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Bot Can't Click on Stash in Lioneye's Watch

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I'm new and trying to get the bot to work well enough for me to buy the bot but it's giving me recurring issues.


#1 The Bot can't click on the stash in Lioneye's Watch.

It goes to map, clears it out, comes back and goes sells, but gets stuck trying to get to stash. So it just keeps clicking back and forth around stash until I move the mouse myself and it figures it out.


#2 I'm botting as a Ranger, sometimes, the ranger just stands there shooting at nothing. Idles long enough then townportals home. Only with right-click skill.


The rest of the bot is working great. I haven't played POE for 2 years so coming back fresh with a little help from bots is making the transition a lot easier.


Thank you

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I have similair issue to #1. except i bot Ranger and farm docks and i frequently get stuck because it clicks the bulletin board instead of the stash in Sarn so it jsut sits there until i move the mouse so it can find the stash.

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i use win 7 classic with that tweak:


If you're running the Windows Classic (non Aero) theme, you need to change the window title bar depth and border width. Right click on desktop go to personalize click on window color and change Item to "Active Title Bar" then it's size to 22 and it's font to Segoe UI 9 pt. Then change Item to "Active Window Border" then it's size to 5. The defaults of 21 and 1 that you get when you choose the "Windows 7" aero theme are fine as this is what Alk's used when he's set coords, but the theme chosen makes a difference to how much padding you need.


Believe it or not this can make the difference between a hit/miss when clicking on things like the map device.


Of course you could always just switch to the "Windows 7" theme under aero so you're using the same as Alk uses for dev :) But I don't for minor system overhead reasons.


dont have anny issues with default bot settings, maybe it helps

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Windows 8, with the default theme but i changed my background to a picture which is centered.


Is that the problem? the theme? What theme should I be using?


Thanks for the responses. Finally home again. The bot works great for open areas. Doing really bad for tight areas, a lot of clicking back and forth and my character just moves back and forth in one area.

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