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[MBM] - Mobile Bot Manager

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Read First: If you like this idea please pos rep this post to see how many like the idea.

Hey there, so after seeing the "status" tab working great it made me get an idea. After botting runescape for many years I noticed a lot of scripters made mobile logs. How this worked was you made an account on a php portal. On the script on the bot you would input your mobile acc information and a nickname for that bot. The nickname was incase you ran multiple bots you could distinguish between them. The webpage was designed for mobile devices so you could make a shortcut link on your mobile device so you didn't need to code both a droid, apple, and php app.

I think it would be cool if you could do the same under the manage tab and have nick names for the bots.

Basically it would have a home screen with buttons for each nickname. Once you clicked it was like

Running: No

Runtime: 1d 3h 47m

Stash tab full: No

Loot: 1427 items

Chaos: 28

Exalt: 2

Fusing: 98

Alterations: 120

Helms(unique): 1

Helms(rare): 12

Chest(unique): 2

Chest(rare): 1


Like when I'm on the road with work or even just at school or running to Walmart it would be cool to check my bots loots. Counter resets when you close exile bot just like the status page will reset.

I don't know how difficult it would be to set a send code to the client but a start and stop button or even a regulated break system would be cool


run time:8hours

Break time: 2 hours

So it'll run for 8 hours then break for 2 hours run another 8 then break etc.

I typed this all on my phone so sorry for any typos/shitty English.

Edit: edited title to comply with rules, and added tags.

Edited by cynicz
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+1 for all of this. Most big bots out there have something like this, either fan made or built-in, however since Exiled Bot isn't even out (beta), I don't think they will waste the time to do this, but it should def. be done sooner or later!


I actually care more about the auto-break than the mobile App, making the whole process automatic would be amazing, be gone 1 week, and the bot would still go strong if set up correctly.


My 2 cents

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I thought about the same as I saw that the statistic feature is working.


The first stept would be to create a log of the found items.

Edited by Trample

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Another nice feature would be auto bot downloader on startup to download most recent version that's not hard at all

Also even though it's beta once they ER out the flaws the same bot will be the official release they won't make a whole new bot for official it'll run off the beta as the base (:

Edited by cynicz

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nice effort, but u can easily use teamviewer for full control of ur pc ;)


other than that i wouldn't mind having a different option :)

Edited by stef

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nice effort, but u can easily use teamviewer for full control of ur pc ;)

other than that i wouldn't mind having a different option :)

if you support please +1 original thread

And I can't always use teamviewer like when I'm at work/school/shopping. Not to mention it would take a lot longer to check via teamviewer counting in lag and response times. Teamviewer isn't automated breaking system. It would just be a lot easier with a manager app, and quite simple if their coder knows fluent php as the client side is already done (:

But for instance I'm at a work job in Detroit right now and I live in St. Louis. My tablet can't connect to this hotels wifi due to their firewall. So I can't teamviewer right now since I don't have wifi. Now is a prime example of when this would be great. Keeps all your bots status on one page (: (looks like I'm botting for a week straight :P lol)

Not bashing just criticizing criticism (:

P.S. I use teamviewer on tablet when I'm at hotels (:

+1 great idea

rep the original post to show support please (:

I may add a support list at bottom

Edited by cynicz

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Good idea, but it is not a priority. It is a good add-on to the bot, but there are much more important things to be done. Of course, if someone want to make fan-made version, I am sure that the ExiledBot community would appreciate it.

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Good idea, but it is not a priority. It is a good add-on to the bot, but there are much more important things to be done. Of course, if someone want to make fan-made version, I am sure that the ExiledBot community would appreciate it.

Hey man thanks for the reply! I never asked this to be put at the top of the coders to do list (; simply said it would be s great add on, not to mention if they made it elite only could probably increase sales if they had a mobile bot timer. Be nice if it was linked directly to your forum account.

Onto the other half of your response, be next to impossible to make a third party app like this as we would need access to the clients code to implement the get/post procedure to send it to php. This would be a pretty simple app to make and could greatly impact sales and customer satisfaction (of course we are all ready all satisfied haha but the sakes, who doesn't want more sales!

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Guest BloodyBeast

Mobile app is something we've been thinking (for elites only).

The thing is this can be done once we have more time but we need 1st to setup the communication lines between the bot and our server.

Once an auth system is done we can even provide something better (let's say having the app with different tabs for each bot instance or just merge all the instances into one tab).
Then we need to build mobile phone app...for windows phone, android phones and apple phones...

Which is 3 different things :)
Really it's a long job, we'll see that after christmas and new year, HOWEVER, it's something i was personally interested in.

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Mobile app is something we've been thinking (for elites only).

The thing is this can be done once we have more time but we need 1st to setup the communication lines between the bot and our server.

Once an auth system is done we can even provide something better (let's say having the app with different tabs for each bot instance or just merge all the instances into one tab).

Then we need to build mobile phone app...for windows phone, android phones and apple phones...

Which is 3 different things :)

Really it's a long job, we'll see that after christmas and new year, HOWEVER, it's something i was personally interested in.

Great to see it was somewhere on the to do list. It would be MUCH easier to do a php page that's dynamic so it fits every phone and tablet instead of coding apps for each phone type.

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