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Prepared VM for Download

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I just can't figure out how to get this installed as a package. I grabbed a normal Windows 7 Trial from Microsoft and it booted up right away when I loaded it as an ISO, but then it also had a problem saying drivers could not be found.

Is there a step-by-step setup for this? I got VMWare installed and everything, I just don't know what to do with your files I downloaded. Should I be mounting certain ones at certain times?

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i dont rly get what ur problem is ;)

get vmware player - create new vm (use youtube if u dunno how to) - install any vpn/proxy in the vm - install poe in the vm (DO NOT drag and drop the poe folder from ur host)- be happy botting xD

also there are plenty of threads in this forum about how to bot in a vm

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Have to say tryed to use the 64 bit Win7 file as a destination for OS in Vm just won't accept anything but an ISO. Tryed mounting the file within deamon tools and still no joy converting this file to ISo.. Feeling tired and stupid here..lol

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while u guys are trying to download a prepered vm and fail to start it and whatever happens...

its actually faster to just download a win7 iso and set up ur vm on urself...

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OK now just to find a suitable VPN. ONes i have tryed require purchase a week/month later etc.. Anyone here with a direct link to a FRee VPN.

BTW guys reason i am actually trying to go the full hog here with VM and VPN is a LOVELY stable 9.0





Thanks DEv team. Now all we need is copmplete shadow melding and idiots like me wont have to scratch out their eye balls with all this VPM VM ho-hah...lol

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even with a full shadow bot u would be better of with a vm and vpn ;)

since u cannot have dual ip/mac address on ur machine i think.

but the shadow bot would give us the possibility to run as many bots as possible without caring about the graphics performance.

^would be a rly big deal for me.

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