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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by MasterOfSilence

  1. MasterOfSilence

    purchased lifetime license 2014

    i hope it was my post that fixxed it
  2. MasterOfSilence

    purchased lifetime license 2014

    the account name is case sensative when entering it.
  3. MasterOfSilence

    bot attact friendly

    any minions that are not summoned via spell(SRS Zombies, Golems, ect) ther bot will target and get stuck attacking if it doesn't have a despawn timer
  4. MasterOfSilence

    BOT stopping

    For the Stuck in HO.Town it seems like its an issue with Tab detection. i check my lastrun and see that the bot is stuck becasuse it thinks the chaos recipe tab is full when its really on the wrong tab (and that tab isnt even full) Current workaround is the set up a 30 minutes restartcmd prompt. @echo off :start echo Time to wait timeout /t 1800 /nobreak taskkill /im PathOfExile.exe echo Loop One goto start What I use.
  5. I run 20iIQ(+ 90 from biscos) and about 90IIR(+140 from biso's) and earncouple ex per 24 hours on a good day. Total..not pure. 2-300 chaos + about 1-140 fus 4-600 jewel and 1-3 divine
  6. MasterOfSilence

    bot wont finish breaches

    dont use flicker strike if your hoping to farm breach's
  7. MasterOfSilence

    (v0.71h) Bot doesn't kill frozen POE

    atm the best solution for this is make a batch file close POE at a 30-60 minute interval
  8. MasterOfSilence

    Bot-Networking function

    Bad idea. One bot banned, they all get banned.
  9. MasterOfSilence

    Current state of the bot?

    with the new pathing for cyclone it should work well but it wopuld be a little slow. I would suggest trying out sunder instead
  10. MasterOfSilence

    Team viewer or similar program with bot

    Teamviewer works fine but you could log into the account being botted via Pathofexile.com and check. You dont need a Licence for teamviewer Just get Ahk and use this script to close the Sponsored Popup. DetectHiddenWindows, on WinWait, Sponsored session, This was a free session sponsored by www.teamviewer.com. ;Wait for the sponsored session { WinActivate ;Make sure it is the active window SendInput {Enter} ;Close it. This window selects 'OK' by default. sleep, 100 WinMinimize, ahk_class #32770 ;Minimize the Teamviewer application (Computer list and the main control panel) reload }
  11. MasterOfSilence

    CURRENCY picked

    Because Currency Items cannot be controlled by the pickit file I already talked to Alc about this and he confirmed that currency items cannot be ignored via pickit file, but did agree that if there was enough demand for it he would invest the time into added the new currencies to the list of currencies on the pickit menu that can be ignored if checked. I made a quick paint image of waht I feel would be best in regard to space availiable vs options needed.
  12. MasterOfSilence


    Run bot without hiding inside another application, to many programs crash so its easier to jsut run normally
  13. MasterOfSilence


    Im getting mixed feedback but someone is claiming that other than Bandit quest in act 2 the bot works up to act 7 in progression but i have no way to test at
  14. MasterOfSilence

    Not Holding Down Alt

    I responded in the chat box.
  15. It might be possible, have the fire nova mines set to 15 distance and Hold button enabled so it keeps placing with detonate mine(if you use it) set to 5-10. make detonate mine priority 10 and fire nova mine 5 I think this will work, but im not 100% on this
  16. MasterOfSilence

    Bot Not looting Sorcerer Boots/Leather belts

    disable stashitem and just have Chanceitem [Type] == "Sorcerer Boots" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Skyforth It will stash any sorcer boots if you run out of chance orbs
  17. just stop using movement skills until it is completely working. its very buggy and my T10+ BV Farmer geets stuck far to much b/c movement skills
  18. MasterOfSilence

    Broken graphic

    try remaking the Vm or just port back to 7 if it had no issues.. Don't be a engineer .. If it ain't broke don't fix it and as a engineer would say "if it ain't broke it doesn't have enough features"
  19. The U button issue was resolved for me by disabling Quest tracking
  20. MasterOfSilence

    Help with Setup? Dies 50 times a Night?

    Upload some SS's of your EB settings as it might help narrow the issue down
  21. Try setting golem jewels to cast every 8 seconds(8000ms) and disable the golem check in the skill settings. and have the distance set to 60. Set the kite range to 60 andn the time to lkike 2-4 seconds and i think it will work fine
  22. MasterOfSilence

    Vaal Spark? Is it possible?

    no vaal spark/vaal gems don't work with the bot unless(it doesnt detect when it has enough souls)
  23. MasterOfSilence

    o.64b bug (I think)

    @ Sairanix this has been posted a few times. The Currency Solution is to disable Corrupt zone clearing and the issue disappears(bummer since corrupt zones are my main income of sacs). It also appears taht you issue is different from OP's. mrowen By the looks of it you're waiting on Alc for an answer. Try redoing your map/area settings also maybe try settings a specific vendor you want to use
  24. Make sure that you are running in windowed not windowed borderless
  25. MasterOfSilence

    Whats the best way to level up a new account?

    i leveled a flicker character from 24 to 64 manually in 12 hours and set it loose on dried lake for 24 hours and at lvl 79 started maping on it. Just level as you would EQ grabbing 2H passives on tree until lvl 38 when you can use Multistrike blasphemy poachers and hatred. I did Lake with The Cauterizer as my weapon until i started map then grabbed a 400pdps 2H axe and it eats through everything as far as i've tested it (T7 is a cake walk). has paid for itself j(about 45 chaos) already and i just started it on maps 45 mins ago until poe Kicked me and wouldn't let me reconnect till i got 2.4.0E installed...so no more botting for a couple Hr's till alc updates things.
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