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Bug in map farming from Hideout

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As it has been happened to many of us, there is a bug in map farming from hideout. After finish map, the bot come back to hideout, make his duty, take a new map and choose a remaining portal and come back to hideout and again and again until no more portals.


Thanks for the new feature anyway, that's awesome.



One more thing important about this issue:

When restarting bot, there is the same issue is the first portal in front of character has not been taken before. If the first portal straight from the stash to the map device has been taken before the bot is able to go to map device to launch new portals.

Edited by fantominus

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ive had little problem but ive been using the map farming hideout there are times when my map and my stash are both open while my chat is on typing only 5's.

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As it has been happened to many of us, there is a bug in map farming from hideout. After finish map, the bot come back to hideout, make his duty, take a new map and choose a remaining portal and come back to hideout and again and again until no more portals.


Thanks for the new feature anyway, that's awesome.


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As it has been happened to many of us, there is a bug in map farming from hideout. After finish map, the bot come back to hideout, make his duty, take a new map and choose a remaining portal and come back to hideout and again and again until no more portals.


Thanks for the new feature anyway, that's awesome.



One more thing important about this issue:

When restarting bot, there is the same issue is the first portal in front of character has not been taken before. If the first portal straight from the stash to the map device has been taken before the bot is able to go to map device to launch new portals.


Big +1. Doing everything I can moving around stuff in the hideout to make it work and just can't get it.

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As it has been happened to many of us, there is a bug in map farming from hideout. After finish map, the bot come back to hideout, make his duty, take a new map and choose a remaining portal and come back to hideout and again and again until no more portals.

Thanks for the new feature anyway, that's awesome.

One more thing important about this issue:

When restarting bot, there is the same issue is the first portal in front of character has not been taken before. If the first portal straight from the stash to the map device has been taken before the bot is able to go to map device to launch new portals.

For the first problem put the stash closer

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