient until we find wtf is not working in this shit. I'll try to promote everybody again manually tonight and tomorrow.
  24. alkpone

    ATTENTION. Problems with donation.

    Yes I'm aware of this issue, we are very sorry about it and are trying to do anything we can to fix it. Don't worry, your donation is still registred on the forum and on the paypal account and you'll have soon your lifetime Elite membership again. The team is very sorry about that and we hope that you'll understand and be patient until we find wtf is not working in this shit. I'll try to promote everybody again manually tonight and tomorrow.
  25. alkpone

    Request: Plugin Module Support

    Yesss very nice idea, I would love to do something like this. However it will take a lot of time to do and I don't have any experience in doing stuff like that in c++.
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