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PoE can see your browser history?...

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Section 22 of GGG's Terms of Use and Privacy makes me nervous.  Particularly subsection (d).  They can see what other URL's ive been to?  No wonder all my accounts are banned...



22. Collecting Information: Whenever you access or make use of any of the Website, Materials or Services, Grinding Gear Games may as applicable collect the following types of information from you:

(a) the IP address of your machine when connected to the internet and the domain name from which you are accessing the internet;

(b) the operating system and the browser your computer uses and any search engine you are using;

© the date and time you are visiting;

(d) the URLs of the Website pages you visit;

(e) information relating to the actions you undertake within POE;

(f) any Posts or Images; and

(g) any telemetry details (such as speed of your connection and how well POE gameplay is running) associated with your access and use of POE,

as well as any other information you may explicitly provide Grinding Gear Games in the course of accessing or making use of any of the Website, Materials or Services.



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Old news. But the reason why you lost multiple accounts is because you didn't use a VPN so you can blame urself again.


Deal with it. Get smarter & bot smarter. Use VPN / Vmware there's alot of guides / threads here on how to bot safe.

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Do you think we can bypass this by clearing our history? As well as using (I use Chrome) incognito private browsing to bypass this? I've used VPN's and VM's before. Sometimes vpn's will d/c on me, never had problems with VM's on the other hand.

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Clearing history has no effect on this.

There is no legal way for GGG to locally track websites that you are visiting. Its foolish to even think that.

"22. Collecting Information: Whenever you access or make use of any of THE Website, Materials or Services"

They are talking about nothing other than their own website.

However, since both, this forum and PoE websites are using google analytics it would be possible to track users. Google shows where people are coming from and where there are going to. But it would be most inconvenient and at least in my country illegal as well.

So if you wanna be very safe just don't click any links to official GGG sites in this forum in vice versa (haha). Additionally you can use different IPs and a private mode browser (or disabling cookies for google) on either of it. As for me (im not a hardcore botter), I dont give a damn about this.

Edited by ickehier
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use of the POE website (“Website”)


Obviously "Website" they referring is own PoE website. They can't see your browser history. They save what they can on their own server side. Like every other site, even mine, does.

Stop the panic.

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