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PoE on VMware?

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Currently running a VM on Windows XP, and I get an error every time I try to open PoE.

"The D3D device has a non-zero reference count, meaning some objects were not released"

Is there any known way to fix this? :(

Thank you for your time,


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I had several errors while running PoE on Vmware XP. I installed Windows 7 on Vmware and now it works very well. I think XP will cause you a lot of problems, just install 7.

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really? how come when i try on vmware workstation 9 i get flickering amd crash after choosing a character? running win 7 64bit btw

edit: nvm. read other post

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poe wont run in an xp vm. if u still can manage it tell us immediatly xD

win7 32bit works quite fine for most of the ppl here.

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just tested it. setting it up to 8 or 10 lets u kinda see nothing anymore xD

but doesnt matter for the bot. also couldnt see alot of performance improvements even with my crappy graphics.

something that would rly bring up preformance would be if the vsync would work in the vm. since as it seems it doesnt.

running at about 70-80 fps. which is obviously not vsynced.

is there any solution to maybe tell the vm its running in a lets say 30fps screen and therefore max fps would be 30? ;)

or foes the poe client have some kind of a max fps number? couldnt find any.

might find a solution later and post it if im successful.

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ok, did some researching and was kinda successful ;)

using a demo of Dxtory now. not sure how long it lasts since its a trial. but ill find that out xD

working best for me if i start dxtory and then start poe. the process should be recognised automatically then.

after ur running dxtory on the correct process go to the "hotkey" section and disable "use default setting".

stay in the "hotkey" section and clean all the hotkeys. so nothin unexpected is happening while the bot is running.

go to the "advanced" section and also disable the "use default setting" there if its enabled.

now set the "limit video fps" to whatever u want.

30 worked best for me. not sure why but at 15 the graphic card is using more power again ;)

just try it out whats working fine for u.

IMPORTANT: switch off the "vsync" in the poe client options. since its not needed anymore but might still consume power or messes up with the dxtory settings. those are just guesses. but since u dont need it anymore just switch it off to prevent problems which are just useless.

hope some ppl got use for that. for me at least its a big boost. saving more than 50% of graphics power compared without dxtory.

EDIT: it seems like the gpu usage is a bit crazy now.

sometimes about 50-70% and then sometimes just 10-20%. anyone knows what the problem might be?

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Some nice tips here, i try when ive got my vpn :)

I try switch Off Vsync, ive got around 8% use normaly and its up to 22% when iswitch off this option

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Just in case, if anyone here is running a 32bit windows VM on a 64bit system you are wasting efficiency. If you care about performance USE ONLY 64bit whenever possible!!

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@ zantetsu

my tip to switch off vsync only applies in combination with Dxtory ofc. otherwise vsync is doing its job. not that good within the vm, but atleast dropping fps to something ;)

@ crusnik

ur able to explain that a bit more precise? and how big is the difference actually while running a 32bit vm on a 64bit host?

sry for being sceptic, but alot of gamers actually got no clue what theyr talking about ;)

like when i tried to find an fps limiter i was reading too many forums were ppl just stated fps limiters are crap since u definatly need 120fps+ cause u can feel the difference. instaed they could just helped ppl out since limiting fps u arent doing cause u want extreme performance lol.

mostly to save gpu power.

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@ crusnik

ur able to explain that a bit more precise? and how big is the difference actually while running a 32bit vm on a 64bit host?

sry for being sceptic, but alot of gamers actually got no clue what theyr talking about ;)

Well, in general 64bit can be more performant since it uses 64bit registries instead of 32bit ones. However the actual program must (a) make use of those and (b) require such large registries... there's no point if the processed data can be fit into 32bit registries even when it can handle 64bit ones.

Now coming to Windows. I tend to think - not really sure since I don't do much with Windows - that Win 7 profits from 64bit in general. The drawback is, that it also requires more ram. How much more, I don't know. On Linux it's not very noticeable.

PoE is a different story. It's a 32bit program so it can't make use of the 64bit registries. So first thought would be, that it can't profit from a 64bit VM. However that assumption is wrong in certain scenarios. The most common effect people know about that comes from 64bit is that you can use more ram.

So while Windows will require more ram running 64bit it means it can use more than the 4GB in total. PoE is still bound to the 32bit limit (= max. 4GB ram). So if you can provide more than 4 GB of ram to your VM, you will profit from it in the end as Windows will take it's share of the Ram and PoE still has up to 4GB ram available (not sure how much PoE actually requires and how much it caches....)

So I'd say that when you can provision your VM with more than 4GB ram you should go for the 64bit VM.

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thx for those infos username1001101:

thats what i actually guessed. there is no use for 64bit at all while botting poe.

1. 32bit vs 64bit uses kinda doubled ram. 500mb and 1gb

2. since poe on my bot needs about 400-500mb ram when starting i highly doubt it gets higher than 4gb while playing ;)

anyways just gave the vm 2gb ram to use. would feel it if thats not enough xD

the main reason for me going 32bit was actually the less os ram used. but with 2gb i could also go 64bit windows 7 since poe doesnt rly need more than 1gb while in use i guess. actually just not switching cause 32bit running fine and there is no advantage.

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Now coming to Windows. I tend to think - not really sure since I don't do much with Windows - that Win 7 profits from 64bit in general. The drawback is, that it also requires more ram. How much more, I don't know. On Linux it's not very noticeable.

The RAM usage is slightly higher then a XP32 install, but i dont think it would be higher then a win7x32. I haven't tried anything less then 2gb of ram in a VM. For me POE takes about 1.1-1.4GB of memory during usage according to task manager. I assign my VM's 4GB each but they only use up to 1.8GB, usually only 1.65GB. I cant see that being much lower in a 32bit VM. (but maybe it is...)

PoE is a different story. It's a 32bit program so it can't make use of the 64bit registries. So first thought would be, that it can't profit from a 64bit VM. However that assumption is wrong in certain scenarios...

Yes POE is definitely a 32bit program, however performance is better because the CPU is being used more efficiently when the OS its running on is 64bit. Its possible you may find that the game puts the same load on both x32 and x64 systems (depending on hardware) but these VMs are CPU dependant so the less CPU activity the OS requires the better. POE + OS = total. When running multiple VM's on one CPU this thing makes a difference!

If you're running 1 VM or are running fine already its probably not worth it, but if you find its close to perfect but not quite (or run 2) it might help the extra bit.

Also my interest is to make use of as much ram as possible! if you want pure ram saving its likely 32bit is best, although my VM always uses less then 2GB. I run my 2 VM's on an SSD that is dedicated to them, so if your running off a really slow drive these kinds of optimizations probably wont help you.

I am trying to run PoE on VirtualBox...

VirtualBox doesn't support the 3D stuff we require for now. VMware is the only one that does i believe, for now.

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@alanmaxz you can press F1 to get the FPS graph up in game to reduce the flickering/brighness issue.


Or you can install Vmware workstation 7.1.3 to get rid of the problem. It's a bug with new VM versions.

Edited by Ash
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A year later...


Path of Exile on Vmware Workstation 10.0.1 with Windows 7 as guest (32-bit, ultimate): Getting numerous errors about "out of video memory" in most game areas :(


Edit and update: Reducing graphics settings to trash by editing the configuration file fixed it. Now running PoE in Vmware at 100+fps :)

Edited by PoEr

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A year later...


Path of Exile on Vmware Workstation 10.0.1 with Windows 7 as guest (32-bit, ultimate): Getting numerous errors about "out of video memory" in most game areas :(


Edit and update: Reducing graphics settings to trash by editing the configuration file fixed it. Now running PoE in Vmware at 10..


What config file and how?

Edited by Cherya

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Running out of video memory can be a lot of things, the OS your on, how well your GPU can perform and its memory size, etc... Please don't necro old threads, instead make a new one.. thanks!


Need more help? PM me.

Edited by Walt

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