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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by MasterOfSilence

  1. MasterOfSilence

    Slack URL outdated?

    Slack url is outdated cant access the server anymore on phone and laptop
  2. MasterOfSilence

    How do i make the bot sell items?

    Enable Smart Pickit
  3. MasterOfSilence

    Returning from a 5 year break from EB, PLEASE HELP!

    Advice as of now. Dont bot anything expensive high lvl accounts ect. bans are flying out VERY rapidly
  4. MasterOfSilence

    Crashes after several runs

    I fixed this issue. my bot would crash after 1-10 maps. I ended up having to completly reconfigure from scratch and ive been going for 5 hours straight now no crashes
  5. MasterOfSilence

    Currency Flipping

    I highlyh doubt there are any publicly know currency bots that are not scams. If it was public there would be people buying into them hard. Who doesnt want to earn X100000 ex in 1 night just standing in HO flipping chromes to chance to chaos to fus to ex. Any currency bots are private and kept tight lipped by those who have them. Or so massively expensive that you take one look at it and immediately call it a scam
  6. MasterOfSilence

    making bot team. 1 mf an 1 aura

    currently botting in teams is not supported
  7. MasterOfSilence

    Discord invite not working

    the link to the discord is changed everyh few weeks b/c Discord has recently starteds banning cheating/botting/3rd party channels.. If you have a paid/active license you should be able to access it in the private section. Do not share it please to prevent future banning as long as possible. The Link at the top of the page should take you to the private section which SHOULD contain a working/functional invite code. If it doesnt PM one of the support guys/gals and let them know its outdated but dont ask to be PM'd one directly. Just ask for them to update it
  8. MasterOfSilence

    Essences are not being picked up

    int eh pickit file remove the //(space) before all essences. They are about 20% of the way from the top.
  9. MasterOfSilence

    Burial Chambers

    Alk seems completely reluctant to fix this issue I honestly don't know/can't tell. Probably reaping in those sweet sweet The Doctors Cards all for himself
  10. MasterOfSilence

    Bot sold my equipped 6L perfect 30 quality disfavor

    always skin transfer something if its valuable so that its impossible to sell
  11. MasterOfSilence

    Good build for botting?

    Flicker, Wander, melee attacks, bow builds.
  12. MasterOfSilence

    Totem Builds

    find something else, the only thing I could think of would be have 2 keys with Totems(or how ever many totems you summon) and have a 5 second cool down on each of them with the same priority..
  13. MasterOfSilence

    i want ebtools

  14. MasterOfSilence

    Beach arena boss

    in the system.ini file look for exploration_distance=115 Try reducing it by margins of 5
  15. MasterOfSilence

    Bot not working - no settings changed

    I had that exact issue after the patch until I downloaded the most recent Version of the bot .74c which immidiatly fixed my issue. If it does not resolve it for you try rediwnloading and reconfiging from scratch(excluding Map/pickit.ipd
  16. MasterOfSilence

    Two accounts under different IP

    you'll need either 2 computers OR set up 1 or 2 Virtual Machines to Run under your Primary OS. You can Google how to Set up Virtual MAchines and there are guides in the Elite Section that are pretty detailed on how to set them up. VPN is best if you Go private(public are easier to keep track of and mass ban) and pay like $3 depending on the service. You can google good VPN's as well. For Botting MAKE 100% that it supports a Killswitch that stops all connections if the VPN server goes down. you don't want your bots both being on the same IP because the VPN stopped working for a few mins Now to get it the grinding bot set up under a VPN seperate from your main depending on What service you get could be as easy as install/Login/Start, or something else more complicated
  17. MasterOfSilence

    Bot keep running to the right a little bit then stop and repeat

    There probably was a Hotfix that broke things for some people. Basically the bot thinks its selecting the character and will continue so until offsets are updated... Add both of these are launch parameters for POE to prevent non-forced updates that may break the bot. --nopatch -ns
  18. MasterOfSilence

    Selecting stash tab... idling and loop

    Looking at the log for some reason the bot seems to trying to go to Tab 6 even though you don't have it enabled. No idea how to fix that. Try doing a fresh reconfigure everything excluding your pickit and map ipd
  19. MasterOfSilence

    Crash, profile change, stuck in map

    Profile Changer is a buggy feature, don't use it until Alk puts time towards fixing it...With this many posts about it im shocked it hasnt happened yet though
  20. MasterOfSilence

    Bot clicking outside game-window

    Try as a temporary solution, in POE there is an Option to confine the mouse the the window. Under Options-Ui you will find it all the way at the bottom right above Default loot Allocation.
  21. MasterOfSilence

    1-70 powerlvling

    You have it, its on the Bot itself. you need to configure the spell/skill your going to use. and then enable Progression in the Main tab, and your set. you need to babysit it some, and do bandits manually. Was removed recently. is no longer present
  22. MasterOfSilence

    New league Bot do not work

    The bot WAS working but the series of hotfixes broke it again. ALc should hopefully be back online in the next hour or 2 and get things back up and running
  23. MasterOfSilence

    The bot does not open vaal vessel

    Make sure Open Chests is Checked in the bot or they will not be opened. If its still not happening check if your inventory is full.
  24. MasterOfSilence


    The Bot works. Just make sure you restarted the bot(close and reopen)
  25. MasterOfSilence

    How to help the bot-devs

    I feel like after this much time of the bot being for sale Alk possibly has made/started making a program/script to try and find most offsets for smaller updates. There is probably a 2-3 hour QA period since MOST of the time when the bot breaks from a small update he tends to get an update out at about the same time.
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