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Stashing/Waypoint clicking error/bug

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myself and many others are running into a bug with the stashing and the waypoint clicking.



the bot is clicking the stash tab, it cycles through to determine how many pages there are, then stashing anything in inventory that is needed to be stashed.


once complete:

It then closes the stash. upon trying to run towards the way point it accidentally clicks the stash again, which then thinking it is at the waypoint already, its trying to click its destination farm zone...


i have been told, that every so often it will fix itself up by re-logging. so there is a lot of down time while waiting for it to fix itself up after extended periods of time.


Feel free to add any of your thoughts here guys, and share advice to uncover some potential fixes. ive tried increasing the limited frame rate, it helps but its not a solid fix though

Edited by I_ShaunY_I

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With last 0.15j version, i've an issue when the bot come back from his "tour" and miss my stash and click on Guild stash. After that it goes in indefinite loop. It happens 1/3.


Could you please try to fix this issue ?



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strange that RC version didn't have the stash bug... was stashing 1-4 proper....


but latest version cannot stash more than 1 tab...

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