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New help with build please

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Hi, I just started poe.  I tried:

1. Enki's arc build (dies easily and can only do like t4 maps)

2. Ed/contagion build (hard to setup to use abilities properly so i gave up)

I'm kind of lost on how to find a good tanky build that is easy to setup on thr bot.  Can you guys suggest a build that could run t8 or t14 maps?  

Thanks for the help.

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The problem is not just the build, it's the idle and when the bot gets hung up on stuff. It just stands there and gets beaten on and dies. My suggestion would be a build with high regen and perhaps minions.. so they can kill things regardless of your characters movements. 



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Thanks for the suggestion but I thought summon builds don't work well with exiled bot.

If it does, do you have a link to a build?

I've heard of tornadoshot build but i think its just as squishy as my arc build.

Edited by yappin

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@yappin idk if you are still looking/playing but I have had great success with a simple EQ Jugg. They are super tanky and hit hard so you can do low-mid tier maps easy without dying

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