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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by MasterOfSilence

  1. what happens most of the time is actually 



    ||      B






    Y==Targeted Breakable





    The bot tries to target the Y breakable but it cannot reach it since the other breakables are blocking it...its seems like the *Button press on failed to break* only works when the animation to break something plays but it doesn't break..so therefor the animation never played and the breakable doesn't...break..so the animation doesn't play leading to the *Button press on failed  to break*


    This is just from waht i've observed..it may be flawed somehow but yey..just my imput

  2. i had issue like yours the bot would crash almsot always on the first mob..What i did to fix the issue was increase the cast time on Right mouse and Left Mouse..that seems to curse the issue for me...also settings a cooldown, priority, also set the minimum/Maximum target distance to max 20 min 1 for your Left Mouse button(movement) and 10 max 1min for incinerate..i was having issue with 0 0 causing bot to crash also. since it couldn't really get that close to the monster it just seemed to overload the process and cause a crash since it kept trying to get close.

  3. This is my first attempt at making loot lines but here goes nothin


    [type] == "Agate Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Agate Amulet

    [type] == "Gavel" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Gavel


    probably messed up but i think this is how it should look


    Here is a line to Chance the Gavel automatically i think


    [Type] == "Gavel" # [ChanceItem] == "true" // Mjolnir

  4. By the looks of it easy fix.. go into your config folder go to your profile that you're using..go to coordinates.ini scroll down looking for 




    try decreasing the y coordinates 1-2 points and see if that fixes it.

  5. What is your first language? there might be a forum for it here.

    As of right now there are Chinese, German, French, and Russian

    if your going to bot, Make sure that the bots always run on a VPN to avoid your Main accounts IP and bots/mules IP Mixxed up.


    there is no definative chance of being blocked...some will never get banned other will get banned @ lvl 10. Depends on how smartly you play.


    Botting 24/7 will definantly boost your chances of being detected since what person can stay up 168 hour straight playing (#) map(s) constantly without stopping.


    From the Looks of it admins tend to sit in towns and flag suspicious players constantly selling thing and rerunning maps for horus straight. My way to avoid this(hopefully no garuntee) is going to my HO and selling/stashing there.


    if an account gets banned you will have to create a new account.


    Second suggestion create mule accounts that you do NOT bot on that only get used to transfer currency to your main(make sure Mule accounts are also on VPN.)


    I like to use Softether VPN. it allows you to choose which connection to use andn you can sort by location/ping/others connected/Speeds/ect...Make sure that the connection you use only retains data for 2 weeks rather than permanently(i jus tlike things to be gone eventually)


    Also make sure that each bot runs on a Virtual machine/alternate computer since you can only have one bot per system/Virtual machine

    Check out This Post for more information about using the bot properly and efficiently

  6. Try setting your bot to go to a Custom Vendor..I have mine set up to go to Tora in my HO(since i was having similar issue with Clarisa)...when you do this you need to set the custom sell Button location and enter the the Whole name or the trader/Master. If you gonna set you bot to go to your HO make sure you tick Go to Hangout(whatever it is) in the Pickit page


    also make sure that when you make changes to your bot make sure that the bot is Stopped(Not F12) stoppeda s in you ahve to click start in the UI.. Then save and Press start..this kindad messed me up for the first hour or so i had the bot.

  7. sometimes when botting i will notice that the my bot has died 8-10 times in a row and when i look closer i realize that somehow it chaned to my alternant slot weapon resulting in deaths and losing entire levels of exp


    its happened 2x now in the past 4 days. each time on the same char(the only one i bot on)


    once 4 days ago andn again just 20 minutes ago.


    I dont touch ym computer at all and this still happens.

  8. I run a tornado shot ranger. Here are my settings that have brought up 0 issues for the past 3 days(new botter myself)


    One thing i found was making me crash often was that the bot was trying to cast a spell with the LMB when there was only Running ther. my work around was 2 things. Put TS on LMB and RMB with puncture in the middle for those pesky bosses. And set looting to Press Alt to loot...Greatly reduced accidental white in stash and also deaths have been not a problem.


    Auras on E R T. Q&W dont get used.


    ((rename to skills.ini))



  9. I farm docks 6-8 hours a day and i run into the issue of having no more portal scrolls frequently..I do ahve a handful of portal gems through my stash but it would be pointless to sue that since im not there to activate it.


    what Im suggesting is adding a *Use Portal Gem* option that would override the use of portal scroll(and save the effort of actually keeping them in stock).


    I was thinking it would be nice to have it in the Combat section under one of the Buttons (QWERT) or maybe even next to the (Keep # portal scrolls) option

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