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v0.56l Bot won't move after summoning Golem

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2016-01-27 20:29:10 [info] -> Bot started

2016-01-27 20:29:11 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Greg\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.56l\Configuration\CoC WB to BV\config.ini
2016-01-27 20:29:11 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Greg\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.56l\Configuration\CoC WB to BV\skills.ini
2016-01-27 20:29:11 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Greg\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.56l\Configuration\CoC WB to BV\system.ini
2016-01-27 20:29:11 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Greg\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.56l\Configuration\CoC WB to BV\coordinates.ini
2016-01-27 20:29:11 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Greg\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.56l\Configuration\CoC WB to BV\pickit.ini
2016-01-27 20:29:11 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Greg\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.56l\Configuration\CoC WB to BV\flasks.ini
2016-01-27 20:29:11 [info] -> progress.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Greg\Desktop\Exiled Bot Beta v0.56l\Configuration\CoC WB to BV\progress.ini
2016-01-27 20:29:11 [info] -> game ini file loaded from C:\Users\Greg\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini
2016-01-27 20:29:11 [info] -> Area reinitialized!!
2016-01-27 20:29:12 [info] -> Casting aura
2016-01-27 20:29:15 [info] -> Casting aura
^ End of file.
After the 2nd aura is Cast, the Ice Golem is then successfully summoned, but the log does not record this event.
The bot then just sits there... :roll:
Edited by Zionic

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^ This behavior is consistent in any map or zone.


Even if attacked the bot will not defend itself or move or take any action after summoning the Golem.


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by Zionic

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Yes, I forgot to add a log when bot summons a golem, will be added on next release.

I'm 99% sure that your issue is due to bot trying to cast an aura on a key that doesn't cast any aura or isn't able to cast the aura (maybe it's lacking mana or trying to cast a vaal aura..).

Try to replace your skills.ini file from default bot installation and to redo the combat settings.

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I can confirm this - also in 56m


edit: i'll try default and report back.


edit: Works fine with 0.56m default config.

Edited by killergate

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mine is funny when i log in and start bot it goes to storage and put some stuffs on it then goes to portal then after it teleports 5-8 sec it log outs then log in again and do the same process

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