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Bot not work ((

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2016-04-10 14:55:28 [info] -> Bot started

2016-04-10 14:55:28 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\ZLOu\Desktop\qaz\Configuration\default\config.ini

2016-04-10 14:55:28 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\ZLOu\Desktop\qaz\Configuration\default\skills.ini

2016-04-10 14:55:28 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\ZLOu\Desktop\qaz\Configuration\default\system.ini

2016-04-10 14:55:28 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\ZLOu\Desktop\qaz\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini

2016-04-10 14:55:28 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\ZLOu\Desktop\qaz\Configuration\default\pickit.ini

2016-04-10 14:55:28 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\ZLOu\Desktop\qaz\Configuration\default\flasks.ini

2016-04-10 14:55:28 [info] -> progress.ini file loaded from C:\Users\ZLOu\Desktop\qaz\Configuration\default\progress.ini

2016-04-10 14:55:28 [info] -> game ini file loaded from C:\Users\ZLOu\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini

2016-04-10 14:55:29 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:55:34 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:55:39 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:55:44 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:55:49 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:55:55 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:56:00 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:56:05 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:56:10 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:56:15 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:56:21 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:56:26 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:56:31 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:56:36 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:56:41 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:56:47 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:56:52 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:56:57 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:57:02 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:57:07 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:57:13 [info] -> Selecting character..

2016-04-10 14:57:18 [info] -> Exiting bot

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redownload and make sure u are having 800x600 window mode


there is a guide for first setup. its simple and 100% working. just try please!

Edited by antrox

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reset bot started the game with a resolution of 800x600 launched robot as an administrator running the game in a window to press the start boat and nothing happens in the log is written the same

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