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Suggestion for the Developer about Offset Update and Improvement

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i have a suggestion for the Developer

In My Honest Opinion 

Judging from past experience everytime theres a new feature introduced to the bot, theres new problem arising

so what im suggesting to the Dev is this : 

Please dont mix Offset Update and Improvement

and to make my statement clearer i have some table to show what i mean



with our Current status, we only have 2 Ver option 0.17a and 0.17b

and both have major problem as seen from various post on the bug section




Now the IF part

IF the 0.17a was ONLY Offset Update we would still have a generally good working bot as seen from the previous version 0.16g


the point is, the ability to have a Choice, in the IF scenario we can Choose either : 


0.17a, working, minor problem, but no map support, no multi stash, etc

**hmm i can live without that improvement, id rather have less bug and not have to worry too much for my bot **


0.17b, working, lots of problem, but u have map support, multi stash, etc

**bug ? pfft i can handle those i need that frikkin Map Support finally !**


i hope this makes sense, what do u guys think ?

should i put some voting up ?

ps: i think with this the developer can somehow have less burden, because whatever new improvement they make and no matter how manye new bug introduced to the new version they can always tell the user 

**well if u cant handle the bug of a Beta-testing Feature, u can always use the older version**

Edited by hamncheese

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I agree with that, its all cool that maps will be implemented, but the bot is crashing now all the time (8-10 times per day)

I dont care not being able to bot map for now, Id rather have a bot that can do regular maps until its fixed. Having a beta one with crash would be fine, but there should be a version untouched that was working... Its been almost 4 days I think that the bot isnt doing a day without crashing massively or idling.

And the attacking ghost also happens very frequently...

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I agree with that, its all cool that maps will be implemented, but the bot is crashing now all the time (8-10 times per day)

I dont care not being able to bot map for now, Id rather have a bot that can do regular maps until its fixed. Having a beta one with crash would be fine, but there should be a version untouched that was working... Its been almost 4 days I think that the bot isnt doing a day without crashing massively or idling.

And the attacking ghost also happens very frequently...

yep same here .. reason why i started this thread

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Okay Hamncheese, looking to your post it looks very easy and obvious for sure. I would like to be able to do that whenever we want.

However, for instance, I worked during more or less two weeks on map implementation between 0.16g and 0.17.

So bascially I would have to first revert all my work since 0.16g, update offsets, release and revert back my work until 0.17, which I don't think it's possible to do (using git).

Moreover, some bugs are introduced by game update changes making some stuff working slightly differently or modifying how memory is used/cleaned.


I'm trying on maximum to work on new features just after a working without bug bot release, for the reasons you explained but sometimes it's just not possible.


Thanks for the suggestion this is very nice from you to try to help!

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Okay Hamncheese, looking to your post it looks very easy and obvious for sure. I would like to be able to do that whenever we want.

However, for instance, I worked during more or less two weeks on map implementation between 0.16g and 0.17.

So bascially I would have to first revert all my work since 0.16g, update offsets, release and revert back my work until 0.17, which I don't think it's possible to do (using git).

Moreover, some bugs are introduced by game update changes making some stuff working slightly differently or modifying how memory is used/cleaned.


I'm trying on maximum to work on new features just after a working without bug bot release, for the reasons you explained but sometimes it's just not possible.

what about making 2 seperate version

Version A

a bare-bone version, running the bot only on the minimum task, just for main usage

this version will never get any Improvement / Feature

this version will only get offset update


Version B

the version that you are doing atm



**anyone with more knowledge on C## please chime in, who knows, we might get some good alternative / idea**

Edited by hamncheese

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or how about this

the bot consist of 2 Seperate .exe

1. main routine / AI of the bot, bare-bone


2. addons (i dont know a better term for this)

the part of the addons will be the one holding the more feature, kinda like EB + Ahk atm

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It would indeed be lovely to see a "Release" and a "Dev" version of the bot.

Where as hamncheese says, when new offsets are needed, you update the "release" with new offsets, and release that.

All the while you do that, you update the offsets in the "dev" version, and continue working on whatever you're implementing.


That's at least how i use to do stuff when i'm doing projects. It works out best both for users and myself in the end, saving headache upon headache when stuff stops working.

For example, the way i had my skills setup in 0.16 no longer works in 0.17. My bot will ONLY use left mouse click. No matter the setup, no matter the insane restrictions i set on it (like monster amount in range = 10000, which will never happen).


It would have been extremely nice to just have the "old" version, updated with offsets.


But also like you state Alk, some changes to the game might affect the old version, which makes updating the offsets only, not enough to make it run.

You should then devote the time into updating ONLY those issues (adding support for the stuff that has changed), release, and then go back to the dev.


I'm not saying it's easy, and i'm not saying it's not time consuming, but considering that you're charging money for the thing, i think it wouldn't be too much to ask, to keep things seperate, for stuff like this.


Just my 2 cent. Again, if you ever need help on anything code related, graphics, GUI or whatever. Let me know. I'll gladly pitch in :)

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Nice ideas out there, I'll see what I can do.

ZeMagic, don't copy paste your ini files from one version to another and you won't have this kind of issue.


I'm very glad to see all these advises from your dev experiences guys, thank you.


If you wanna help on dev, you can make a pickit file editor in C++  or C# (bot is in C++ and GUI in MFC though).

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Nice ideas out there, I'll see what I can do.

ZeMagic, don't copy paste your ini files from one version to another and you won't have this kind of issue.


I'm very glad to see all these advises from your dev experiences guys, thank you.


If you wanna help on dev, you can make a pickit file editor in C++  or C# (bot is in C++ and GUI in MFC though).


I don't copy/paste my files.

I reconfigure everything from scratch when i download a new version, just to be on the safe side.


I'm a programmer myself, so simply copy/pasting stuff is not my style. Far too many hours have gone into bugtracking on that account already.


So i'm not sure what the issue is, but i will try to redownload and reconfigure again. This will be the 3rd time, so i haven't got any high hopes :/




Didnt see the last line there. I was actually going to do that, and release it.

I guess i could get started on that :)

Edited by zeMagic

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Didnt see the last line there. I was actually going to do that, and release it.

I guess i could get started on that :)


Hi zeMagic, I may be able to help you on your journey if you need help for the pickit editor. Im a C# developper and I'm interested in helping.

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