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Exile-Bot Dead..

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This will be my last month paying for your service.
No real Mods/Supports on this site to help people, things aren't up to date. Perfect example pickit list.
I been waiting for a answer 4 days now on why pickit/exile bot isn't picking up chance items mainly Agate amulets an Gavel's.

You know how rich people will become if these items were being picked up an chanced??


With new chapter coming out for PoE I would expect the new items an ect to be picked up but I don't see that happening with Exile-Bot.

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perhaps you sould have spend 4 days trying to understand how the pickit works instead of waiting everything on a silver platter


all you have to do is go at the pickit and remove the // 

from this line

// [Type] == "Gavel" # [ChanceItem] == "true" // Mjolnir


so it looks like this

[Type] == "Gavel" # [ChanceItem] == "true" // Mjolnir

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I had a good laugh. We have guides, and we usually answer stuff in the chat when we are awake.


Actually once upon a time I used 4700 chance orbs to get a unique.


So lets say you get 1 unique every 4000 chance orb, and find 4000 chance orbs in two months. How much time has the bot wasted to pick up white items to chance? The math is terrible and in the long run you would be better off with converting those chance orbs to scourings then to regret orbs then sell the regrets for exalts. To make you understand it better; 4000 Chance Orbs = 1000 Scourings = 500 Regret Orbs and so on..

And in the meantime the bot would never waste time on picking up white items and using time to chance them. The time you will lose on farming time overall when picking up white items + chancing them is huge compared to what can drop in that time. So in my opinion chancing, is just a big gamble. Ofc some people get lucky, but overall not something I even would consider.


So not chancing items should actually let you afford any item you want. Aslong as you know what ur doing.


Learn the game and the economy before you make stupid assumptions. And also the questions you asked is already answered on the forum. The pickit list is YOUR responsibility to get as YOU like.


Exiled-Bot is the most effective Path of Exile bot on the market, and will also be like that when The Awakening releases. If you can't read the guides or experiment with the settings / edit your pickit you can only blame urself!



Edited by RaZe

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all i can say is you probably looked for support in the wrong place? some of us actually has active skypes too that you can find us by, we have a life too you know, we can't be around 24/7 and we provide support services completely voluntarily and we ain't getting paid for it, not to mention timezone differences. 

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i've looked into the posts made by tortose


and they have been answered with advice by members of the community


guess he didnt execute the advice he got correctly.

Edited by RaZe

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Chancing item works good here, and default pickit file is easily customizable and contains a lot of good items.

I don't see why you are whining. We'll try to simplify the bot configuration in the future, as most of the current problems seem linked to some misconfiguration.


And if you want some platinum support for special users like you, you can drop me a pm I'll add you on skype (can't cfg the bot for you tho) :)

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