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AHK script for saying "/oos"

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As the title says, my question is as easy as that. There was a similar tool in the EB tools or w/e that bs was with the ghost feature etc but that things stinks cause it creates way too many problems both with the bot & the client. 

Wondering if it would be possible to have an AHK script that would say "/oos" every X seconds.

Thanks in advance!

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Seems awesome but one thing I do not get is, do these AHK scripts not interfer with the bot itself? I mean there isnt a way to disable healing on the bot so it will be using both the bot's healer and the AHK-s healer? Won't that cause problems?

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Thanks for the advice so far. I have 2 issues left which im trying to figure out atm. First thing is, the char opens global chat somehow(there must be some keyboard shortcut for that), the char opens up the party window or w/e its called that u can access by pressing "s" which makes no sense. Oh and last but not least, I found my character being stuck at the vendor npc a few times in just a couple of hours. I found that it was because shift was being held down in town before the npc for some stupid reason.

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