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Everything posted by bonebox

  1. This is what we've needed for SO long Immo fantastic job well done!!! Not just for the new char levellers, but anyone that wants to leave their bot unattended and doesn't want to risk unlevelled skills (a big neon "I'm a botter" sign in my book!). Suggestion to anyone that uses this, I've a good idea of how much time he's spent perfecting this and ironing out any bugs before release - see that donate button in his sig.....
  2. There must be a subroutine for casting portal scrolls when something calls for it - open the stash, find the scrolls, right click etc. Why not just stick a check at the start of that routine to see if any of the defined skills are a portal, so have an "is portal" checkbox on skills like "is aura". Then it just presses that key instead of going through the casting routine. Maybe I'm being naive here, but that sounds like a 5 min job to me. No more time wasted picking (or more to the point trying to pick) the damn things up and no chance of running out
  3. bonebox

    19b looting system

    Yep same here
  4. I've noticed that sometimes when looting the bot misses getting things first time because the alt press seems timed in with the clicks and sometimes they must be slightly out of sync. You can see this when you have item highlight off and the labels flash on and off. This seems worse with 0.19b and I've noticed it stuck trying to pick things up with them completely out of sync not sure what's going on there. Why do that? Just press and hold the alt key when it starts looting and release when it's finished.
  5. bonebox

    Vaal chests

    Just to check - you know priorities are only for where skill ranges overlap yes? Bot always targets closest mob then chooses skill based on priorities at that mob's range.
  6. bonebox

    19b looting system

    It's not just that it's the speed, it's having to search for item labels still. Guessing you've had no joy with locating the item label's window coords in mem? Didn't someone say they knew where they were on another post? That sort it straight away
  7. bonebox

    19b looting system

    Is it me missing something or has the looting just been added to rather than changing? It still seems to do the vertical search but then also does the spiral search after 1 loop of the up/down? Can't see any variables in ini files for changing the spiral parameters either.
  8. bonebox

    new v0.19 bugs...post the details here dudes!

    Bot sometimes follows mob instead of attacking if click and hold attack is set on a left mouse mouse button skill. Think i know what's happening: at the point the attack is initiated, the mouse isn't over the mob perfectly, either through it moving or desyc or whatever, so it clicks and holds but it's going to do movement instead of attack. But as it thinks it started with an attack it doesn't release the button and hence follows mob around, maintaining movement rather than attack. Solution: don;t set any skills on left mouse you want to do a hold attack with.
  9. Absolutly cracking Immo it does exactly what it should for me Well done!! Not sure I get this why are you clicking on a skill point after it levels do you mean it didn't do the levelling you set it to?
  10. Excellent job as ever Immo Suggest a link across to this from a pinned post in the guides, this question gets asked SO often it's almost like a looping shoutbox script itself! And Alk, not that I wish to make this all for nothing for Immo, but it would make so much sense to have the same idea integrated into the bot
  11. bonebox

    Quest Completion / Coords

    Agree with kokosoida be a ballache to have to go and check everything each update. What would help for some a bit is I guess is having the 3 vendor coords available for edit in the bot gui then don't get forgotten and easier to tweak when needed. Or even 3 buttons in gui which allows just clicking in the game screen on the sell and it logs the window y. On the bot update front what would be really nice if anyone keen enough can be arsed is a script the would read an old bots ini files and update a new one's where the variables match. I don't think it's worth the effort but I'd happily have it if someone did it
  12. Waiting patiently for what I know's coming.... :)

    1. immo


      What is it? Share your secret with us... :P

  13. Cheers be great when you've got time. But yeah see your point, can you not use normal line of sight checks between char and shrine? Or even check for mob in a square cornered by the coords of the char and shrine and smack anything in there first on the way would be better than nothing
  14. Countless times watched the bot standing right next to a shrine it hasn't activated with a ton of mobs around getting the shrine bonus until the bot has cleared them all and THEN it activates it! So an extra variable on the main settings tab that defines a range which if the shrine is within then it prioritizes activating it over anything else (I'd set mine about 300)
  15. bonebox

    Need help with my skill attack

    Not sure what you mean by "where", it's a script can go anywhere on your system. If you mean does it need to go in each vm then yes?
  16. bonebox

    My opinion on Bugs fixing priority

    Agree these are big ones. Alk already said he's going to make looting his next big priority so fingers crossed on that. Back and forth I posted this on another thread a while back but have started a new one to make it clearer: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2955-back-and-forth-workaround/
  17. Just a suggestion in lieu of a fix.... I've seen it happen so many times and from what I can see it can be between any 2 destinations, be that item or mob or chest or whatever, so must be something in the core of the pathfinding routine. And it's definitely thresholded, if for example I leap over on of the turn points most times it'll just go on it's way. So: 1st: detect it's happening - track last 4 or 6 things it's headed towards and if they're cycling then it's stuck. 2nd: Ignore one of them for say 10 secs, that should be enough for it to get past whatever distance threshold and get it going again
  18. bonebox

    Need help with my skill attack

    Ah yeah sorry forgot it'll only upgrade maps it's going to run. Immo is working on a map upgrade system in EB Tools. Long as you have enough trans orbs your pickit code should be doing that, though think they might need to be in the same stash tab the map s being picked from
  19. Agreed: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2553-could-ggg-detect-clicks-per-sec/ https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2565-separate-out-clicks-per-sec-for-movement-and-attack/ Though this would sort the combat side completely then can just have a low CPS for movement: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2575-change-attack-from-multiclick-to-click-and-hold-to-improve-dps/
  20. Oh please oh please oh please if Dom runs are coming this is going to be sooooo helpful....
  21. bonebox

    Need help with my skill attack

    add && [Rarity] == "Magic" to your run line
  22. bonebox

    Need help with my skill attack

    Set your GS with range 0-200 and your LS with range 200-1500 (then it'll LS to stuff off-screen too, much faster). If you're only using LS to get to stuff might as well chuck a curse on hit in with it too
  23. bonebox

    Where can I get bot source code?

    Open source and commercial tend to be mutually exclusive other than maybe the linux world. I wasn't so much giving advice as a reality check, from the things you're saying sounds like you have years of work ahead of you. But you could be a whizzkid too so go for it! Think about what this program is doing though, replace the memory reading with sensor input and the game interaction with motor control and you've got yourself a full fledged robot control system. The fact that it's in a virtual world rather than the real is almost irrelevant. You're in the fckn matrix now man, hence my avatar the ultimate bot
  24. bonebox

    Where can I get bot source code?

    lol no offense meant here dude, really, as I obviously don't know you and your skills, but if someone can't think where to start on something as complex as this then they've got a hell of a lot of learning head of them As a pointer though three core things I think you'll need to research; reverse engineering, reading and understanding another running program's memory and path-finding; you need to detect and understand the world you're in and be able to navigate around it. After that you obviously need a lot of decision routines to deal with the things you find in that world and the effects it has on you. And then decide how you want to tell the game to do things about what if finds/things that happen, either by controlling user input as this bot does, or injection as others do. Alk's a fckn whizzkid when you think about how involved all this is. As I say tho no offense meant and good luck man, look forward to maybe trying your results out one day
  25. bonebox

    Setting skill ranges - a visual aid

    Nice find kokosoida, not seen that! Not quite right though as it's treating the range as visually circular, only true if the view direction was perpendicular to the xy plane. That's part of my point, some people naturally assume that the range is visually symmetrical all around the character, it isn't, and it's not vertically centered either. And the reason I think that's important to be aware of is using that tool for example you might set a skill range of 800 and think you've got the visible screen covered, then wonder why it doesn't seem to be working sometimes and perhaps not notice, like I didn't, that was happening in the upper corners where there are areas outside that range
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