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Everything posted by bonebox

  1. bonebox

    0.18b Portal Bug

    Yep me too keep finding bot with no tp scrolls left and seen it happen once just keeps casting portals til all gone
  2. bonebox

    Facepunch Bug

    Ze saw it use a mirror on a ring it had just identified, sounds like he's now thinking it might be something his end like a script is that right Ze? Found anything else out?
  3. bonebox

    Facepunch Bug

    That's a scary thought wondered why I haven't found loads! This will have come out of a mirrored items strongbox thank god Update: Ze said in shout that he actually saw it happen so rectract this possibility!! But will leave in there in case any others see mirrored items and automatically think it's happened to them. But we all need to keep a close eye now holy shit!
  4. bonebox

    Item stuck on cursor info

    Nice one thanks Alk
  5. bonebox

    A change in looting behaviour

    I've noticed when it starts searching for something it'll start in the right vertical plane but the label can then suddenly jump to the outer edge of a big stack like kokosoida's example (presumably a desync thing as Ze says) but it keeps searching on it's original line. Can happen too when there's a big stack near a wall. Also if there's a massive stack down labels can be vertically on the outside of the try_range*offset in pickit.ini so it won't go far enough it in it's cycle. The more points you have to search the longer it'll take = less currency per unit time. Is it not possible to read the item's label window coordinates from memory, they must be there surely? Then just click there - no searching no misses - way way faster and more reliable!
  6. bonebox

    Item stuck on cursor info

    Is it? It shouldn't be! Should just be alt. If it's ctrl as well better be careful near that delete key!
  7. bonebox

    Item stuck on cursor info

    Just saw it happen when it was selling, clearly what it was in this instance was it hadn't registered having the ctrl key down when it was clicking so it picked item up instead. Guessing that could happen when stashing as well. Then it'll timeout come back in with the item on the cursor still. Alk is there a check in there that the ctrl key is pressed before clicking? Maybe the timings are too close between the two? To be fair I only get this happen between 100-200 hours of gameplay total across all bots, but if it's just down to the ctrl key timings be nice to sort it.
  8. bonebox

    EB-Tools 2.4 bug error

    Hmmm not heard anything like this with EBT and can't think what could be causing it, works perfectly for me. The only thing EBT does is write to bot ini files and send keyboard instructions to start the bot, could be something to do with the new /oos feature though as that's about the only thing that gets passed to the game. PM Immo and I'd suggest also adding this to his EBT thread more likely to get seen there and will help others if it's something to do with setup when you get it sorted https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/814-v24-eb-tools-latest-added-feature-mapzone-switching/
  9. bonebox

    EB-Tools 2.4 bug error

    Weird does bot run ok without EBT? If it's the same then have a look in the bot's system.ini file and check what the AI clicks per second are set at, default is 10.
  10. bonebox

    Windows themes and coord misclicks

    Yes those are the coords for where it places the map in the device and where the activate button is (open is a bit misleading) Glad the theme switch worked thanks for sharing the required padding values
  11. Yeah like Pro says defences really need boosting. Plus I always go for attack speed over increased damage, better to hit smaller and more often I think as there's on average less DPS wastage on kill, more chance to switch to another target sooner, faster resets of leeching (so helps even more with vaal pact as you're topping up less but more often). The attack speed passives usually give a similar DPS increase as the lower phys damage nodes but also give bonus to ele too and more to chance to do anything that's "on hit". You've got no crit passives in there so resolute technique would mean you'll always hit and can forget about accuracy on gear. Leather and steel definitely worth getting for bot movement speed + defences and it picks up acceleration on way across. Take the crit reduction node too you're either side of it
  12. bonebox

    Windows themes and coord misclicks

    http://www.howtogeek.com/130138/how-to-change-the-window-border-size-in-windows-8/ though you'll need to experiment to get the right values. You could also try step 2 on here to run a Win7 Aero clone theme: http://blog.laptopmag.com/make-windows-8-like-windows-7 but no idea if they've matched the theme exactly in terms of border and title sizes. Alk: Can't we just have some coords in the ini file for the device open same as map placement and activate? Be a lot easier and will cover all bases
  13. bonebox

    Bot not putting maps into Maps Device

    Yes that's not a theme related issue like the thread alk pointed at it's the map_device_inventory x and y in the coordinates.ini file. Defaults are x=218 and y=279)
  14. bonebox

    [Maps] Getting more stuck then ever

    Completely agree. Alk: sry but same question again, why chicken rather than portal when it hits a timing limit?
  15. bonebox

    [Maps] Getting more stuck then ever

    Yep me too, though not having the priority prob gamenoob is, all fine on skills for me.
  16. bonebox

    Back and Forth Issue Poll

    Just caught it doing it again and had one of my "if you can't find the source then plug the hole" thoughts - could you not put a trace on it doing it (it'll be looping coords could track the last 20 say) and if it is then ignore one of the things it's trying to do for say 10 secs, like the thing it's currently trying to do! So it goes off and does the other thing and gets on with it?
  17. 1st rule of botclub is use EB Tools, 2nd rule of botclub is USE EB TOOLS

  18. bonebox

    helping people

    Totally with you on that Pro being an RMTer myself who got bored of the game about a week after first playing!!! Rule I run with is never giver anything personal and share anything I think of they could be looking for. If I've thought of it then 99.9% chance they have. And if they haven't yet they will so get ahead and cover it!!!
  19. bonebox

    helping people

    lol guys do you really think ggg can't afford $30 for a copy of the bot and can't figure out for themselves how it works, it's bugs and what to look for? They're devs man, they're as smart as people on here. Maybe I'm one of them, maybe I and others posting possible detection sources are disgruntled employees giving away what they look for.... :headfuck: The ban reports thread is giving a bit of info about what the average botter is doing, but they know what the average botter is doing anyway from all the successful bans they get. And it's not hard to figure out, but some people on here are not as logically minded as others and no one person is going to think of everything. They have a team.
  20. bonebox

    helping people

    That's making the assumption they can't figure it out for themselves I give them a bit more credit than that
  21. bonebox

    helping people

    That's where I see it the other way around - if we plug holes then sooner or later they'll run out of ways to catch us. If people stop doing non-human things then there's no way for them to counter that.
  22. bonebox

    helping people

    I've thought about this myself when I've posted anti-detection ideas but I come at it from the other angle; GGG are smart boys and are dedicating A LOT more time to detection than most here. If we've thought of something then chances are they've thought of it too, so more people that know the better. And I'd encourage anyone who thinks of something they could flag on to post it. If one person thinks of something that ggg could be keying on and keeps it to themselves and they ARE doing it, then everyone else gets their arse banned because that idea wasn't shared It's cat and mouse but better played in the open with mutual respect for intelligence I think. There's only certain things they can do, short of detecting other running processes it's all about how the bot is used, the play structure and the settings. If we make out bots look human they can't see us. they know it and there's nothing they can do about it
  23. bonebox

    v0.17C Bugs

    Did you notice I changed the border width to 5 (was still getting the occasional miss). What theme you running? Agree about the empty map. It should portal out wen it hits one of the explore limitsand mark as complete. Got a thread about it here: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2736-portal-out-rather-than-quit-to-login-if-an-explore-limit-reached/#entry17578 Alk says it should already but it doesn't do it for me so sounds like that might be a bug too.
  24. bonebox

    Mapping tip for extra IIQ

    Only noticed this the other day, everyone else probably has their finger firmly on the pulse unlike me(!), but if you run an unid'd magic or greater map you get +30 IIQ. So can take the 66 white's throw a trans orb on them then trade them up to 67's and you get unid'd maps with average 40-50 IIQ and only a couple of mods. Alright you don't know what you're getting into, but so what if you get the odd reflect (does that come on magic or just rare?) you'll just quickly chicken like a bitch out of them anyway If you want to keep 66s then syntax for IPD would need to change to: [MapLevel] >= "67" && [MapLevel] < "71" # [RunMap] == "true" Or you can buy a shit ton of 66s for next to f'all anyway if you want to stock bot and keep running 66s when it runs out. Do the buying quickly in bot and you've logged some trading too, win/win
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