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Looping bug when no wisdom scrolls available

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Bot 0.59d

Normal PoE - v.2.2x something.


Accidentally moved all the wisdom scrolls out of any stash tabs registered in the bot and out of the player inv.

Found that the bot doesn't like it when the inv is full of unid objects and there are no scrolls and spams the lastrun log stating that no id scrolls available.

It then proceeds to loop opening and entering new instances of the area set in the maps option, and then logging off. Within a few minutes it had created 8 new instances...


This is potentially quite detectable and should be easy to reproduce and fix.

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Im having this same problem, but ive found that the problem is caused when the bot stops picking up the wisdom scrolls. So I uncommented the line in smart pickit so that it will pick up and stash all wisdom scrolls and it still skips over them. The weird thing is, it doesnt do this every time. Some times when i start the bot it will run fine and pick them up. Other times start it with nothing changed and it will run a map and then when its done i can manually run over that map and all wisdom scrolls are on the ground. Just like the OP though, once it doesnt find any wisdom scrolls in the inventory or stash and the inventory is full with unid'd items the bot will just keep recreating the instance of the selected area.

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